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Explain how pain takes place.

Pain is physical or emotional response towards acute tissue injury.

Pain is detected by nociceptors. The processing of pain is called
There are two types of sensitization. Central and peripheral.
Process of central sensitization:
Pain is detected by nociceptor..
Nociceptor releases bradykinin and mast cells to induce swelling. At
the same time, sensory cells also send impulses through the pain
In the presynaptic cleft, glutamate and substance P is released.
Substance P binds to NK-1 receptor, stimulating release of
magnesium ions from NMDA receptor. Glutamate binds to AMPA
receptor, and the impulse continues down the post synaptic cleft.
Nociceptive pain- pain caused by inflammatory and noninflammatory causes
It is usually localized, throbbing pain. It should respond to
analgesics, and mot likely to be temporary pain.
Neuropathic pain- pain caused by lesion in the peripheral or central
nervous system. Usually electric-shock like, tingling, burning. Pain
may not occur at the same site to injury, but at the same territory of
the affected nerve, root, spinal cord, brain. Usually occurs in chronic
For polyneuropathy:
First line: gabapentin/SNRI
Second line: Opioid, lamotrigine

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