Abc To Z Carnivals BP

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ABC to Z Carnivals April 6th 2016 Ashley Brady, Brynna Nelson, Caleb Standring, Zachary Wall Mission Statement We are ABC to Z Camivals and we want to have people of all ages have fun by playing cheap but fun camival games. Our main goal is to create a fun, safe, friendly experience for all ages. Business Structure and Management We as a company have chosen a Co-operative business structure. We have chosen this structure because we all would like a say in how our business is ran and in the decision making process. Name: Ashley Brady Position: Supplier/Decorator Responsibilities: 1. Keep track of all supplies 2. Decorate and make things look nice 3. Social media Name: Brynna Nelson Position: Money/Books Responsibilities: 1, Track all expenses 2. Shopping 3. Social Media Name: Caleb Standring Position: Marketing Responsibilities: 1. Advertising 2. Social Media 3, Posters Name: Zachary Wall Position: Marketing Responsibilities: 1. Posters 2. Paperwork 3. Product research Product Description We are providing an experience rather than a physical product. We have produced four games; skee ball, guessing jars, and a chance to pie Caleb in the face. On top of that we have also decided to have a drink station which will consist of ioe tea and blue gatorade. Some advantages to our product choice are we won't run out of our products and we can serve many customers at once. How our business will work is we will have the four guessing jars set up along the table with a paper bag in front, to guess you will purchase a ticket for $1 and write your name, guess and number on the back. Then at the end we will draw one name per guessing jar and if the winner is present al the time then they will win the jar. The next game would be the skee ball; which works like we will have four baskets set up and tape lines on the floor for different ages. You would pay $2 for two tosses and if you get the ball into a bucket either time you win a prize. Third game is the ball toss, itis similar to the skee ball but you will be knocking over cans with the ball instead of tossing it into a bucket. You will get one chance at this one for $1. And the pie in the face, you can pay $1 to get your name put into a draw for the chance to pie Caleb, (2 co-manager of ABC to Z Carnivals), in the face. Four names will be drawn at 2:45pm, 3:15pm, 3:45pm and 4:15pm. The benefits to the consumer are, we are selling a fun experience instead of a product. We are ensuring that you leave happy and filled with enjoyment. Our prices are cheap so you can play over and over again, or enter many draws! We are @ unique because this type of setup you don’t usually find at a normal farmers market. Our packaging is really only for the guessing jars, which are plastic jars with the candy in them. By choosing to use this opposed to plastic bags it makes it safer for young kids. We are selling this by having the table set up with the jars/draw then the ball tossy games to the side. Location Since we are part of the Saints Market we don't get much choice on the building location but we do get a say in the stall location. We located ourselves kinda off to the side where not many people will be to ensure that you can have alittle break to just have fun. And our location is conveniently placed because itis along the far wall so if you are doing a walk through you will see others having fun and want to be part oft. We have no need for parking at our company directly but there will be sufficient parking at the building, Target Market To start off our target customers are more like the elementary/younger kids that attend St. Mary's Catholic School. Potentially there could be up to 150 kids pass through, (that's if every kid in elementary came). But as the day will go on, our focus will shift more towards the general public and town of Sexsmith. This is slightly harder to judge how many people will show, we are guessing around maybe 75-100 customers. What makes our company special is il really is for any age. The kids and adults can play the games and have fun, everyone loves pieing someone in the face and who doesn't love candy? So whether you are 6 or 66 you can have fun here. Competition We have no direct competition with us because we are selling an experience rather than a product. This is a benefit because it will be more of an attraction to younger kids were others companies may be more directed towards older adults. But we will still have the competition there for the consumer approval. Production Supplier Item Needed Number of | Unit Cost | Total Information Units Michae!s Ribbon 4 $3.00 $6.84 Bags $3.84 Dollarama Candy 34 sia00 | $44.50 Tiokets $4.25 Baskets 37.00 Containors $6.00 Praas 3875 Plates $1.00 Balloons 5100 Bail 5150 Walmart Foam Cups 4 $297 $22.14 Candy $224 ‘Whipped Cream srat Prizes 5200 Napkins 5143 see Powder 36.09 Mrs. Brady Water 3 $3.00 $5.00 Juice Jugs $2.00 Mrs. Standring —_| Ball 1 $0.05h | $0.20 Mrs. Mclaughlin | “Special” Paper 2 $0.25 $0.50 Total Costs 55 $79.18 | $79.18 Management of Operations Action Personnel or Position Assigned Shopping for supplies Brynna Unload supplies, storage of supplies Brynna, school for storage Record Keeping Brynna and Ashley Cash Control Brynna and Ashley Product Assembly Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Product Packaging Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Advertising/Marketing Caleb and Zach Inventory Control NAT Open the Business Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Staff Scheduling Everyone worked all 2 hours Security Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Product Merchandising Caleb Pricing Product Caleb and Zach Package your product at point of NAY purchase Special Orders NIA Return Policy NAY fe Discount Policy NIA‘ Preparation of Financial Statements Bryne _ Payment of any outstanding debts Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Divide Profits/Losses All profits go to goats for Africa Clean Up Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach Distribution of leftover product Ashley, Brynna, Caleb and Zach “Does not apply because of our choice of product Promotions and Advertising We had made two posters to advertise our event being held. A copy of both the posters can be found below. Method of Cost per Unit Number of Total Advertising Units Colour Posters $0.10 3 $0.30 Black and White $0.05 5 $0.25 Posters Social Media Free Unlimited Free Total $0.55 en ahep ese precy whetene Treat pistons Epcot Weare 2) Mui ©, S nate ‘ ‘orate vente HE mts Price We had set our prices at what we did because no one else is doing this so they don't have to be a competitors high, but we also wanted to stay affordable so we stayed with lower prices. When looking into supply and demand for our product, looking at our fellow ‘companies no one else is selling a product quite like our so we won't have tight ‘competition in demand and since our product is an experience supply is not really an issue either. Like stated above, competition isn't that big of a concern because no one else is selling a product like ours, so if we decided to lower prices no one else would try to compete with us. Since we do not have a need for electricity, labour, etc. we do not have to worry about those costs. But the materials cost is a big one to look into. Item(s) Cost to Produce a Price ProfitiLoss Sale Drinks $15.15 $1.00 “$14.15 Tickets $1.25 $1.00 -80.25 Cost of Game $56.85 Gugesng arg $100 -$50.85 Shee Bak §2.00 Bat Throw: $2.00 Game Price to Play Guessing Jars $1 per guess Pie in the Face $1 per entry Loan Received from the Bar Ball Throw $2 per two tosses Skee Ball $2 per toss Drinks ‘$1 per drink ; Financing | Cash Out - Expenses Total ‘ Supplies | $120.72 Equipment $18.00 | Advertising 7 $0.55 Employee Costs $0.00 ae TOTAL Expenses [$139.27 Cash Flow Projections Cash In - Revenue Total nk $150 Special Orders NIA Sales $150 TOTAL Income $0.00, s aaa] Cash Out - Expenses Total : Production Costs: $138.72 Operation Costs i $0.00 | Advertising $0.55 TOTAL Expenses $139.27 - . Financing Options For this business we used one type of financing, we borrowed from Community Futures. Within this loan it included $150 to get our business going. Everything that was produced on market day came from that $150 loan and from no other source ‘And to make sure that we did make back that $150 to pay back Community Futures, we all put up a security item. Ashley Brady 6 used DVDs ($25 per $150 DvD) Brynna Nelson Doctor Who Collection $100+ Caleb Standring 2. PS3 Video Games | $70 (GTA5 & Spiderman) Zachary Wall Nike KD Shoes $130 Because of the terms of our agreement with Community Futures, we did not have to pay an interest fee when we took out our loan. But the terms of the loan agreement did include paying back the full $150 or we would have to give up our security items. Financial Outcome Income Statement Total Sales $155.20 Minus Expenses Gross Profit $139.27 $15.93 Minus Loan Replacement $5.93, NET PROFIT/LOSS Expense Report Products Cost Tickets Candy Rolls lolly Bunnies (x2) Starbursts Candy (x6) Bubble Gum (x2) Storage Basket Eye Ring (Prize) Jolly Ranchers Slime (Prize) Food Container (x4) Paper Plates Plastic Easter Eags (x2) Balloons Finger Light Lasers moj Ball Easter Chocolate (x2) Glasses (Prize) Easter Baskot (x4) Ribbon (x3) Ticket Bags Foam Cups Slap Bracelets (Prize) Erasers (Prize) Napiins ‘Whipped Cream (x3) Ice Tea Powder Jujubes (x2) $1.25 $1.09 $4.00 $6.00 $2.00 $2.00 $1.25 $2.00 $1.25 36.00 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.28 $5.00 $3.00 $3.84 s297 $1.00 $1.00 $1.43 grat $1.12 $2.24 $5.93 Gatorade Power Easter Candy Bracelets stall 6 stall 7 ‘Special” Paper (x2) Business License Gaming License Gambling License Juice Jugs Bal Water Posters (B&W)x5) Posters (Colour)(x3) Spoons (x2) Total (plus tax) Float Grand Total: Exta 497 $1.00 $13.00 $5.00 $0.50 $1.00 $10.00 $25.00 $2.00 $0.20 $3.00 $0.25 $0.30 $0.10 $138.82 $10.00 $148.82 $1.18 UALYVO? 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