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Dome of The Rock

By Kaleb Breton

Feb 25, 2016

OUTLIERS- Standing over 115 feet in
the air on one of the most holy spots
in the world. The Dome of The Rock
has stood for over 100 years in the
heart in Jerusalem. Its unique design
and location draw not only
worshipers but also tourists from all
over the world.
The Dome of The Rock sits on
top of the Temple Mount and is part
of the Noble Sanctuary. The Noble
Sanctuary not only includes The
Dome of The Rock but also the AlAqsa Mosque. The Ori or the Temple
Mount used to be the spot where the
second Jewish temple used to stand
in the heart of Jerusalem hundreds
of years ago.
Inside the Dome many tourists
will be drawn to the elegant tile
designs on the walls and ceiling. The
tile patterns on the interior of the
Dome mainly follow simple crossing
patterns, with a very angler design
to the placements of the tiles. The
colors of the tiles being both light
and dark blues, golds and pale tans

This area does have a

drawback to its rich history. Both the
Muslim and Jewish faiths hold claims
to the land. The site being especially
important to Jewish followers as both
the place where Abraham stood and
where one of their own temples was
destroyed. This causes much upstir
to other religions that they are not
allowed to visit the whole site or
worship in the Dome.
Despite the constant fights
over the claims on the land. The
Dome still manages to be stunning
both on the inside and outside. By
letting other faiths and tourists into
the shrine has satisfied many
citizens and foreigners. The Dome of
The Rock with unique history and

are said to give off a calming effect.

beautiful design can still stun both
The reason this site is so
worshipers and tourists from around
important to both Jews and Muslims
the world.
is because, supposedly it is the site
where Abraham, the first Jewish
worshiper, offered his son as
sacrifice to god. The Dome itself is
used as today as it always has, as a
shrine for Muslim worshippers to
pray. Also as a tourists destination to
admire its detailed architecture and
religious importance.

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