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Country: France

Committee: UNICEF 2
Delagate: Axcel Martinez
Topic 1: War-Torn Children Refugees


China is the main country of origin for foreign students in France

having 10,100 students coming into France, followed by the
Moroccans(6,000), and the Americans(3,800). One in four asylum seekers get
residency and there are 41,000 adults along with 14,000 minors. In France,
between 2014 and 2015, asylum requests have increased by 22.1%.
Especially from the part of Syrian (+ 84%) and Iraqi refugees (+248%). As
well as Sudanese, Kosovars an Haitians. Moreover, for the same period, an
increase in the number of requests accepted has been observed (+ 33.3%).
France's asylum procedures have been slammed as too long and inefficient,
with as many as 96 percent of refugees who are refused asylum not being
deported and that is why I must talk to you, the delegates, about the

National Actions:
The Sangatte refugee camp near the Eurotunnel transport terminal in
Calais accommodates more than 1,500 asylum seekers, most of them
Afghans or Kurds.Recent statistics provided by the UNHCR, show a
noteworthy drop in applications for asylum since 2001, particularly in
Belgium and Holland, with a slowing in Germany. These trends are raising
concerns that EU countries are gradually closing their frontiers to asylum
seekers. Furthermore, it appears that restrictions in some countries may be
leading to increases in applications in others. France wont accept refugees
we already have enough problems such as the rural areas in my countries in
dangerous decline, rent increases outpacing salary rises, dogged
unemployment, inequality is rising and austerity is making it worse. France
would like to suggest that we take the time to help take care of the situation.

UN Actions and International Actions:

France has given its full support to the United Nations since it was
founded. France is the fifth largest provider of assessed financial
contributions to the United Nations peacekeeping operations, providing
6.123 percent of the United Nations budget.France is present in ten of the
current fifteen United Nations peacekeeping operations including Afghanistan
and Lebanon, and has taken a leading role in the field of protection of
children in armed conflicts. France is also committed to combating violence
and discrimination against women. The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization's offices are in Paris. In addition to being a member
of the United Nations, France is a founding and leading member of the

European Union as well as a member of Nato, G8, World Trade Organization,

G20 and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Recommendation for Action:

France suggest to even out the refugees immigrating from Syria and
Iraq in order to balance out the economical systems of the supporting
countries. Steps that France recommends to take is that we should distribute
the refugees evenly among countries, but if a country thinks they can handle
to take in more refugees, then they are more than welcome to. France would
also like to propose that the countries that arent taking in refugees, to help
out and try to take in more than what they already have, Such as Saudi

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