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Elige la opcién correspondiente y completa el enunciado A) The information in exercise two is La informacién en el ejercicio dos es. a) an e-mail b) a biography c)alegend Un e-mail una biografia Una leyenda 2. Read the informat Lee la informacion. Pablo’s mother: Hi Pablo. How was your day at school? Write True or False. Escribe True si ol enunciada es verdadero © False si es falso. a) Helen Keller was 19 years when she got sick. Helen tenia 19 afios cuando Se_enfermé. b) Anne Sullivan was Helen’s mother. Anne Sullivan fué la mam de Helen c) Helen Keller was from the United Status Helen Keller era de los Estados unidos. d) Helen couldn't see or hear. Helen no podia ver ni escuchar e) Helen could communicate with a sign language. Helen podia comunicarse can un signo de lenguaje B Think 4. Complete the answers with words in bold in the text. Completa las respuestas con las palabras en negritas en el texte. a) Could you read well when you were ten? Yes, 1 ¢Podias leer bien cuando tenias 10 anos? b) Could you solve math problems when you were four? No, 1 2 Podias resolver problemas de matematicas cuando ienias cuatro? ¢) Could Helen see or hear when she was three? ,she

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