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I chose SMV2019 with the parameters as below:
The capacitance of SMV2019 diode change from 0.3pF to 2.22pF and voltage control change
from 20V to 0V, respectively

From the application note Varactor SPICE Models for RF VCO applications of SKYWORKS
company. We have:
The total capacitance, CT , is the parallel combination of the junction capacitance and the
package capacitance, C P .

With the parameters as below:

When I design spurline structure for 2.4GHz. You can see in the folder below:

When I add SMV2019 into the gap of the spurline. The result is as below:
You can see it => Tunable_StopbandFilter_Spurline_2.4GHz_SMV2019

We found that the largest frequency value is 2.016GHz. But, it is pretty small when
compared to 2.4GHz. However, the width of the change frequency is clearly.To reduce the
change of the varactor diode, we connect it with the capacitor C1 which have the very small
value ~ 0.1pF. It is connected in series with each other.
You can see spurline before it connected capacitor and diode
=> StopbandFilter_Spurline_2.4GHz_SMV2019_cap

When I design spurline structure for 2.4GHz tunable using SMV2019. You can see in the
folder below:

We found that the largest frequency value is 2.246GHz. But, it is still smaller when
compared to 2.4GHz. However, It have notivated when compare previous design. The value
C1= 0.1pF is smallest value which we have. The width of the change frequency is not
clearly. we changed the value capacitor of the diode from 0.55 to 0.31pF (from 6V to 18V,
respectively), so the frequency changed from 2.180GHz to 2.246GHz.
Have two problems which we need discuss together
- The first, Fmax = 2.246GHz is the maximum frequency when I design. I cant it
nearly 2.4GHz because the capacitor C1 = 0.1pF is smallest which we have.
- The second, the width of change frequency is very small because it is connected
in series each other. Ctotal = Cdiode // C1
If you accept the above problem, we will do. Otherwise, I can't do it because I tried my

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