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Senior Counseling Questionnaire & Activity Resume

What: A very important part of many of your college applications will be a Counselor Recommendation. In order to write
the best recommendation possible for you, we are asking for your timely and thorough completion of the Senior
Counseling Questionnaire & Activity Resume.
Why: The more you share with your counselor in the Senior Counseling Questionnaire, the more he or she will be able to
share with colleges about you. Your counselors job is to give the most comprehensive portrait possible of you as both a
student and a whole person. While your teacher recommendations will give an overview of you academically, your
counselor will present you from multiple viewpoints (socially, emotionally, extracurriculars, etc.). To this end, please
answer the enclosed questions as authentically and as thoughtfully as possible. This is not an academic essay so please
do not worry about grammar or structure! Write freely. Imagine everything you want your counselor to say about you
and then say it!
Completing an Activity Resume has a two-fold purpose: it will provide your counselor with a list of your activities and it
will prepare you for the part of your college applications that asks you to list all of your activities.
How to complete your Senior Counseling Questionnaire and the Activity Resume: Please answer the below questions
on a separate sheet of paper, please type if possible. Make sure your name is on your responses. Attach your Activity
Resume to this document. Please print these documents and put into your college folder that you will receive in Fall

Senior Counseling Questionnaire Class of 2017

1. Tell your high school story. Describe in depth your evolution as a person socially and emotionally from freshmen
year until now.
2. Do you believe your transcript is an accurate reflection of your ability? What factors have influenced your school
performance positively or negatively?
3. Describe in detail two academic encounters (a particular class, teacher, project, etc.) that triggered a love of learning
in you or has been rewarding in some way?
4. At this point, do you have any idea what you would like to study in college? Why? (If you have no idea, thats fine
5. Describe the world you come from. Consider perhaps how certain economic, social, and cultural factors have shaped
your dreams and aspirations. Please include a description of your family structure.
6. How have you demonstrated leadership in our school community? Think broadly: sports, clubs, certain friendships,
retreat experiences, academics, etc. Consider that your leadership may be non-traditional in nature.
7. Have you done any summer programs, travel, or work, including this summer? What did you do? What did you get
out of it?
8. What values guide your daily life? Academically? Socially? Spiritually? How are these values important to you?
9. What can a college expect from you? Be specific about how you envision contributing to a college campus.
10. Explain and explore a personality trait that you appreciate about yourself that is perhaps not so obvious to others.
Give examples or tell a story.
11. What are some things that interest you the most? Do you have any hobbies or passions that engage you? Are there
hobbies/passions you are interested in developing?
12. If you were writing this letter about yourself to a college you wanted to attend, what would you say about yourself?
13. Attach a resume of activities, accolades, and any other extracurriculars throughout your high-school career.

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