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Portfolio example: Data Matrix-Mills Research Matrix

EDCU 601
Instructor: Catherine G. Robertson
Submitted by Norma J. Neubauer
June 25, 2015
This course provides an overview of educational research theory and practice. Teachers will
design an approved research project on an approved educational topic. Prerequisite: nine
credits; admission to the Master of Arts in Education program.

This matrix has meaning to me. It was the beginning of the designing of my life for the next
year or so. The first time seeing this matrix I thought, This looks easy. A title for my paper
was not definite, but without a doubt my interest in goal setting was always a priority in my life.
It was the first time to type out, Researcher and then my name. I had no idea what lay out for
me to do after this matrix. In class discussion key words were repeated to help understand the
importance of research, design, composing and doing research. Action research led to
quantitative and qualitative methods. Action research evaluation based on its own criteria.
Using action research and identifying a problem, data collection and recognizing themes. This
was a lot to begin to understand and be serious about.
This artifact is a good reminder for me of how to stay focused on my students learning. The
format should be used more often as units are formed to be taught. To develop the major theme
and main question leads to sub-questions. Using the options of data source and setting this up
for students to use in their assignments completion would be gratifying.
Earning a Master of Arts in Education from Viterbo University has been a personal challenge
from the beginning. Taking each class and meeting the deadlines has at times made me wonder
how I would be able to complete the assignments. I have had new family responsibilities to take
on that began the same time as classes were scheduled. Throughout this time a professor was
kind, encouraging and very helpful. This class and other continuing classes have teachers who
believe it is possible to continue and accomplish goals for class completion of assignments. In
my own teaching of students yet to walk into my classroom, I will use class formats that will
benefit my students and as a teacher be there for those students to encourage them on to
accomplish their goals.

Mills Action Research Matrix

Name of Researcher Norma J. Neubaurer

Title of Study The effects of goal setting on High Risk Students.

Mills Action Research Matrix

Name of Researcher Norma J. Neubaurer

Research Questions

Data Source

Overarching Question
What are the effects of
goal setting on
alternative education
Sub-question #1
What are the effects of
goal setting on the
behaviors of alternative
education students?

Title of Study The effects of goal setting on High Risk




To be started after
students participate in
exercise to understand
long and short term
goals, one that is
real/attainable. Student
would set a date to
complete goal.
Students will use
journal to record steps
needed to complete the
goal. Student will be
expected to journal
barriers that they
encounter to achieve
goal. As time moves
on, student and I will
discuss if the goal is
being met. The goal
may be a personal or
academic one. Needs to
have a time limit to see

Research Questions

Data Source




Overarching Question
What are the effects of
goal setting on
alternative education
Sub-question #1
What are the effects of
goal setting on the
behaviors of alternative
education students?

Sub-question #2
What are the effects of
goal setting on the
academic achievement
for the alternative
education student?

To be started after
students participate in
exercise to understand
long and short term goals,
one that is real/attainable.
Student would set a date
to complete goal.
Students will use journal
to record steps needed to
complete the goal.
Student will be expected
to journal barriers that
they encounter to achieve
goal. As time moves on,
student and I will discuss if
the goal is being met. The
goal may be a personal or
academic one. Needs to
have a time limit to see

Sub-question #3


Mills, G.E. (2011). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher. Boston, MA: Pearson Press.

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