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Dora Ramos

April 15, 2016

T-TESS Teacher Self-Assessment and Goal Setting

Name: Dora Ramos
Submitted: April 15, 2016
School: Clinton ES


Part I: Data Analysis and Goal Setting
1. Identify the data and processes used to assess students academic and developmental needs.
2. Identify the data and processes used to assess your professional growth areas.

Professional Goal #1

Design clear, well-organized, sequential lessons that reflect best practice


Standards and Alignment Dimension 1.1


Study TEKS before, during and after each lesson planning to ensure alignment

Targeted Completion Date:

Immediate and all year-long

Evidence of Goal Attainment:

Annotate TEKS on LPs for each lesson and have mentor or supervisor verify alignment and sequence

Professional Goal #2

Ensure high levels of learning, social-emotional development and achievement for all students


Knowledge of Students Dimension 1.3


Review student data by special populations (SPED, 504, bilingual, ELL, migrant) as well as by grade and
standardized testing history and create tables of populations.

Targeted Completion Date:

Immediate and all year-long updating and adjusting

Evidence of Goal Attainment:

Use of student data to create the best learning groupings can be continually changed to maximize
learning time. Mentor & supervisor advice will help.

Professional Goal #3

Organize a safe, accessible and efficient classroom


Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures Dimension 3.1


Implement all procedures and rules I created during teacher preparation activities after obtaining
administration and mentor approval & modifications. Create tangibles for all procedures and rules
(posters, baskets, signs, etc.)

Targeted Completion Date:

Immediate and all year-long updating and adjusting. Reflect and discuss with mentor at end of Day 1,
Weeks, 1, 2, 3, 4 and every 2 weeks throughout 1st year of teaching.

Evidence of Goal Attainment:

Reflection journal kept to compare with mentor notes and advice and student acceptance and
ownership of classroom procedures and rules. Reflections written at each of times mentioned above.

Professional Goal #4

Plan engaging, flexible lessons that encourage higher order thinking, persistence and achievement


Activities Dimension 1.4


Actively ensure when planning that each day consists of a variety of activities among the different
subjects. (i.e. kinesthetic, visual, among the multiple intelligences, etc.)

Targeted Completion Date:

Weekly during lesson planning. Preliminary preparation will be necessary by collaborations with
colleagues, reading and internet searches

Evidence of Goal Attainment:

Reflection journal kept to compare with mentor notes and advice and student reaction to lessons and
activities. Reflections written weekly before creating new plans.

Dora Ramos

April 15, 2016

Part II: Goal Reflection

See Goals in Part I. This section is completed prior to the end-of-year conference.

Professional Goal #1
a. Identify the evidence of goal attainment/progress, including the impact on student achievement.
b. Identify the professional development participation connections for this goal.
c. Describe how you used this goal and the professional development above to impact instruction and student
d. What, if anything, would you have done differently? How will you extend this goal/learning?

Professional Goal #2
a. Identify the evidence of goal attainment/progress, including the impact on student achievement.
b. Identify the professional development participation connections for this goal.
c. Describe how you used this goal and the professional development above to impact instruction and student
d. What, if anything, would you have done differently? How will you extend this goal/learning?


Be prepared to discuss three target areas for continued professional growth.
What is your professional development plan?
Appraiser Comments
Progress on your self-assessment goals or professional development plan:
Appraiser Comments
Revisions on your self-assessment goals or professional development plan:
Appraiser Comments

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