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Forced Indoctrination, Coercive Society

John Taylor Gatto reinforces the feelings most, if not all, graduates of compulsory
government education have, school sucked, I hated it. Gatto begins by relating his own
experience being a teacher in public school and becoming an expert on boredom. (142) He
goes on to show how this constant boredom which characterizes our schools is not a product of
boring teachers or unwilling students, but rather the fault of our compulsory school system itself.
He asks, Do we really need school? (143) Referring to school in its current form, not education
or intellectual discovery. In answering this question Gatto examines the history of modern
compulsory schools and reveals the intent of the conspirators who enacted this agenda into
public policy. The history reveals a picture of control, as compulsory schools are, as Gatto puts
it, deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny
students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens all in order
to render the populace manageable. (145) This educational philosophy was campaigned for by
intellectuals in the early 1900s like Alexander Inglis, author of Principles of Secondary
Education, James Conant, and Horace Mann, as well as businessmen George Peabody, Andrew
Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, and itself descends from the educational institutions of a less
than free Prussia, a military state, precursor to Nazi Germany and the antithesis of all that is
considered American, freedom.
People tend to scoff at the idea of an organized conspiracy of societal domination by a
well-connected and well-funded group of elites. However, this text does nothing more than to
validate such a theory. How else could such an overtly insidious system of education be
established? Inglis himself describes the functions of secondary education to be a brainwashing
factory, for example, establish fixed habits of reaction to authority make children as alike as

possible determine each students proper social role trained only so far as their destination in
the social machine merits will require an elite group of caretakers quietly taught how to
manage this continuing project (147). These are the principles that form the foundation of the
philosophy which has become the applied policy forming our current mass education. Introduced
by the very elites who would employ themselves as the self-appointed rulers of all the dumb
idiots they created!
Interestingly enough, this philosophy was also advocated for by President Woodrow
Wilson, the very President that signed into law the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, effectively, as
he admits, relinquishing the economic sovereignty of America to private interests. This then
would be my claim about the world based off this astounding history of American public
education; If there was a secret cabalistic group of elites hell bent on controlling people and
covertly ruling over human worldly affairs, and they succeeding in colluding to create the
Federal Reserve, why not at the same time could those people introduce and succeed in
establishing an overtly wrong, immoral, and arguably downright evil system of education in
order to perpetuate the corporate-government power structure fundamentally based on a simple
concept of fiction. Furthermore, could that group have also consolidated power in other
industries, fields of study and practice, or any other facet of structuralized institutional human
life, such as the American Medical Association or International Monetary Fund, etc.?

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