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Thermal Sensor Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV)

Prepared for: Year 10 IT Assignment
Prepared by: Annabel and Bri
3 June 2016

Items called Drone:(titile) are corresponding with a footage clip in the accompanying

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1. Design and Background







2. Prototype design and production





2.2.1. DRONE


2.2.2. NODE.JS




3. Conclusion


4. References

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Over the past years, we have seen an extensive amount of people become lost or buried in snow because of
avalanches, snow storms and the like. Using drones, thermal imaging and artificial intelligence, alongside
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) signalling and node.js, we aim to develop a program with the capacity to fly
a drone remotely in a pre-programmed grid-like route across snow at the first sign of an avalanche.

By attaching thermal cameras to the base side of the drone, we will be able to detect changes in temperature
and therefore body temperature above the average temperature of snow and beneath snow. Artificial
intelligence allows the drone to move around objects in its path without direct and manual control. This means
it will be able to follow the specified route in majority of situations.

We hope that after these programs and UAVs have been implemented in rural areas and snowy areas that
they are able to be altered to form smaller portable drones for skiers and hikers to carry themselves incase of

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1.1. Theory
Thermal imaging is the method of improving visibility of objects in a dark environment by detecting objects
infrared radiation and creating an image based on that information. The infrared energy from the environment
travels through a lens and is registered by a detector. Thermal imagers can detect heat that has transferred to
the surface of the object. The current thermal imagers are based on technology that was originally developed
for the military. They were used to provide the ability to see and target opposing forces through the dark or
across a smoke covered battle ground. Currently there are a whole range of thermal cameras. They are used
for a range of different things. For work they can be used for measurement or professional security. In the
military they are used for military and defence as well as first responder systems. They can even be used in
everyday households for outdoor activities or just around the house.
A possible thermal camera includes Seek Thermal. This thermal imager is currently being used on IPhone and
android models to detect energy loss in homes, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. They can
suspect energy loss caused by air leaks, missing or damaged insulation and poor construction. The thermal
imager can detect hot and cold spots. In this case, thermal imaging will be used to locate missing bodies in an
avalanche. It uses advanced infra red technology which allows thermal imagers to be seen in day or night. This
model of Seek Thermal connects into the charging plug of a phone and is portable, durable and reasonably
sized. It is approximately 5cm by 2cm in size. This particular type of thermal camera can detect temperatures
from -6 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius. It has a 206x156 sensor and a 36degree wide field of view. It can
detect up to 1000ft (304m) but identifies clearly 400ft (121m). Currently there are a whole range of thermal
cameras. They are used for a multiple different situations dependant on surroundings and the temperature
needed to be detected. Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the field within computer science that seeks to explain and emulate, exhibited by
machines or software, some or all aspects of human intelligence. It is the ability for computers to interact with
the environment through sensory means and to make decisions in unforeseen circumstances without human
interaction. Artificial Intelligence is used in a variety of occupations to assist with needs. The beginnings of
artificial intelligence are traced back to philosophy, fiction and imagination. Early inventions such as electronics
and engineering has influenced artificial intelligence. However, some believe the end result of the technology
will eradicate poverty and disease, while others warn it could endanger human survival.
Currently, artificial intelligence is being used for medical diagnosis, robot control, law, remote sensing, scientific
discoveries and toys. For this project, artificial intelligence is intended to be installed into the programming so
that it can dodge past objects in the way of its routed path and realise when a hotspot is detected by the

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imager. This will allow for the drone to remain on its route without having to be manually controlled around
objects such as trees. This will decrease the need for work personnel because all that needs to be done is
keep an eye on the drone and its path as well as knowing when a GPS Signal has been sent back to the base
identifying a buried body. Ariel Vehicles (UAV)

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV), are aircrafts remotely controlled from the ground or by
a pre-programmed flight plan. Although there are different types of drones, they are mainly used for military or
commercial purposes. Military drones can sometimes be armed with missiles and bombs. The use of drones
has grown rapidly in recent years as they can stay aloft for many hours. They are considerably cheaper than
other aircraft and can be flown remotely. Unmanned aerial vehicles are generally pre-programmed prior to a
flight and are set to do a specific set of tasks.
There are many different types and designs of drones. The particular drone that will be used for this project is a
Hover Camera. This is a new drone that has recently been released. It is a camera drone that can track and
film people and objects in sight. Its propellers are fully enclosed by a strong carbon fibre frame which makes it
the safest drone. This drone is approximately 182x132x32.5mm and weighs 238grams so for future
advancement of the project, we aim that the drone will be portable making it ideal for explorers to carry it in
their backpack. Although this particular type of drone is all controlled with fingers and a couple of virtual
buttons in the mobile app, we aim to hack in to the drones program and control it through Node.js. This will
allow for a pre programmed path so that it does not have to be manually controlled.

Body temperature is a measure of the body's ability to generate and get rid of heat. Most people think of a
"normal" body temperature as an oral temperature 37C. This is an average of normal body temperatures.
When you are too cold, your blood vessels narrow (contract) so that blood flow to your skin is reduced to
conserve body heat. You may start shivering, which is an involuntary, rapid contraction of the muscles. This
extra muscle activity helps generate more heat. Under normal conditions, this keeps your body temperature
within a narrow, safe range. An abnormally low body temperature is called hypothermia. Low body
temperature may occur from cold exposure or shock, both of which occur if you are caught in an avalanche.
A person doesnt have to be in sub zero temperatures to risk hypothermia it only requires the environmental
temperature to be less than the body temperature and a person will donate heat to the atmosphere. If the
body can't stay warm by these means, it will start trying to decrease heat loss by decreasing blood flow to the
extremities to minimise cooling. The final stage of profound hypothermia is when the body has effectively
stopped trying to keep itself warm and some final steps are taken to avoid death. The heart rate and breathing

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slow so that they are hard to detect at all. Only one or two breaths per minute may be taken. The skin is very
pale and icy cold to the touch. The limbs are stiff, the pupils of the eyes dilate and are unreactive to light.
At a core temperature of around 28C heartbeat irregularities may occur, cardiac arrhythmias, this can lead to
an uncoordinated twitching of the heart muscle preventing it from pumping blood properly and so resulting in
death. Even if this does not happen, the heart will stop beating completely at around 20C causing death,
approximately an hour after hypothermia begins and 30 minutes after the first signs of frostbite.
After Death
A body looses heat through four methods; conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation.

Conduction: direct transfer from the body to an object that is cooler than the body (contact with snow)

Convection: air or liquid flow across the skin drawing off heat (wind will increase heat loss)

Radiation: electromagnetic waves distribute heat into the ambient environment (exposed skin will allow

heat to be drawn off if the air temperature is less than the body)

Evaporation: fluid on the skin turns to vapour, drawing off heat (moist skin will lose heat more rapidly)

On average, after death a body looses temperature at a rate of 1.5C per hour until the body is at the
temperature surrounding it, in the case of the snow, approximately 2C. A body's temperature will drop much
more slowly if the body has been exposed to extreme cold; such as being left outdoors, submerged in water
or icy conditions like snow. With all factors considered, there is approximately 6 hours to find the body after the
heart has stopped beating, a total of about 7 hours after the avalanche occurs. Positioning System (GPS) Signalling

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based navigation system that provides location and time
information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of
sight to four or more GPS satellites.
The accuracy of the position your GPS reports is influenced by a number of factors, such as the positions of
the satellites in the sky, atmospheric effects, satellite clock errors and ephemeris (orbital) errors. The GPS
signal contains a 'pseudo-random code', ephemeris and almanac data. The pseudo-random code identifies
which satellite is transmitting, an I.D. code. Ephemeris data is constantly transmitted by each satellite and
contains important information such as status of the satellite (healthy or unhealthy), current date, and time. The
almanac data tells the GPS receiver where each GPS satellite should be at any time throughout the day. Each
satellite transmits almanac data showing the orbital information for that satellite and for every other satellite in
the system. To determine your position the GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a
satellite with the time it was received by the GPS receiver. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far
away that particular satellite is. If we add distance measurements from a few more satellites, we can
triangulate our position. This is exactly what a GPS receiver does. With a minimum of three satellites, a GPS
receiver can determine a latitude/longitude position, known as a 2D position fix. With four or more satellites, a
GPS receiver can determine a 3D position which includes latitude, longitude and altitude.

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! Node Programming for Drones

Node Javascript is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side Web
applications. Although Node.js is not a JavaScript framework, many of its basic modules are written in
JavaScript, and developers can write new modules in JavaScript. Scripts are written in JavaScript which are
then passed to Node.js for execution. This way of programming was selected due to the availability of a simple
SDK for Node.js, and the simplicity of the programming language. Node.js uses an npm (Node Package
Manager) to install the node-at-drone package which provides the API and networking protocols for the
computer to connect and send commands to the drone. Once installed, a terminal can be opened on your
computer and a REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) file is used to instruct the drone through pre-programmed or
continuous manual commands during flight.

Read - Reads user's input, parse the input into JavaScript data-structure and stores in memory.

Eval - Takes and evaluates the data structure

Print - Prints the result

Loop - Loops the above command until user press ctrl-c twice.

With these materials you are able to hack into he drones wifi connection and control its movements.

1.2. Advancing technology in design

1.2.1.UAV COMPONENTS Imaging
Thermal cameras will be placed on the base of the drone. This will allow for the thermal sensors to detect a
body that has been buried underneath the snow.
The 5x2cm thermal cameras will sit inside the carbon frame. This allows for many of them to be used.
Since the cameras are only 5cm by 2cm, there will be approximately 9 cameras. This is so that there is an
accurate and faster detection of a buried body.
The cameras wont add a large amount of additional weight to the drone. As they weigh only 238 grams, by
attaching 9 cameras, this will allow for a faster detection as opposed to a large amount of additional weight. Programming
The drone will be programmed to fly in a grid. This grid will be approximately 500mx500m in size.
The drone is programmed from a system called Node.js. This system allows for you to manually code the
actions that you want the drone to do.

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There is not a particular amount of drones needed to cover the grid.It all depends on the charge of the battery.
The aim is to have one drone that lasts numerous hours. In the drone there will be an interchangeable system
that allows for the drone to change batteries when the first one has run out. This allows for more time to detect
bodies. If all the batteries run out of charge and the search has not been accomplished, the drone will fly back
to the base and another drone will be sent out in its place. That way, the batteries can be charged. Artificial
intelligence will assist in alerting the drone when it must return the the base so that it has just enough battery
to return.
Node.js will give the directions of the grid. The grid will already be programmed so that when an avalanche has
been detected, the drone will set out on its routed path. The thermal cameras attached to the drone can
identify heat as deep as 1000ft (300m). To allow for faster and clear identifications, the drone will fly at
approximately 1m above the surface of the ground. Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence in the drone will allow for the drone to fly at its routed path but be able to dodge
objects that get in its way, for example trees.
Once a body has been detected, the GPS will send an alert to the members at the base. This GPS will have a
location of where the drone and body is. Emergency services will set out to the drone and body to rescue.

Currently these are ideas for the future of the project. Our aim is to incorporate these features into the drone to
make it more assistive and enhanced for prospective users.


2.1. Design
Alongside the programming of the UAV, we designed and printed a prototype considering the specifications
required in the drone. Using Tinkercad, we modelled a 3D drone with thermal cameras along the bottom and a
surface with a mesh appearance as well as an area for the datalink and avionics unit.
Drone body
The drone required for this purpose must be powered by a battery and able to hover approximately one metre
above the snow. The body of the vehicle must be able to contain avionics and a datalink receptor as well as
have the capacity to attach multiple small thermal cameras to the base. The drone should be approximately
30cm by 60cm, width by length respectively. The drone must also have extremely good stability. For this

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reason, the design below have been deemed appropriate for the body shape:

3D Modelling - Drone:3D_model
Thermal Cameras
The thermal cameras we have chosen to use in our design are the new Seek Thermal XR. The new Seek XR
has a focus lens for viewing objects at close range, or at distances of up to 2,000 feet or around 610 meters. It
can recognise temperatures between -5 and 330 degrees celsius. At present, this camera is used as an
accessory for iPhones and androids but in the future we hope to be able to attach multiple of the lenses to
drones. For accurate detection, we predict a minimum of nine lenses to be appropriate.


Using the developing technology of node.js, the aim is to develop a pre-programmed route for the drone to
The drone will be programmed with the following directions to cover grids that are 500mx500m:
1. Takeoff - drone altitude of one metre above ground

Fly 500 metres forward (constant speed 15km/h)

3. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

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4. Fly one metre forward

5. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
6. Fly 500 metres forward
7. Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
8. Fly one metre forward
9. Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
10. Fly 500 metres forward
11. Repeat 5-10 until 500x500 grid is complete.
12. If appropriate range of abnormal temperature is detected at any stage, stop movement and hover
one metre above ground. Send GPS ping signal back to the base system, take thermal image
and transmit back to base then continue pre-programmed route.
13. When grid is complete move to the next square grid.
However, with space limitations, our prototype will be programmed with a speed of 5km/h and smaller
distances; a 10x10 metre grid. As thermal imaging is unable for us to develop and gain access to, the
prototype will not detect thermal changes, it will use node.js to follow the route of the grid only.
The drone will:
1. Takeoff - drone altitude of one metre above ground

Fly 10 metres forward

3. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise

4. Fly 0.5 metres forward
5. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
6. Fly 10 metres forward
7. Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
8. Fly 0.5 metres forward
9. Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
10. Fly 10 metres forward
11. Repeat 5-10 until 10x10 grid is complete.
12. When grid is complete move to the next square grid.

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Prototype grid:

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2.2. Production
2.2.1. DRONE one
7th May - 13th May
After submitting our proposal we found many points of consideration we needed to assess in our design and
general technicalities. Our original drone design was deemed unsuitable as it was the shape of a plane and
there was a concern about the stability of the vehicle and its ability to hover above snow. Due to this we have
altered our beginning ideas to create the drone type seen in the previous section, Design.
Following the return of our proposal, we had many question that needed to be answered. These included
concerns to the drone shape, stability in the air, thermal sensor positioning, power and how it will be
The drone was altered to be a flatter object in the shape of a rectangle and made out of carbon fibres to
provide a stable and durable UAV. The thermal sensors will be required on the underside of the drone so they
are closes to the snow. Because camera lenses can range in various sizes, most inconvenient for drone, we
have taken the shape of the DroneThermal v3 Micro UAV Thermal Camera as an influence for design.
Figure 0: DroneThermal v3 Micro UAV Thermal Camera

As stated previously, the drone will be programmed

with node.js, eliminating artificial intelligence win the
prototype programming. It will be battery powered
wiht high power, interchangeable batteries. These
batteries will need to last up to 6 hours each and
the drone will need to be programmed to rotate
within the body of the drone without human
assistance. Each drone will contain a minimum of 3
extra batteries.
Sending a signal back to the base will require a GPS
ping of the latitude and longitude co-ordinates as
well as the altitude if a body is found.

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2.2.2. NODE.JS Week two: About
14th May - 20th May
Node javascript is a highly demanding software which is still in its early stages. Although it is not extremely
complicated there were a lot of pieces of information to learn and skills to develop. We have now spent an
entire week learning about javascript and researching node. This is extremely important because it gives us the
starting platform for recognising and writing node scripts. Node.js is currently being used for many different
things including Netflix, PayPal and Uber as it allows people to program mobile and web sites. Node.js for
drones is in much earlier stages of development and being explored by Nodecopter and toured around the
world at different events.
There were many different sections to this style of programming which we had no previous experience with. In
order to use the terminal and node.js, we were required to understand the program and develop enough skills
to hack the drone. This took an extremely long time but hopefully paid off in the end of the project. Weeks three and four:

21st May - 3rd June Installing and NPM Package

Installing the node-ar-drone package was the most frustrating, time-consuming and challenging stage of the
production. A very large portion of our time was used to download node.js and install the npm (nonlinear
programming methods) node package. With Node.js successfully installed we ran a test to ensure it was
working correctly. We were then required to open a terminal window within the computer system. At the
command line, we typed node which will opened an interactive Node.js session.

Figure 1: Testing node.js

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The next step in the installation caused many problems as we were unable to download the npm package
through the school network. The following image was one of the errors we encountered:
Figure 2: Unsuccessful installation due to network

When the device was connected through an android or iPhone hotspot, the installation was successful in its
Figure 3: Successful installation of node-ar-drone package

After installing the package, we were required to create a REPL.js file.

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Figure 4: Commands within basic REPL.js file

The REPL file is where we planned to write the pre-programmed code. At this stage, the file had once job: to
define the variables to be used within node in the terminal. To activate the REPL file, we needed to find the file
within the terminal. This caused multiple complications as the terminal was trying to locate the REPL file inside
the user system shown in figure 5. This location is not a commonly used place within the laptop so we
struggled to find it. Once the repl.js file was moved into the correct place, there were no problems connecting
the terminal and activating the repl.
Figure 5: User system - annabelhughes home

With node-ar-drone installed we then attempted to fly a drone using commands from the computer. The ReadEval-Print loop (REPL) allows us to execute a single line of code at a time. We type a command into the
terminal, that command is read, it is then evaluated (run), and the result is printed. When everything was ready
to manually control the drone, the terminal had the following command lines.

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Figure 6: Terminal exhibiting complete installation Flying the drones

Manually with ar-drone app
Before attempting to manually control the drone though node.js we used the ar-drone iPhone app to explore
the multiple controls the drone itself had. The AR.Drone platform uses a Wi-Fi network as the control link so it
could be connected to the app or laptop through this. It was important to get used to the commands drones
followed and how they worked before attempting to program them and control them through node.js.
Through the app there were several commands and ways you could control the drone. Relative flight mode
(default) is the standard way most drones operate. The drone will moves relative to the direction it is currently
facing. Absolute flight mode has been designed to make flight easier for beginner pilots. The drone will moves
relative to the position of the pilot. If the drone is facing the pilot, and it is directed forwards, then the drone will
move away because it is being directed forwards. Accelerometer mode has a button on the left-hand side of
the screen, and when pressed and held the pilot can tilt their device to steer the drone. Joypad mode has a
joypad on the left-hand side of the screen which the pilot can manipulate to steer the drone. Tilting the device
has no effect.
Manually with node.js in the terminal
Programming the UAVs through the terminal in the computer was a challenge from the beginning. From
installing the programs needed to learning how to write the commands, it was a lot of work. After the
installations were complete and we had spent time using the drones through the app, we began to write the

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node java code. After we connected the drone to the laptop through the wifi, we were prompted with drone
>, as seen in the last command line of figure 6.
After completing the standard pre-flight checklists, we typed the following commands and this produced
Figure 7: First Flight

The most important thing discovered was the need to wait until one command was completed before entering
the new command. With our plans for a grid like program, we began to experiment with clockwise and
anticlockwise rotation after the drone had taken off.
Figure 8: node.js used in terminal alongside basic repl.js file

This code made the drone takeoff the ground and hover before it was commanded to turn clockwise at a
speed of 0.5. When controlling a drone through node.js, most speeds range from 0 to 10 and rarely go above
1. The drone continued to spin until the client.stop command was entered into the terminal. We faced many
problems while typing commands as we needed to type them quickly as the previous step would continue
until the new one was entered. We also found errors that meant commands could not be followed due to

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syntax errors and client does not exist alerts. These alerts were common when they were typed incorrectly or
the wrong measurements were used within the brackets ();.
Figure 9: Command error
We then began incorporating horizontal movement of the drone as well as the rotation.

Figure 10: Script used to produce Drone:Horizontal_rotate0.5

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After completing the basics, we were still unable to control the distances the drone travelled. We developed
the skills to manually program the speed and directions but no exact measurements. Figures 11 and 12 depict
the script used to change the altitude and horizontal directions of the drone but due to the outdoor
environment, we were unable to determine the exact height/distance it flew in the air. We then began to
explore other options we could use as part of the drone for alerts and animations like flashing LED lights and
abnormal actions (eg ariel flips).
Figure 11: Commands to change altitude (verticals)

Figure 12: Commands to move (horizontals)

Figure 13: Commands for LEDs flashing

Figure 14: Commands for ariel flip - produces


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Figure 15: Drone in flight Attempts at pre-programming

Our goal depicted in the design stage was to create a prototype which flies in a grid formation. Due to many
programming issues, discussed below, we had to go back and re-think our prototype design. We began to
think the only way for us to control the drone through node.js from the laptop was by manually typing the
commands as they were required. This made it extremely difficult for us to program the drone to fly left, right,
forwards or backward and stop it in time to avoid a collision or drone damage. It also made us unable to add
rotations into the movements if we were attempting to create horizontal movements because there was too
much to think about at the current time and we were unable to type the commands into the terminal with a
fast enough speed.
The largest problem we have with using node.js is that it is a very newly developed software and there is
limited information about it available to the public online. We had extensive amounts of information about
REPL files, modules and scripting but due to a lack of knowledge about programming and no previous
experience with this program or alike programs, we could not figure out how to pre-program a node script.
The following errors occurred:

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Figure 16: Attempt at timing commands

We attempted to write javascript commands into the terminal in order to use timed actions however this failed.
The next strategy attempted was to use client.createRepl(); in the terminal itself instead of the javascript
document (repl.js). This also failed with the following notifications given.

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Figure 17: Attempt at client.createRepl within terminal

Errors continued but for the purpose of the example they have been cropped.

After trying multiple more ways of possibly pre-programming the drone, we were about to conclude the
inability to pre-program however the solution was the REPL.js file. The REPL file allowed us to script multiple
commands to be followed after the previous finished. As soon as the terminal was connected to the REPL, the
script written in repl.js were activated.

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Figure 18: repl.js and node.js in terminal to produce Drone:clockwise0.5

Figure 19: repl.js and node.js in terminal to produce Drone:horizontal_movements

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Figure 20: repl.js and node.js in terminal to produce horizontal and vertical movements

Due to weather conditions the final script we have written has not been recorded.


The detection depth in the snow will depend on the sensitivity of the thermal imager to detect temperature
differentials against the snow. i.e. the more sensitive, the deeper you will be able to locate a warm object. The
temperature is dependant on the thermal sensor performance in the case of Seek Thermal XR imager, the
maximum temperature it can detect is 330 degrees celsius while the minimum is -4 degrees celcius.

The aim of this project was to demonstrate how thermal imagining, unmanned ariel vehicles and artificial
intelligence can be applied in search a rescue in a complex terrain where target was lost in the snow. By
having a cold environment as a backdrop, the heat of the target can be detected using thermal imaging.

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Thermal imaging relies of a temperature differential between the background and the target. In order to search
a large area, the drone was programmed to follow a predetermined search path carrying a thermal imager.
With the assistance of the artificial intelligence in the control system and programming would allow the drone
to avoid obstacles and identify thermal hotspots. This project focuses on the development of a node.js control
system to allow the vehicle to search for a heat signature on the assumption that it had a thermal imager.
What we achieved was a basic pre-programmed flight path to demonstrate the concept of the ability to follow
a predetermined search plan. This was done by using a node-ar-drone npm package within node.js. We
found using this code provided more flexibility and capability than when controlled using the AR-Drone app. In
that we had more direct control over the drones commands and flight movement which allowed us to adapt
the drones behaviour to suit its search and rescue mission. The potential of this software and application in
controlling a drone for search and rescue means more complex and remote terrains can be accessed,
providing greater certainty in potentially locating a survivor of an avalanche or the like.

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Better Health Channel 2013, Hypothermia, viewed 3 May 2016,
"Bodies Of American Mountain Climber And Cameraman Are Found In Glacier".Mail Online. N.p., 2016. Web.
3 May 2016.
Cool Antarctica 2013, Hypothermia: Cold weather cool risks, viewed 3 May 2016, http://
Explore Forensics 2016, Estimating The Time of Death, viewed 4 May 2016, http://
How To NZ 2014, Cold Shock and Hypothermia What Happens to the Body in Very Cold Water, viewed 4
May 2016,
Map Toaster Topo 2014, How GPS Works, viewed 5 May 2016,
WebMD 2014, First Aid and Emergencies - Body Temperature, viewed 3 May 2016,
Thermal 2016, Compact".Seek Thermal. N.p., 2016. Web. 1 June 2016.
FLIR Systems, Inc 2016. "FLIR Systems | Thermal Imaging, Night Vision And Infrared Camera
Systems" N.p.,. Web. 27 May 2016.
Forrest, Conner. 2015, "10 Things You Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence Techrepublic".TechRepublic. N.p.,. Web. 1 June 2016.
"Hover Camera Self-Flying Camera That Follows You N.p.,. Web. 31 May 2016.
"Hover Camera Is A Safe And Foldable Drone That Follows You".Engadget. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 May 2016.

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"Infrared Camera And Thermal Imaging Camera Reviews - By Experience Infrared Thermographers".Infrared
Camera and Thermal Imaging Camera Reviews. N.p., 2013. Web. 29 May 2016.
"Overview".Seek Thermal. N.p., 2016. Web. 31 May 2016.
"Seek Thermal XR, A Thermal Camera Accessory With Extra Range - Thermal Imaging Blog" N.p., 2016. Web. 31 May 2016.
"Thermal Imaging Cameras Australia - Thermal Imaging Cameras
Australia" N.p., 2016. Web. 30 May 2016.
"Artificial Intelligence Facts, Information, Pictures | Encyclopedia.Com Articles About Artificial
Intelligence" N.p., 2016. Web. 3 May 2016.

Drones?, What. "What Are Drones? - For Dummies" N.p., 2016. Web. 4 May 2016.

"History Of Thermal Imaging" N.p., 2016. Web. 6 May 2016.
"How A Thermal Camera Works" N.p., 2016. Web. 3 May 2016.
"Infrared Detection Devices Facts, Information, Pictures | Encyclopedia.Com Articles About Infrared Detection
Devices" N.p., 2016. Web. 4 May 2016.
"NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service" N.p., 2016. Web. 1 May 2016.
"Preparing For The Future Of Artificial Intelligence" N.p., 2016. Web. 6 May 2016.

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Science, Live. "History Of A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (Infographic)".Live Science. N.p., 2014. Web. 2 May 2016.
"What Are Drones?".Drone Wars UK. N.p., 2010. Web. 3 May 2016.

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