Medical Terminology Bonsu

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Unit 5-6 Medical

Brittany Bonsu

Auto Immune Deficiency-Illness that

occurs when the body tissues are attacked by its
own immune system.
The immune system makes antibodies that
attack the healthy cells instead of the foreign
Affects up to 50 million Americans
80 types with similar symptoms

blood accumulates between the skull and the

dura mater(thick membrane covering the
Typically occurs when a skull fracture tears
an underlying blood vessel
They occur four times as often among
males compared with females and rarely
before age 2 or after age 60.
small clots can be be treated without
surgery, most often surgery is needed

Contralateral-relating to or denoting the

side of the body opposite to that on which a
particular structure or condition occurs.
ex. a stroke on the right side of the brain may
cause contralateral paralysis of the left leg.
in the case of an appendix rupture, the pain is
not as intense when pressed directly upon than
when the side opposite to it is pressed.

Necatoriasis-infection by hookworms
(hookworm disease)
Found in the tropical regions of Africa,
southern Asia and Polynesia
HookWorms are an adult male parasite
Mostly found in men and children causing
iron-deficiency anemia
The hookworm attaches itself to the villi of
the small intestines and sucks blood, causing
abdominal pain
*looking for a safe way to treat, surgery is too

Transfusion-act of transferring donated

blood, blood products, or other fluid into the system

of a human or an animal.
This procedure is done when someone
encounters a severe injury, and has loss a large
amount of blood
Each year almost 5 million Americans need a
blood transfusion
The blood being used must be the right blood
type, otherwise the body fights off the foreign
antibodies in the blood
Type O negative is the universal type for all

Vasovagal Syncope-the body over reacts

to certain triggers(cause of fainting spells)
The trigger causes a sudden drop in your heart
rate and blood pressure
This leads to reduced blood flow to the brain
causing unconsciousness
Harmless, though it is possible to injure yourself
while going down (thankfully Allison did not)

Lingual Nerve-Branch of the mandibular

nerve division of the trigeminal nerve
Tooth Extraction is one of the leading
cause( usually the wisdom teeth)
Traumatic injuries are very rare due to its
location in the mandibular bone
Symptoms include pain in the tongue
85% of cases are resolved on their own

Oncology-branch of medicine that deals with

3 main types are Medical, Surgical and Radiation
They often work together to treat a cancer
Medical Oncologist treat with chemotherapy or
other medication
Surgical Oncologist treat by removing the tumor
and the infected tissue
Radiation Oncologist treat with radiation therapy

Visceroptosis-prolapse or sinking of the

abdominal viscera(internal organs) from their
natural position

This may arise without any symptoms

exists in all degrees are severity
Brought by loss of muscular tone
Bed rest is definitely in order, surgery is not
always needed

Meningioma-tumor that surrounds the brain

and spinal cord

most are benign(90%)

occurs commonly in older women
when it occurs in men it is usually in
3 layers (dura mater, arachnoid, pia
grows very slowly

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