Arti Edcu 602 1

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Artifact Reflection #1

EDCU 602
Educational Research II
Dr. Catherine Robertson
Viterbo University
Date of class: March 10, 2016
Description of class:
Teachers develop and implement a research project under the direction of their research advisor.
The project will be presented during EDCU 604.
This artifact was chosen to show how data was collected from students I observed. This material
explained how students were tested, what data was analyzed and reviewed for. The data
provided information on changes noted for student attendance and behavior referrals. The results
from the data had to be reported and displayed. This part of the paper was used to express the
main questions to be researched. The whole process of learning how to write, gather material
and interpret the results was a new way of accomplishing a huge task. I did not realize there
would be this much input and sorting of material to draw conclusions from. This exercise will
probably impact my way of thinking positively through a project of this importance next time.
The paper was important to me and I did not realize that I was capable of making as many
mistakes as I did. I understand the data and results had to be reported accurately.
I am wondering when I read my students papers to be corrected if I will now be more critical of
the way they complete their work.

This artifact along with the majority of the sections of the paper completed really took time to do
it the correct way. When I waited to receive work back to be graded it made me think of my
students and their anticipation of getting a grade. Each section of my paper completed made me
feel closer to attaining the Master of Arts in Education degree.
Data Analysis
A pre-and posttest format was used for the learned student goal writing skills. During the
study the students were numbered one to four. Data were analyzed for changes in attendance
and behavior referrals. Student records were analyzed to inform changes in behavior with the
addition of feedback. Data from the pre-survey, term one and term two were analyzed to assess
individual changes in attendance and behavior referrals. The student level of goal setting skills
and values were collected in journal writing and observations. Data from the student journals
were reviewed to access goal setting writing skills. Classroom observation data were analyzed to
assess student behavior and verbal usage. Field notes were used by the researcher to record
correspondence between student, parent and guardian. Results are presented in graphic or
narrative form in the following section.
The purpose of this action research study was to investigate the effect of positive support
approaches to daily academic, behavior and verbal communication on a select group of
alternative high school students. Three research questions were investigated: (a) What is the
effect of goal setting on the achievement of a small group of secondary alternative education
students? (b) What is the impact of positive supports on student attendance and behavior

incidents? (c) How does a positive support approach affect student verbal and nonverbal

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