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Barry Savva

73 Salisbury Road, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7EZ, 07473508738,

Online Portfolio Website:

Personal Profile:
A part one graduation and completely committed to Architecture with a goal to become fully qualified within the next 5 years.
Strongly believe that the building a person lives, works and learns in can make an enormous impact on their lives therefore have
a great excitement and desire to design residential, educational and workspace environments which focus on improving the
quality of lives. A personal passion being able to restore neglected existing buildings. The next phase is a year of work which will
allow the skills obtained in part one to be put to use and further develop preparing for the next step of the desired goal.

-BArch (Hons) Architecture, Nottingham Trent University expected grade of 2.1
Design Studio Module focused on creating environments which were functional but also had powerful atmospheres.
Technology & Environment gave a true understanding of how buildings are put together & designed to be efficient.
Architecture in Context Module was where my dissertation on restoring and filling empty houses was completed.
-Private School, American Academy, Larnaca, Cyprus
4 A-levels including Art ( A ) and Pure Mathematics ( B )
6 GCSE including Maths ( A ), Greek (A) and English Literature (B)


-Examples of my work:

3D Digital Model of my final design project Year 3

Important Experiences and Achievements

-RIBA Architecture Mentoring Scheme at Simon's Group, Lincoln
2015 2016
Worked with various employees of Simon's Group, discussed the importance of health and safety, the process of
design and construction as well as client consultation.
Visited their Zero Carbon project for GSK and understood the importance of careful planning on all parts of design.
Was given a morning task to design an extension of a primary school which I was able to come up with viable solution
under the time limit given, following the brief fully and taking into account the process of construction.
-Completed the Acceler8 Champions Award
Took a role of responsibility and mentoring of the new Accler8 students .
Was given the main role for the time management and organisation of the Accler8 students interview and
networking event which required quick thinking when given with the problems of late arrivals and cancellation to keep
the event on track and to ensure all 95 students were interviewed by one of the twenty employers.

Key Skills:
-IT skills

During my years on my architecture course I have used Auto-cad, Photoshop, Sketch Up ,3DS-Max and REVIT
a number of times and feel very confident in using software to show an idea.

-Communication and presentation skills

Having worked in a group a number of times on my course as well as being part of many different squads during
my time in the army I am capable of communicating very well with all types of people with no problems.
For my course I have had to present my work both alone and with a group in front of different sizes of audiences
on a weekly basis and now have great experience and confidence in presenting.

Other Skills:
-Leadership and Teamwork
Having worked in a team many times at university and in the military, I am very comfortable taking various roles
within a group. Organisation and management make me an effective team leader but have no issue allowing
another to take the lead role if they are capable & I will contribute fully to ensure the team achieves its goals.
-Discipline and Time Management
One of the main skills acquired from the army was discipline. I am extremely disciplined and never make a fuss
when given a task and always make sure to finish it on time and to the standard required of me.
-Bilingual , fluent in English and Greek
I lived in Cyprus for 8 years so have a great understanding of Greek culture and design which I can bring to the
table and I feel very comfortable in speaking to any foreign business partners or clients who speak in Greek.

Other Experiences:
-Cypriot Military as an Anti-Tank solider and Driver of Armoured Vehicles
2010 2012
Extremely disciplined and had a great relationship with all higher ranked officers and other soldiers.
Very motivated and committed and was even rewarded for being in the top 5 out of over 300 in the physical tests.
Showed great leadership when put in charge of a group of 22 other soldiers for 6 months and never had any issues with
any of these soldiers or with higher ranked officers.
-Volunteering in teaching Break Dance
For 2 summers I volunteered to teach break dance to a class of around 20 children ages ranging from 5 15 years old.
I had to organise all students into a routine for the end of the summer where around 300 spectators were present.

Interests and Achievements

-A member of the NTU Architecture society
I enjoy meeting and speaking to other people who share an interest in architecture.


-Completed the Acceler8 Employability Award

Had Skill development sessions in Time Management, Communication, Team Work and Leadership which I now
feel I am very experienced and confident in all of these skills.
Had a practice interview with professional employers to discuss my CV boosting my confidence.
-Passed my Driving Test


- Have a passion for Breakdancing

since 2008
In my second year at university was a member of Nottingham Trent FFC Hip-Hop Society. Was able to be a part
of one of the competing teams and managed to come 1st in one of our competitions and 3rd in the another two.
Most memorable moment was reaching the semi-finals of 'Greece has got Talent' in 2012.
-Greatly enjoy reading and watching about new construction technology as well as innovative design.

-Further Examples of my work:

Internal Visuals of my final design project Year 3

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