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2 Med. (Bagh), 2003, Vol. 4S , No. outcome of cerebellar tumors in children ALIN A BAA AY Galall Jala eats 3 AcotLh) Usb Jae gone oe 7D A MSL oy Dig HL 8 Rt Bd sd (Me gta all Sa nl aah yy Bad LA F908 ayy DAU gh By 1S gy I Ae Kl 5a LN gk La yo OK (Cystic aatrneytomma) oat ad hd ne LA Ain 4 (peng) Ath cl ASL BLD Ge (c1sin3 nd ve A %S0) Sy at SG i al Si cd 99 Sa a SB ae BB 8 al a gn 6 Gal ta 69 gi 0 gana ama 91 A LA (499) SPN GA G1) 9D Ad sy SSL jy Sang fd US LN GUL) eey Gel HLM Qu vl pay HN 29 ngs pF deg dying 8 on pod ey (Astroeytoma) gai yet 233 oe ose Lye Lc ond in G25 Bay 10 gash iy yap (Medltblasteonn) and at ph gu gg 9 (Ependy moma) 238 gaa A as 5.3 ig Lig WTR Kaa a ay ad dy A iss ASST ee Gh gL LS yl yah Gl ea ou ay sel oell Jt all At le yeaa ial idan 0 0 po ty Abstract Background 70 fumors originate in the posterior fossa. proper. represent 15-30% of brain wnt for 12-28% of all pediatric bra ger patients, with nearly 5 ic aim of this study” ist evaluate the efi ne a Accepted Octoliee 2002 sac. Med. (Bagldad), 2003, Vol. 45 , No. 1-2 e patients and methods: Twen amore were studied retvospectvely. They were ad Surgical Specialties Hospital from 1995 102001, Al patients had CT seaw ‘nd nine of thes had IRI of brain Ms + All patients were presented with sigus and symptoms of increased intracranial jressure, Children below 10 years of age account for 69%. were 16 males (1) and ten females (39%), with a male to feuale ratio 16: tnean duration of presenting symptoms was Sot months (lnwnth- to 2 yeu). jydroeephalus was present hr 23 paticuts (88.4%). Fourteen patients (53.9%) had astrveytonsa, eleven (42.3%) nd Medalloblasiona and ane patient (3.87%) hued ependyimuin. The mean duration of follow wp period was 17.5 months, Nineteen paticnts. were improved postoperaively (73%). The mortality rate was 153%. jusion : The a idanvental. Total ro ly diagnosis and teeatment of these tumors are (oval of the tasior oF tle mural nodule is estenGal for atric tumors. Iydrveeph Posterior fossa. Leptomeningest better outcome. Key words: Corebellunn. Pe ‘Astroeytoma. Medulloblastona icastases in children, Hetween $4-70% of all € posterior fossa proper (ID) adults, icy represent cently thought to sim of the fos ant has thus been wor of the posterior fassa (13). The ‘Cerebellar tumors are com childhood brain tuners originate in Medulloblastonas are far commone 15.20% of rain tumors in children." originate frum cells of the sube fermed primitive neurycctode expression of a mcier of the Aevelopmcntal comtvl gence uf dhe PAX family (PANG) in aedullolitatouna gives fipport ta the hypothesis that medulloblastoma originates in the external ravular layer of the developing corebellum (19). Cerchellar astrveycamas represent 3.5% of all pe cranial brain tumors, 10% of pediatric primary iniracranial brain tumors, approximately 25% of pediatri posterior fossa brain (amines, ad 8% of gliomas (18). Fpenudyomas consprise only 6-10 amd may extent inte the brainstem, cerebellar hemispheres, eerchellopantine angle, amd cistema mia to SAU virus may he wt ependy ona as conducted in the Neurosurgical Department at Al: ‘aching Hospital, ducing the period Jan 14 years of age sere studied retrospective Tomography (C1) sean of the bra of them liad Mayuetic Res performed in 22. patients (4.6%) prior to surgery ofthe (umor due tn prescace of hydrocephalus anda safety burr hole in ane patient. AIL patients had, 183 J, Fae. Med. (Baghdad), 2003, Vol, 45 , Now 1-2 31%). The follow up period "The age of the patients ranged between 310 14 y years, They were 16 nas (61%) snd 1 females (9%) with a rato of 1.631. ig. (1) Age and gender Bighteen patients (69%) were helow 10 years of age. “ayens 610 Tt years years Symproms [Headache i (88.4%) with marked vent ai inns (48.5%) often, Sold tumors were seem in 13 patients (60%). (medullablasiona in 10. astrvcylonia In 2, ependymoma in 1). Cys lesions were semi in 3 pails (11.5%) with aserueyLoma, while eysic and solid tnayses. were seen in 10 paticnts (38.5%) (asiroeyloma in 9 and mattulfoblastonia I I patient). Pevitunoral edna was see in IT patients (423%). 1st

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