5-4-16 Paper

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Angelina Castellon
English 9/ Persuasive writing paper
Mr. Norris
May 4, 2016
Writing prompt
Supporters point to a multitude of potential benefits of engineered crops, including
increased yield, tolerance of drought, reduced pesticide use, more efficient use of fertilizers, and
ability to produce drugs or other useful chemicals. Genetic engineering has been hailed by some
as an indispensable tool for solving the world's food problems, and denounced by others as an
example of human overreaching fraught with unknown, potentially catastrophic dangers.
There is a debate between organic food and conventional food. Organic farming is
farming without chemicals, conventional farming is using chemicals to farm. For example if an
organic farmer wants the weeds growing to be gone he pulls them out. However the conventional
farmer would spray chemicals around the plants to get rid of the weeds. Organic farming has
been proven healthier and earth friendly. Although it does have its down side. There are slight
changes during organic farming that does not have to be mentioned on the label. (Mokins)
The organic farming has been proven to be earth friendly and proven to provide more
nutritious and sometimes tastier food then conventional farming. A reason for this is because
conventional framers use chemicals next to their plant to stop weeds from growing, organic
farmers pull them out by hand. Organic farmers feed their cattle grass and clovers only to keep
the cattle healthy. (Organic Farming and Grass Feed Cattle) The farmers dont want to feed the


cattle just anything that wouldnt be good for us or the cattle. Although some organic farms dont
even have cattle they just have corn and soybeans. To take care of these crops correctly they have
agronomist. Agronomists are people who can tell the difference between a healthy crop and an
unhealthy crop. (Agronomist) Now I dont know about you but I think that would be very helpful
and safer to have one of them around because then you are not selling unhealthy food.
Although as mentioned, organic farming has its flaws and that is why some people dont
eat or buy it. One main reason is because it is expensive. Organic food is stored in a bin for at the
most 8 months waiting to be shipped out. Also the FDA allows farmers crops to be gently
modified and does not have to be printed out what they have done on the label. (Moskin)
Therefore I believe some people believe conventional and organic farming are the same. 93
percent said if a food has been genetically engineered or has genetically engineered ingredients,
it should say so on its label therefore they can be modified without you knowing and less
organic. (Moskin)
Organic farming is farming without chemicals. Conventional farming is farming with
chemicals. Some people would prefer organic food over conventional, and others wouldnt mind
either way. There are flaws with each. Organic farming may slightly change their product and
conventional farming uses chemicals. Although the debate will go on, you will know the
difference between the two.


Work cited
Moskin, Julia. "Modified Crops Tap a Wellspring of Protest." DefinedSTEM, WEB, 07 Feb.
2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
"Economic Analysis Reveals Organic Farming Profitable Long-term." DefinedSTEM, WEB. 10
Mar. 2016.
Washington University. "Expert Panel Calls for 'Transforming US Agriculture' Changes in
Markets, Policies and Science Needed for More Sustainable Farming." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 5 Mar. 2011. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Agronomist." DefinedSTEM, WEB, 15 Mar. 2016.
"Grain & Marketing." DefinedSTEM, WEB, 17 Mar. 2016.
"Organic Farming and Grass Feed Cattle." DefinedSTEM, WEB, 17 Mar. 2016.

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