Objective4 Full Sentence Outline Finalpresentation

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Constant Contact: Marketing Analytics at Your Fingertips

Jill Williams, Jintao (Rick) Jiang, Jaya (Jay) Raj, Harold Moses, Sr.
Specific Purpose: We plan to persuade our classmates to adopt Constant Contact
as their primary marketing analytics tool because of its versatility and effectiveness.
The dominant communication preference profile of the class (excluding the
instructor and four presenters) is as follows: 11 People, 9 Action, 4 Content, and 4
Thesis: Constant Contact is an impeccable marketing analytic tool in that it brings
power to the user by providing:

Analyzed marketing data in an easy-to-use format

Feedback from clients on product and communication preference
Valuable reporting tools
Creative templates for newsletters, brochures, and other media

Constant Contact has reviews that confirm its superiority and a top place in the
competitive field of marketing analytics.

Attention Getter:
How many of you have ever been disappointed by not knowing who is
paying attention to your emails, newsletters, or invitations, or
overwhelmed by the number of spam messages you receive a day but are
unable to unsubscribe to?


Listener Relevance Link:

Were speaking with you today about an electronic marketing analytics
tool called Constant Contact, which is the answer to all your prayersand


Speaker Credibility:
My name is Jill Williams. This is Rick Jiang; this is Jay Raj; and this is Harold
Moses, and all of us have used Constant Contact in our current jobs; we
have found the tool most useful and valuable to our current positions as
Marketing Managers.


Thesis/Preview: Today well discuss the multiple tools that Constant

Contact offers you, the effective ways the product analyzes data to refine
and perfect your experience, and what the market thinks of the tool
compared to its competitors.

Transition: Now that weve established that most of you dislike

receiving no feedback, well tell you how Constant Contact
can help alleviate some of that by refining your email
marketing experience.

Main Point: Constant Contact is a powerful analytics tool that put the
power in your hands.
A. Marketing Analytics is the New Way for you to Drive Your Business.
B. Constant Contact Templates Do the Hard Work for You.
Transition: While having the right tools and templates id highly
important and efficient, you must be able to use the tools
wisely to take full advantage of Constant Contacts software.


Main Point: Constant Contact programs allow you to use data wisely, which
is Smart Marketing.
A. Real-Time Statistics Allow you to Use Data Wisely.
B. Data Tools Enable You to Build a Productive Marketing Campaign.
Transition: Having the right tools and using them wisely is
your key to success in using Constant Contact; however, we
dont want you to just take our word for it but lets discuss
some market reviews from other users of the system.


Main Point: Constant Contact measures up against the competition, as

evidenced by Good
A. Reviews Show Constant Contact is a Valuable Resource.
B. Reviews Show Constant Contact is Easy to Use.
C. Reviews Show Constant Contact is Great for Beginners.
Transition: Now that we know what tools Constant Contact
offers, and how much value it can provide to the user, we
would like to recommend Constant Contact for your



Constant Contact offers the best in marketing analytics tools the best
ways to analyze and use data to fit your organization, and is by far the
best tool available on the market today.

And so, how many of you have we convinced that a tool like Constant
Contact can not only provide more value to you as a firm, make a better
experience for the recipient, make less spam emails, and it is the product
for you? I know it is for us. Thanks for your time.

Our sales situation is alarming.
A. Sales have dropped 38 percent over the past year.
B. Dealers are ordering fewer models every month.
C. Our advertising has stressed economy.
1. This appeal was, in the past, a great attraction to middle-income people.
2. It brought us many customers among college students.
3. Both of these markets are now virtually saturated.
D. Our product is no longer a status symbol.
1. Multitudes of foreign cars of all makes are owned in every community.
2. Our stress on economy has made Boman seem symbolic of poverty.

I propose that we combat our dropping sales with a new advertising policy.
A. We must create a new market for Bomans.
B. We must change the image of the Boman.
1. We should make it the symbol of pleasure.
a. Let us stress its easy manipulation in heavy traffic.
b. We should emphasize the fun of driving it in resort areas.
c. We should stress the pleasures of easy parking in tight spots.
2. Let us emphasize its advantages as a second car.
3. Our advertising photos should show upper-income people.
a. They should be elegantly dressed.
b. They should be engaged in activities thought of as glamorous.
C. We should advertise in the luxury publications bought by the well-to-do.

This advertising program will solve our problems.
A. Upper-income people will be more eager to buy our cars.
B. The Boman will be thought of as a fun car instead of as a poor mans car.
C. Sales will rise.
Constant Contact. (2016). Retrieved February 24, 2016 from
Marks, G. (2013). Is Constant Contact the best email service? Retrieved January 31,
2016 from http://www.forbes.com/sites/quickerbettertech/2013/01/07/is-constant-contact-thebest-e-mail-marketing-service/#26d7dfa73e25

Rashid, F. (2014). Constant Contact email marketing. Retrieved January 31, 2016
from http://www.pemag.com/article2/0.2817.2474133.00.asp
Reviews.com (2015). The good, the bad, and the details. Retrieved January 31, 2016
from http://www.reviews.com/email-marketing-services/constant-contact/
Wolfe, L. (2016). Women in business. Retrieved January 31, 2016 from

VII. This program is the best way to counteract the drop in sales.
A. We have already tried lowering the selling price without visible improvement
in sales.
B. A suggested alternative plan was judged terribly expensive.
1. The creation of a new line of luxury cars would take three years.
2. Retooling at this time would be costly.
a. Production would be at a temporary standstill.
b. Changes in machinery would cost approximately two million dollars.
C. To shift the emphasis in our advertising would cost very little.
1. The salaries of our advertising staff would not increase.
2. Agency fees would increase only 2 percent.
3. Advertising in more elite magazines would increase the total advertising
budget only 5
4. The total increased annual cost would be slightly under $200,000.
D. Advertising history indicates the effectiveness of carefully-planned appeals to
certain segments of the population.

The policy I propose will bring many benefits to the firm.

Sales can be expected to increase within three months.
Our dealers will be more satisfied.
Increased dividends will please the stockholders.
Boman will again lead the foreign-car field in American sales.

I. To counteract our recent sales losses, we must create a new market.
A. The most practical way to do so is through a new advertising program.
1. We must stress the pleasure-producing aspects of driving our cars.
2. We must make new status symbols of them.
3. We must advertise in publications read by the wealthy.
B. This shift in our advertising campaign is the most efficient way to solve our
C. It is the most economic step to take.
II. Let us adopt this program.
A. We will enjoy returning to the prestige associated with leading all sales of
foreign cars.
B. Everyone associated with the firm will reap the financial benefits of increased

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