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Brave New World

Chapters 7-9
Directions: Fill out this chart as thoroughly as you can to show the similarities and differences between Brave
New World and Our World.
First, it may be helpful for you to go through each chapter we have read to remind yourself of all the details and
list as many specific examples of things in Brave New World that we do not have in Our World.
Then, list examples from Our world that are different from Brave New World making sure to include specific
examples as support.
Finally, list the ideas, activities, whatever that occur in both Worlds. List page numbers from the book, and give
specific examples from our world.
Describe Differences in Brave
New World

Describe Similarities of Both


Describe Differences in Savage


Here, list what they do/have that

we dont. Use page numbers from

Here, list what we both do/have in

todays world and in the world of
BNW. Use page numbers and
specific examples.

Here, list what we do/have that

they dont. Use specific examples
from our society.

Ch 1 - Bokanovsky process
pg 36 smutty word mother/family

both worlds have children, just
born differently Pg 10 - decanting
Consider the following;

Work - They are basically bred to

perform in their job and enjoy
doing it
Class Structures - Caste system

Sexuality - Sex is very much

accepted and basically forced
upon the individuals at a young
Friendship - Not important

Work - Everyone works almost in

async to form a good society

I have a mom
I have a family

Work - You get to choose your

career and the jobs that you have
and want

Class Structures - High vs middle

vs low class based on money and Class Structures - Basic system
wealth and power
based on wealth
Sexuality - Not a lot of similarities
Sexuality - Seen as an emotional
experience and not to be taken
Friendship - Talk and gossip fin in
to society
Entertainment - Socializing

Friendship - very important in

society creates many things

Entertainment - Soma
Entertainment - Movies, games,
parties etc.

Attitudes towards Aging and

Death - There is no aging or dying
it is not welcomed

Attitudes towards Aging and

Death - Fear it

Attitudes towards Aging and

Death - A Lot more welcoming and
part of life

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