Seniorclasstrip Bonsuper3

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Brittany Bonsu

Senior Class Trip
-Event: Senior Class Trip
-Reason for event: To give seniors a
last fun parting gift before they go off
to the colleges they worked hard to
get in to
-Important people:
-Where: Lake Como, Italy
-When: Sunday June 1, 2015
-Resources:Wealthy Alumnus

-Workers needed 12 chaperones,

teachers and parents
-Outcome of events:
-Improvement for next event:

Dates- The plan is to stay for 5 days
and 4 nights, we head to Italy on June
1st 2015 at 6:00am, and head back to
MHS on June 5, 2015 at 4:00pm
Attendance- About 360 students are
going, only $1,240 per person. Plus
any excess money they would like to
bring. The cost of the hotel was
originally 360$ per night, the group
rate cut 15% off. 4 people to a room
(girls and boys separate)
Entertainment- Once we get to Italy,
we will check into our hotels and rest
for the first couple of hours and take
care of jet lag. In the evening we will
head down to the buses to go have

dinner at Ristorante Il Caminetto

Cookery Lessons the restaurant. The
first day, there will not be much
moving around everyone will be tired
from the flight. So we will go and learn
a few things about Italian cooking. The
next day when everyone is more
rested we can go explore the Lake
como on a boat tour. This is a great
way to see the lake and all the little
places surrounding it. The next day
the class will go mountain climbing on
Monte Grona the students will be
provided with protective gear and
given very detailed lessons on the the
technique of hiking. The day after we
will go cave seeing, learning about the
many caverns and what they mean.
On the fifth and final day we head to
the beach! There will also be an

option of scuba-diving. The nights will

be filled with food and music in the
hall of the hotel, most the food will be
eaten at the restaurant we went to
first because they have a variety of
fish and dumplings, pastas, and even
vegetarian food. Souvenirs and gifts
will be bought on the last day at Silk
of Como. Little trinkets, cards,
seashells, paintings, scarfs and more.

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