Choose The Correct Answer:: Subiecte Clasa A III-a

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Subiecte clasa a III-a

Nume: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Prenume: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coala de provenien:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _


1. A fish can: a) swim; b)fly; c) run; d) talk.
2. Strawberries are a) flowers; b) vegetables; c) fruits; d) trees.
3. This is a

a) school bag; b) desk; c) box; d) pencil case.

4. Which one of these can you find in the bathroom: a) phone; b) bed; c) toothbrush; d) fridge.
5. Mum is cooking in the a) bathroom; b) bedroom; c) kitchen; d) attic.
6. My hobby is riding the a) car; b) bike; c) train; d) taxi.
7. What am I doing here?

a) I am cooking; b) I am eating; c) I am sleeping; d) I am doing my


8. In this picture, I am a) bored; b) happy; c) having fun; d) nervous

9. I am Snow White and these are a) the seven dwarfs; b) the seven frogs; c) the seven dwarves; d) the seven
10. What can you wear on your head; a) shoes; b) blouse; c) dress; d) hat?
11. We go a) in; b) at; c) to; d) on school every day.
12. a) Why; b) What; c) When; d) Where do you go to school? In the morning.
13. How old a) is; b) are; c) have; d) has your brother?
14. She a) reading; b) read; c) reads; d) dont read a poem every day.
15/ 16. a) Does; b) Do; c) Is; d) Are she read every day?
Yes, she does; b) No, she does; c) Yes, she is; d) No, she isnt.
16. The boy brushes a) his teeth; b) his tooth; c) his hands; d) his face every morning.
17. The dentist said: Open youre a) fist; b) teeth; c) mouth; d) hand!
18. Look at a) he; b) him; c) it; d) them! He is a policeman.
19. a) There are; b) There is; c) It is; d) It are some cats in the garden.

20. a) In; b) On; c) At; d) For Sundays, kids get up at 9.

21. The books are a) above; b) on; c) under; d) next to the table.

22. We do this with our mouths: a) smell; b) eat; c) see; d) think.

23. Are a) them; b) this; c) these; d) that your friends?
24. He a) can; b) cant; c) will; d) isnt walk because he hurt his leg.
25. If someone asks How are you?, you answer: a) No, thank you. b) Fine, thanks. c) Im Anna. d) Im ten
years old.
26. What day comes before Friday: a) Sunday; b) Thursday; c) Monday; d) Saturday?
27. a) How; b) Where; c) What; d) Why is he from?
28. I would like a) a glass; b) a jar; c) a piece; d) a bucket of lemonade.
29. She doesnt like working. She is a) kind; b) patient; c) lazy; d) active.
30. There are a) three tomatoes; b) two tomatoes; c) two tomatos; d) two tomatos in this picture.
31. Half an hour means a) 30 minutes; b) 60 minutes; c) 15 minutes; d) 20 minutes.
32. Her aunts son is her a) brother; b) nephew; c) cousin; d) niece.

33. Who brings presents at Easter: a) Bugs Bunny b) Santa Claus c) The Easter Bunny; d) Jesus?
34. Which animal does not belong in a farm: a) the hen; b) the sheep; c) the duck; d) the squirrel?
35. Harry Potter is a) cartoon character; b) film character; c) book hero; d) book and film character?
36. This is the flag of ) The United States; b) the United Kingdom; c) Australia; d) New Zeeland.
37. The symbol of Halloween is a) a pumpkin; b) an apple; c) a turkey; d) a cucumber
38. Through a rabbit hole, Alice goes to a) Fairyland; b) Wonderland; c) Magic Land; d) Witch Land.
39. Peter Pan is a famous boy who never a) flies; b) grows up; c) is afraid; d) smiles.
40. The Wicked a) Witch; b) Lady; c) Queen; d) Princess always asks her
a) mirror; b) apple; c) magic globe; d) daughter if shes the most beautiful one.

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