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Date of Interview: December 13, 2011

Source of Information: Patient

Reliability: 95%
Source of Referral: None
Identifying Data:
Borer, Elma
19 yrs old
Alang-alang Leyte
Roman Catholic
DOA: Dec 13, 2011/4 am, 1st admission
Chief Complaint: Difficulty of breathing
History of Present Illness:
Dec 9, 2011
Colds for 3 days
No fever
No meds taken
Dec 12
Cough productive of whitish sputum,
Headache, PS of 2/10
Persistence of the above s/sx
1st asthma attack: dyspnea, wheeze
Dyspnea decreased in severity with sitting
position, aggravated by supine position
Sleeps leaning on the wall
Salbutamol thru inhaler with slight decrease
in severity of dyspnea
Pt slept for 30 mins after taking salbutamol
2nd asthma attack, pallor
3rd asthma attack, pallor
Increased in severity of dyspnea
Salbutamol inhaled (last dose)
Dec 13
Due to consumed salbutamol, pt was rushed
to the RHU for nebulization
LOC upon arrival for 30 mins
Nebulization was continued until the pt
gained consciousness
After 3 series of nebulization, pt was still
dyspneic hence brought to EVRMC
Past History:
Childhood Illnesses: 5 years old, onset of asthma. 3-4
attacks/ yr but had never hospitalized due to asthma.
2-3 RHU visits/yr.

Adult Illnesses:
Medical: asthma attack every other month which
usually lasting for 30 mins-1 hr . Such pattern started
in highschool. 1 tab 400 mg ansinar, 1 tab 20 mg
pred20, and salbutamol, all 2 x a day/attack
Surgical: none
Psychiatric: None
Immunization: unrecalled. BCG scar at R deltoid
Allergies: allergic to egg, chicken, shrimp, crabs, no
known allergy to drugs
Family History:
Mother: 44 yo, healthy
Father: 49 yo, healthy
1st: 23, f, no asthma, healthy
2nd: 21, f, asthmatic
3rd: pt
4th: 17, F, asthmatic
5th: 14, M, asthmatic
6th: 11, M, asthmatic
7th: 6, M, asthmatic
Heridofamilial dses: asthma on both sides
Personal and Social:
Pt, 19 yo, housewife, highschool grad
Husband, 24 yr, farmer, highschool grad
Concrete house located ___meters away
from the ricefield. With water sealed toilet
and electricity. Water source is from a
communal faucet not boiled prior to
drinking. Cook with the use of firewood done
inside the house. Household wastes
collected by a garbage truck every week.
House is clean, no dusts.
No domestic pets
Pt and husband are nonsmoker and
nonalcoholic beverage drinker
No exercise
Usual diet: rice, fish, vegetable. Avoids
foods like chicken, egg, milk, shrimp, crabs,
Wakes up at 6am, sleeps at 9 am
temp 36.8
RR: 34
PR: 106
BP: 110/80
Supraclavicular retractions
Wheeze in all lung field
Apex beat at 6th ICS
Heart beat is regular

(-) murmur

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