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Cross Business Area Working Group on Facial Im Minutes of the Meeting held on:- 414” April 2015, 13:00 16:00 Watson Conference Room, Durham Police HQ, Aykley Heads 4. Attendance Present CC Mike Barton (MBa) Durham Constabulary ‘Sean Willams (SWi) Durham Constabulary (PND) ‘Sean Byron (SBy) es (PND) ee 2) Johanna Morley (JMo) MPS Nell Akass (NAK) DVLA Lesley Couse (LCo) HPO ‘A‘an Gooden (Ago) Home Office ‘Mark Chadderton (MCh) GMP Wayne Collins (WCo) National Viper Bureau Andrew Webb (AWe) MPS Alistair MacGregor (AMa)_ Office of Biometrics Commissioner Nevile Hanks (NHa) Hertfordshire Alistair Thomas (ATh) Home Ofice ‘Ambika Suman (ASu) Home Office (CAST) Geoff Whitaker (GWh) Home Office (CAST) 2. Welcome and Introductions Welcome by CC Barton (chait) and all attendees introduced themselves, 3. Apolo Brian Douglas (BDo) Durham Constabulary {4.4 SBy — Bulk Submission of Facial Images to PND Update No facility for bk submission — action closed ‘42 Shaun Mallinson - To oreate a structured workplan on ‘Aigorthms/Tecnology, Aptitude and Training, Data Qualty and Standards Update — Workplan drafted and sent to BDo New Action 20150414/01 - BDo to circulate workplan to al members, = HO CAST to decide if workplan is stil needed 4.3 Mo - Provide a copy of legal advice given to MPS on use of automated facial recognition searching Update ~ Copy of legal advice to BDo Now Action 20180414/02 - BDo to ciculate legal advice to all members, ~ The legal advice was circulated by BDo on 16/04/14 (Ee —s 0) Update carry over (Action 20140420104) 45 MBa — Request HOCAST lead on the development modular facial ‘comparison course that can be delivered as an e-learning package. Update ~ There is an existing package for HMPO New Action 20160414/03 — GWh to investigate further - LCo to link in with CAST. 46 MBa - Request HOCAST lead on a number af workshops to scope out a roadmap and structured workplan forthe use of facial images. Update — carry over (Action 20140420106) 4.7 GWWh and ASu - Draft report for “Face Image Quality’ and “FR Algorithms land Technology’ are circulated to Group for comments Update ~ Circulated with comments - complete 48 All- Review the presentations on Quaity. Facial Recognitions algorithms and provide comments to GWh, ASu and Shaun Mallinson. Update — Complete 4.9 JMo ~ Provide a note to MBa on avert use of FRS in pubile places for Consideration on the best way to obtain guidance and governance. Update — Not drafted an agenda item - complete 4.10 MBa — Wie a letter to Alex Marshall regarding a link into the College of Policing from the ACPO Facial Group. Update - Complete 5. Aetion Log ‘See attaches log 6. Standing toms 61 Data Quality GWh and ASu informed the group that they had carried out an evaluation of Facial Searching on the PND. The results were in their raw form but should be available in tme for the next meeting New Action 20180414/04 ~ GWh and ASU to circulate resuits of the PND Facial Search evaluation for discussion at next meeting 6.2 Algorithms and Technology No update 6.3 Aptitude and Training No update but linkedin with 2018041403. 6.4 Standards No update 7. Presentations Home Office Biometrics Future 7.4 Dylan Langley & David Ashbridg Target Operating Mode! ‘A presentation on the above was delivered with the aim of supporting present systems and reducing costs. ‘There was a general discussion around the presentation, MBa stated that data standards was an issue being addressed by the Operational Requirements Board (ORB) brigading pre-existing standards. He informed the group thatthe fngings were published on the Police ICT website (policeict. uk). An innovation bid had been successful in funding the ORB team looking a this who were now further collating standards with a view that industry should work to these. The team were also working with Tech UK and ‘Minerva to further these goals, ‘The Biometrics team were asked if they had consulted frontline staff which they stated not yet but this was planned [MB stated thatthe Biometrics team needed to liaise and link in with this working group’ New Action 20150414/05 HO Biometrics team to be invited to future CBAWG meetings. New Action 20150414/08 Home Ofice Biometric to link in with the ORB. standards team New Action 20160414/07 Home Ofice Biometrics to link in with JMo, 7.2 Alistair Thomas ~ Home Office Review into Facial Searching on PND ‘ATH distributed the letters from Mary Callum and MBa along with his terms of reference. He explained he was looking at producing evidence based policy advice surrounding $84 PACE photos as facial images were not included with DNA and fingerprints in POFA and as far as he could ascertain were not even debated when the act was being discussed IMBa explained that, in the absence of specific legislation, the Police Service were appiying MOPi and DPA to retention of facial images, He went on to ‘mention good resuts from the PND functionality including the arrest of a man from murder from CCTV. MBa then circulated a paper that gave a sensible approach on the retention of images under MOPI and DPA and those who ‘were chargedinot charged or juvenile/adut. ‘AMla stated that as images were now on a searchable database it seemed aiguable that they should be subject to POFA retention rules. 'MBa stated that facial images were operationally diferent from DNA and ‘ingerprints and that the whole reason for PND, Safeguarding, added tothe argument of retaining them past POFA deadlines ‘SWi stated that there was also a differance In the way facial images were presented evidentially. Fingerprints and DNA could be presented via an ‘expert whereas facil identification needed to go through a whole other procedure regulated by PACE. [AT stated that he had a deadline for his report and he would present tat the next CBAWG eating Now Action 20160414/08 ATH to present his report atthe next CBAWG meeting. 8. A0B {8.1 JMo asked about the use of FRS in public systems and where the governance for these stood Ma suggested that the CBAWG wait for the report from ATH befors looking at images on other systems 9, Date of Next Meeting ‘After speaking to ATH ths willbe the fist or second week in June to allow for his report location and time TEC.

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