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Nicolaus Copernicus

By:Cristal Balderas

Personal life

He went to 3 different
Records that he never got
a degree
He practiced medicine
without a medical degree


Elements of Geometry by Euclid

In Judgment of the Stars by Haly
Astronomical Tables by Alfonso X of
Astronomical and Mathematical Tables
by Johannes Regiomontanus

This are some of his award In 2002, the NCU Library
was honoured with the medal of "Bibliotheca Magna
Perennisque" for its "contribution to Polish
In December 2002, the NCU Library webpage won
third place in a competition for the best Polish library
websites, in a research libraries category, organised
under the auspices of the Polish Librarians
One of his huge contributions is that he change the way we
viewed the sun.

Quotes To know that we know what

we know, and to know that
we do not know what we do
not know, that is true
For it is the duty of an
astronomer to compose the
history of the celestial
motions through careful and
expert study.

Interesting facts

His name can be traced to the metal Copper

He held the position of canon in church
He was afraid that people will ridicule his work
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium was a worst seller
He got a glimpse of his published book just before his death

Would I party
with this
I would totally do it. I feel like he
would make that night fun since
he knows so much about it.

Cause of die olr


He died of a stroke in
may 24 1543 in
frombork in poland.
He was just 70 years
He had not married
or had no children
He was devoted to
his life of science

Here are some pictures of this wonderful person-

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