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Teasia Ferebee

English 112
Argumentative Essay
Homosexual Parents
There were approximately 594,000 same-sex households in 2010 alone
(Census). Many people are disturbed by homosexuality, and are even more
nauseated by the fact that children live in these types of households. People have
their different opinion on this situation, good or bad. In my opinion, a same-sex
household isnt a situation that should receive as much hate as it does.
My whole life I have heard it said that homosexual people are going to hell, or
that what they do is immoral. Who someone loves, or who they fall in love with is no
ones business but their own. Many people base their life off of some form of holy
text. Although I disagree that homosexuality is wrong, the bible states that it is. In
Leviticus 18:22 it states, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is
an abomination."(Bible)
People that dont agree with same sex households would more than likely be
concerned if there were a child living in that house as well. These people think that
this type of lifestyle interferes with a childs life. Many argue that a child needs both
parents, man and woman, in order for the child to develop properly. In contrast, a
study of 500 children between the ages 1 and 17, proved that children who are in
same sex households are actually healthier. (Jackson)

Children should not be placed in foster or adoptive homes headed by

homosexuals, argues Robert H. Knight in the following viewpoint. Youths need both
a mother and a father to grow up to be stable and healthy adults, he contends. In
addition, Knight points out, studies show that children who grow up in homosexual
households are more likely to try homosexuality, to be confused about their gender
identity, and to be exposed to disease. (Knight).
In my opinion, just because a child grows up a certain way doesnt mean
thats how theyre going to be when they enter adulthood. Just because a child
parents are homosexual doesnt automatically make the child homosexual too. An
individual chooses to be homosexual on their own, not because thats what
everybody around them is.
Having two people in the household is a good thing, even if they are the
same sex. Having a two parent household is usually beneficial for the child in the
long run, so it shouldnt matter what the sex of the parents are. All that matters is
that the child develops well and grows up in a stable environment. The evidence
that I have shown proves that it doesnt matter if the parents are the same sex.

Works Cited
Jackson, Nicholas. "Children in Same-Sex Households Are Healthier than Their Peers." Same-Sex
Marriage. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies.
Rpt. from "Once and for All: Gay Marriage Is Not Bad for Kids." Pacific Standard (26 June 2013).
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
Knight, Robert H. "Homosexuals Should Not Have the Right to Adopt." Adoption. Ed. Mary Williams.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "testimony before the Courts of Justice
Committee, Virginia Senate." 2005. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
McCarthy, Margit. "What's best for kids?" America 4 Nov. 2013: 7. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web.
1 Mar. 2016.

Census. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.

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