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Message from the Director 02 Message from the Chairperson Placements. 03 IMT Nagpur Vision, Mission & Governing Board. 04 IMEN Highlights 05 Infrastructure. 07 Life@IMTEN 08 PGDM Programmes, PGOM Curriculum, Intemational Linkages Past Recruiters at IMFN, Faculty List. ‘Alumni Speak. 2015 Class Profile Class of 2015 Finance + Marketing... Finance + Operations. Finance. . Finance + IT Finance + Economics Marketing + Finance Marketing, Marketing + HR & OB. Marketing+ Operations Marketing + Economi Operations + Marketing Operations + Finance. HR & O8 + Marketing, HR & OB Placement Process Convocation at IMT. Nagpur Flight Data. Performing in O 1 Synchronicity Message Dear Recrul tim glad to inform you that over the decade since our inception, IMT Nagpur has progressed rapidly into the elite league. Tha relentless efforts, IMT Nagpur is now consistently ranked among the very best B-Schools in inca ks to our Today, our rapidly changing world is going through an accelerating ppace—and also shocks~of globalization. B-Schools are trying to radically reinvert themselves, to remain relevant, in this changing socioeconomic, business, and technology-driven global environment. ur endeavor has IMT Nagpur has also immersed itself in this exercise, bbeen to go beyond the conventional and traditional management skil, by imparting lifelong Jeaming ability to our students. In today’s environment, where most things are more or less same for business organizations across the world, what differentiates companies essentially its people, Siriarly what differentiates IMT Nagpur is its quality of facully, as physical infrastructure and internet no longer count a competitive advantage, (On top of our superlative Student Faculty (full-time) ratio, our faculty blends industry experience and academic rigour well. Over the last ‘academic year, nearly 200 senior industy practitioners interacted with our students. This helped IMT Nagpur acquire the ‘connect’ with the practicing corporate world, as the commonly cited rawback of B-Schools is their ‘disconnect with the real processes and practices of comporate world, uch-needed Limvte you to be part of cur placement process forthe batch of 2013 15, Since their joining at IMT Nagpur they have been made to constantly and continuously pass through the test of fie’, that makes the finest steel-and the finest managers. Beyond placements the only tine when you often hear from 8- Schools; also invite your involvement of your senior manage part of our value creation and transmission effort Dr. Ranjit Goswami IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, Message Dear Recruiters, It gves me immense pleasure to welcome you to the campus of IMT Nagpur forthe final placement process forthe batch of 2013-15. tis a ‘tue privilege to present to you a group of vibrant, young, dynamic and talented student student miki picked through a rigorous selection process ensuring that only the very best ofthe lot get into our campus. This selected batch, then, is exposed to a curriculum that is thoroughly updated and in sync with the demand of the modem business scenario. managers ready to hit the corporate world. Our IMT Nagpur is proud to have stood up to the expectations of several organizations over past 10 years and past recruiters have bee? regularly picking our students and that isa testimony to the qualty of ‘our stucent managers. IMT Nagpur has been continually rated as one Of the top B-schools in the country by several prestigious suney agencies. The institute is committed to excellence as its core mission and practices innovation in management leaming that is not only conceptual but analytical and decision oriented, As your co-partnes, we assure you that our students are adequately equipped with personal and professional skis and are industry ready They are designed to excel in whichever sector they are put to work in Cur ever growing alumni base spread over more than 100 organizations in myriad sectors around the country and abroad speak for this fact: Once again, I welcome your organization to our beautiful ‘campus for the recutment of graduating student managers of 2013- 15 batch \ hope this brochure provides you with all necessary in reed and we shall only be too happy to answer any futher query that you might have mation you Looking forward to see you at our Campus. Season's Greetings & Warm Regards. Prof. K. Chatterjee IMT-N Vision Ree a Se Soke cs Oe ee err Cenc Oe ee eee deen Ree rua evelopment, consuiting and intemational partnerships See ee ae ty ee eC ne yee cee eo Deas + Provide the necessary facies for running entrepreneurship Governing Boa cunt President Day Sy Nesey Dad Pea IMT-N: a snapshot Seer te eet Se eR con cele eae oo {rorn all the metros and fast emerging asthe hub for new economy industries, IMTENS See ae ene Recency eee ee ee ay Cee ee ee et ney Dea ae MMM nee ao et ce dassroom instruction and supenvse industy projects. Dp ac Greg Mocca call Cee ae nen ee Ge ae PUaMes, gh Infrastructure STATE-OF-ART FACILITIES IMT Nagpu as been concaptuiaed asa cere fo designed to conform to wold standards The accesiblty a anyplace hin the rps The resi LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE (LRC) IMT Nagpu understands ecg, kl and comp once oft student eaceptional quality and thas ever Since sived to impcove the Pig LRC DATABASES DDELNET Access to DELNET Union Catalogues and other Database to Memnbeeibraves ROQUEST : Thousands af jounals that el reseachees race uses conctions ends managers techniques corporate stages, and nis) 3 tpi wore I cons of 1800 fulextourals and 200 jus hat are rene and arate EBSCO” A comprehensive dtabase wth a index anc absracs for more than 3800 busness-eated perodcals o redes searchable caters fr more than 1,100 academicjourals and ful text fr rare than $3000 perodieas, inating nearly 1000 ful tet peer STOR: Highesolition scaned mages of jour ana pages a they vere orgraly esac, pr iuseated EVERALD: The Hecroric Management Research Library Database contansonine Sigal coledion of uals 3s csabase and THE IT RESOURCE CENTRE IMFWhasafuly WEF networked to create anew and vbr acadeic mile, T tng te ay fore is among the fe as hasan acadericpatnssip ‘THE IMT-BM BUSINESS ANALYTICS LAB [BM and MT Nagpur with SCO which svategy Ths progran ated by Carer Eauction for Bus ree sofa ply cite vole. Th most unique fate of th 1095 of business tansfomston the BM Business Anais Lab tat nas bee makeepace The Program beings together the atest sofware contr practns an case studies al into a sgh unique edu corporate exclence. Th wireless campus has been Ihe furlirentlinpotance of rps A banc Resource Cie aided it to sections and a bei 4 the If couse an aco utes in ia to ave 3 campus agree th Microsoft forthe test bis. ve coltborated to hep students en tus fat Zone" create by the wees LAN provides students with wieess seconnmodste over 720 student, ensuring that the students have wor-as faites ith nemet reading roms and a ctf sop, 2 foray rooting felony esring and mprening the Toe Institute has fom tinction had a Leaning Resource Cne of tarda ofthe fait ACM DIGITAL LEARY. A weath of comoutg literature br the Guide to Compusing erature ae wel 35 spac Corporate nd consrtaarangerens FROWESS: formation on over 7.000 comganies products ane pang aw mater, history of captal ranges, bons and iden, stock pres ane veted ‘emation expansion als ef APTALINEALUSSat-csheat facies ke graphics forecasters maimed aod ne RIL: CRSINAC INDAASTAT An enine soco-conomie database with nine Bookstore wth aver 19000 tales and general information about nia BR: Hoare Basie Res the practice of ranagerr OTHERS: CFA Jura, M Indust ifort sw witha mssion oimorove ne enangrg word A, Legale, USENDG, + lows students and fcutis to erect ffctvely ngusec ae on comput fait for ether course, MIEN sc sofa: MEN to offer OSCO certified courses in our cic, thee ssn areas 5 Fansforation (E57) sranagetal decson making and by BM focuses onthe mor ogra include reise where RM has provided relevant software BT ining, to adress the cea need formu dspinay skis the gba alwedldndusty expenencs hands cn ab courses, best program Life @ IMT-N PLACEMENT COMMITTEE “This committee isinseurental in interfacing the comorate world to secu final placements and samme intemships for ‘the students tsies to create awareness about NIFN ithe nds. appeaig them of what tf in ems of management potenal has as wel the quality of education The efcency and campetence of te commie i refed inthe exele placement records achieved at IMENin the pas years ‘CORPORATE INTERACTION COMAITTEE Integration of cassoom learing with corporate word forms the essence of a ®GOM course, MI ensues this trough frequent quest lecures from eminent and exoetence persons frm ie industy A Guest Lecture is an terface betiveen the corporate industry are the prospec ule managers, Corporate teraction Comte is esoosible for aranging an facltang hese nteractors wah te corporate work trot on hes in organkng hese sessions butalso hes in establishing alagacy of claboraton and liane wth Ue oxprae seco Corporate teraction Commitee (C1Q abo exgaize he aval reunion ‘Méange” in which alge number of alana ‘ake a eeak tom their coporate and entrerereuia uses to share thei experience arc knowledge withthe newer generations attending IMT Nagpur (Caso erganizes Live Projects which enables tudes to get hands en experience wth ana to provide el fe industry expr and ao ta provide a lator to hone the sls ad slate tha academic leaing coz Campus Oxygen (C02) a everbeatng wice the campus, asters diven enepreneeship which ins at roving fuhfdged laundry snc ie, Washing and dying in the campus Though is services the commie es 0 reileve te students rom te task of washing their cothes hus, providing hem th ample me fr value-adding enti In ftir, CO? pling to merase ts sevice ne with sees such as tating magezre, dry ceaning al being rendered ala compatine price The business whih ame nto extence i 2011 had seed the college stents wally Keeping thei thes dean and sine then the leony as been cared onward by every ‘CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE. The Brand Ambassador of MT Nagout Corporate communications conte werk toward bulking a cestabe public mage for MT Nagpc kt performs pvsalole of conecing IMT Nagpur wth aude word CC achieves this through its colage newsletter The Opus) by promoting college on various anlre platens, handing media elatonsios,exhibitng a colage of allarpus events and taking nteriews of quest ecurets “The Opus: Opus rings tthe fore formation an all aces on campus an proves a platform for exchange of ideas beeen students the academia and ny. ‘Online Platforms: CCCis the cao of insu’ onine presence on various patforms wich dudes colage's webste facebockpage, ter page and youtube channel “Meelia Relationships: hares the nad of carerunicatng to the curside world the tural and academe clogs evens through pint media Handing acrsson queries CCC isthe ist contact point for aspiring future managers who ast al the doubts about bchoo fe and ote elated work IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015 0 Q MaKe SEN caecum Rog Ce uote ey Sie Snack en on au ae See ase) = atmosphere where they experiencé the differences between people oa = from different parts of India and learn to adapt themselves to these ee econo ale) On) 6 cnn mle) Umea Based ae SRR een Ce eyed literature ahd socio“ cultural events. There are various committees that conduct the events that lead to exercising the student minds and bodies and manifest the créativity and essence of team spirit Dye tke eu ened alee knowledge beyond classroom teachings—reflected in various forums where latest trends in various facets of management are shared Bh _;, Life @ IMT-N cvciors At. Cjlps the cperation forum of MT Nagout we itera toad auto he fad of Cpratons Management by encouraging excelence We do 30 by proving students with regu updates and by organza various ter calege and nia colage events. Our forum has baen niche nthe folowing aa inthe previous academic year: + Games which encourage aati! andlogial hirking + Seta cur mortlycensleter + India vss order to provide a dec exposure to Operators Managementin the nds + Sharing updates on our Facebook page + Video sharing on our nranet in err t ronda fun vsualundestanding ofthe concepts of Operations Management + lteield Operations an rva-colege annual ever. ENVISION: The Blockbuster Forum of IMT Nagpur A business sooo bregs about the holst developers of mere student manages into eective business minds To readh the goa fot of ard work and perspraton secured, tthe ndusrousnesbsings tof ses $0 inetabie tat the stadet managers requre entertain o enhance the performance. Ts whee this "Blockbuster Forun-ENVIBON” pches in Widely considered asthe hear and soul of IMTENagpus students, sah ‘members ar facly ENVISION scree atest 35 we as old moves on campus aso harbous a huge dstabae of ‘movies an televson saves whch are made available TEAM ENVSIONS e demain in campus, FINAHOLICS, Finals ~ the finance forum of MT Nagp. was setup in 2005, wth an am to rake finance concepts uci ard ‘eomprehensble to the students cts the equr pedagogy The Fiance frum of IMT Nagour wort toward the simplification of vatiosfnancal concepts $035 fo serv asthe backbone fran relevant franca nawledge that out strnt ei ‘Te forum aso ans to equip our young student manages ith he faciy of understanngvaius aspects of France Ssucenss are gien the opportunity ta experience the rigors of acual worKibusnes scenarios, apy ethereal leaning and gain precus insight into ranagemer,eaderhp and venday rallenges ureratt Leeature ads a perspective to you Ife ina way that’s preter and mero caries yout a diferent world, Aer the hustle bust of the tcricalty of MA ts erature tht takes a managers mit serenity Leathe erature forum of MT Nagour aims a providing the student managers a toaly diferent perspectie ofthis ‘word with igeof teat. The forum pesioicallyorganses eves ke pride rade, ert quests et to promote te cute of erature MARQUE Marque the Marketing forum at nstitute of Managersent Technology Nagout Marque ams to gow asa student ‘operated learing body by imparting experence,knowedge ad talent inthe upcorring young lade’. Ths objective is attained by orgaing sears, games and diferent intr colege anc ita colege evens at ML Nagout Marauepedi the gsi evet ofthe frum acs as a plato for buddeg markets to nteoc wh staat from inst and asa medium to test the rledge tough case tues, 220s ad ether fa fled evens. This event held wih gusto and fervour every yea IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, 1 0 Life @ IMT-N MILESTONE Milestone comeitee conduits and organises the wo rain eens ofthe tute: Miestone 34the rita collage bose fet and Mlestone 35. The busines fest where sucens of herb schools across ria come and partcpate inthe events [MILESTONE 34- isthe nos anaed intra collage event where students for a tam of 20-25 mbar an promt ‘themselves onthe theme, The teams wha nin mus pero constant nly 3 promtions ane marking bur ao i games of a fora ‘oKoNoMos COkeromas: the buss and econersis forum of MT Nagpur ams at promoting interest day o-eay Business happenings and nt dispinary interatons, Through ts actiites ike business and economic games, workshops et brings a racial approach to cassoom leaning Cokcromos als alps in increasing the economic avaeness of the student managers of IMT Nagpur though #s ‘uartety magazine The Okanomis. Arles of economic mporance are coven ths again, ova, ‘vias one commit that kneps the campus engaged twoughout the year and with the recent sebaton of Loh avd Makar Sanicantin the carpus thas ao been abet take the nian culture forward tothe foreign exchange students inthe campus. nthe coming merths OVIA par to elebate Repub dy Holand the mast awed ofall the even’ bddhgFarevel to our sens forthe fuure endeavors uczwesser Cueeser—the qu forum of MT Nagpur ams at increasing the general anarenes ofthe suden ranagers of MMT agp Trough 5 quizes, the frum test incase he lec lvel of stuns a fun manner The forum ‘ond quiz ona varety oops ranging fom spars to booed to general Some of the quizzes conducted by the frum nudes - im ¢-Azar, bolywvood que; Wagar Bhi business eu te SPORTS COMMITTEE ‘This Commitee i responsi for althe sports acts in MT Nagpur Be cricket, Football Basketbal oy and Gi Gite Throw, Voybal Table terns, 2acrinta, Lawn Tenis, VAN Gating or cher coor gars lke Com and (Chass the Spots Conte that invokes the enti eam inthe Sporting acts of he colage nha two big who comet the alge and pay these spor th the curent batches) and Mahasangam (ra colege spats events) par fom these, there ae alt of ther sal matches tht are played itn the presen batches of the collage m3 host of spors that ae organised by the Commatee This cammitee is response for selecting the Insure Ter that gos to othr B-School tap fvensin tha academic year Rerbhocr rich nce ala inthe sors fests acs the natin PRAYATNA: The Co-paratie Store INET Nags cated 35 kn away fom the man cy of Nagpur i anintton that offes the students the best of al the faites n 2006, student managers of IM Nagpur care up wth an ravate ida ofa student end Co operate store The main aim ofthe store isto provide day to day necesito the student man caerpus at very reasonable an aferdabl ate es rescing in the ‘Our main mission at Paytna's to update ousebes with he charging needs a requirements of the suds the ‘corpus We ae a native or the students and by the students We tae managers eda the esponsihyo managing the Co-op ue tore wh a common goa of prvi beer and improved ay of products and Life @ IMT-N (ur objective isto take creo he basic necessities ofthe students om thei wer ist day nthe colege, On the very ist day inte inst, we ensure thei corfor by proving necessis ke marresses, buckets, soaps and local ‘moble services. Tofu the food ana beverage needs ofthe Studer we sere col inks and hake tems. Asa par cf eur expansion process we tated akchen in 2010 and the vary f foo offered has beenevong ever ce, Ne haw nist varus othe ences such as anon carpus cobble bate; ar aun senic which raw uncon as india ures plotiRe Boing an HA forum of MT Nagpur spice has been vey active mn conducting varous vents fr side tranagersto incorporate and enhance the sl sets equted to become an effcent and successful manager ithas ao conducted Some of the tess buster events soa to bing nan element of exange inthe busy scale of stent managers in the 8 So. _plotie has conducted a mock tee ding Mlestone 34. demande student manage to possess cerain wats ofa plc! leader who aopess for an HR review. ‘Mision Obama was the came ofa sess buster event conduc by xplee for both the batches of MT Nagour to get ou of ther busy usual autre ad smoke ou the stress and enjoy a team acy During Milestone 35 wlohe conducted an event name Zenith wherein each team was alloted 2 company Thay had to respond to te gen situations wth respect to the company’ polices based on which they ete allowed to ‘olaborat with companies and forrulate ther pos “odo someting diferent fom the usual are wring cempetins Team xlcHfe came up with an event Ser ‘were the student managers ere gven a7 cpootunfy te present thee ideas on topic rele ta human behaviour nd asycholgy inthe frm ofa ory Helbng stdet manager to enhance and rsh up theme personal communication sll apiobe organised @ mock Group Dicssonbhyaas whch was fated by one ofthe prominent acl at MT Naga Mohanty wha ‘gave his valable feedback tothe student managers who were part ofthe event Zimtonia infona- he musi forum of MEN aims at keeping the campus brant and oreaking the menotony ofthe daly hes of ‘the sudents. Aer a day fl of asgnment and arcs this forum tes to provide the sudert managers with 2 break ‘through ts vaous events. The varcus events corducted by the forum nde Kaacke right bard performance etc Recently the frum conducted a musialaratshar accompanied by bonfire to provide a seothing ola hn wirtrs. The forum aso conducted guitar casses fr those who are norested Inte futur, the forum's pring to conduct acousic right in whch te amfona team ill shoncase thee snging sll onthe tures of guitar IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, 1 2 The fulltime PGDM programme of IMFN is fuly autonomous and accredited by AICTE Itis a residential course carried through a trimester system with six terms spread over 21 months with 120 credits of work load spread over 39 courses and a summer internship project. During each of the courses, realty checks are done very regularly through various components such as mid term and end-term exams, quizzes, short assignments, class participation, group projects etc IMEN follows a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system of 10-point scale. Grades are awarded to students on their performance in each ofthe courses based on various unis of evaluation. These grades add up to @ CGPA fora trimester as wel as overall grades. A student must have a minimum CGPA of 500 at the end of the programme to be awarded the PGDM. SUMMER TRAINING AND PROJECTS The SurnmerIntemship Project (SIP) s an integral part of the PGOM programme at IMI-N. This projec, spread over a period of 8 weeks between the two academic years, carries 6 credits and exposes students to the rigours and realities of the corporate world while equipping them to focus on leaming in their functional areas of interest during the second year of the programme, The entire programme, thoughtfully conceived to meet the challenges of future leadership, aims at shaping managerial talent with the values of integrity, co-operation and creativity ‘The PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) is awarded in the following streams PGDM, PGDM - Finance and PGDM - Marketing The first year of these programmes - common to allof them - takes the students through a number of compulsory courses across various functional areas such as Marketing, Finance, I, HR Operations and General Management. Ths creates a solid base forthe students to acquire their specialisation in the second yeat In the second year ofthe programme, the students have to select courses from an array of electives across various functional areas depending upon their area of specialisation. IMTEN offers an option of dual specialisation as well In addition to electives, students are required to study the folowing compulsory courses inthe second year: Strategic Management | & Il and Corporate Governance Values & Ethics. Performing in 1 3 Synchronicity PGDM Curriculum ‘COMPULSORY COURSES YEAR Term Temi Business Communication Maer Economics ines and Poces Financ Accounting for Managers | Management Acco. snes Research Methods ing and Cort Tr Applications in Management | Marketing Managerrrt I coporate France Managerial Eco ‘operations Management Human Resource Management Marketing Mar Organsations Behaviour egal Aspecs of Business Orgarsationa Behaviour Quanttave Tecniques for @usness | Management nformtion Systems Decisons gues for Comorte Fnac Bushes Dedsons ‘operations Management Business Conrnunication ‘COMPULSORY COURSES YEAR I Temv Tem-v Temvi Srategc Managemert| Strategic Manageme I Corporate Governance Vales, Ec IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, Curriculum TERM IV ELECTIVES Economies + Raped conometics Economice/General Management + novation Management and Market for Teeoogy Economics/Finance cwvtrnaiagieco + nouations and Stategy othe DigtalEeonery Finance + Commerc Bank Management al Managerent + Fandal Makes institutions + Francia Panning & Wealth Management + Franc isk Monageren + fvesimant Management {+ Merger & Acquistions + Non Life surance + Projet Apia & Financing General Management srucure Management HR & 08 + Employee Relations & Disciire Management + Legal Aspect of Einpymen + Organization Development + Organizational Stace & Desig + Peformance Management Information Technology + Bushes “iT stegy “+ Maraging Data in Business ‘Organisation Marketing + Brand Managemen + Customer Reaonshio Managemen + tegrated akong ELECTIVES + Rul Marketing + Sales & Distrbtor Management + Senices Missing ‘Operations + Projac Managemen += Quaty Management Systems & Sic Sora + Roverue Maragement ‘TERM V ELECTIVES Economies + Feonomic and Buses Forecasting + Ezanomis of Glbzation and Manateral Corporations Finance + Bushes Anas & Vahation Financ Sttement ing + Compote Cre & Financial Anas + Detaties| + Eauly Reseach + Fnancal Economics + Lie haance += Qusnttate Fine + Rsk Manager in Banks & Fis + Stmulaten on Potfoso Managemen + Sratege Cost Management General Management + Business in Deveeped ang [Energing Markets + Corporate Crminl Laity HR & 08 + Compensstion Manager + Sratege Satfog Tang & Develooment + Wage and Salary Adinisrati Information Technology + Busines Ittigane and Keane Marageren + Dial Energies ERP + Lega Aspects of FR Marketing + Buse 55 Makating + Consume Bohai + btematonal Maratng + Matting Research + cing Satgies + Rota Management + Static Marketing Operations/ + buss A Operations + Revere Manageme I + Suppl Chan Management ‘TERM VI ELECTIVES Economics + esta Economies and Compete Stategy Finance + Behavowal France & + Commodity Detvates + Corporate Taxation for Bushes + Financ Modeling Using Excel + Foed income Sects + lvestrent Zaring General Management + Eiraprerausip Development + StategiAllances an ont HR&OB Carer & Compstency Management + Strategic HRM Information Technology +I Busnes Cons + Sofware Project Manageme Marketing + Digi Makating Marketing/Fnance + Mateteg of Facial Products Operations + Dynamic Aras of Supply Char sysems + Senice Operations Management International Linkages iven the strong need for comprehensively global academic programs, IMT-N continuously strives to establish bilateral partnerships with leading business schools ‘across the world, These partnerships cover areas of student and faculty exchange, collaborative research, organization of joint conferences and case writing Intemational partnerships enable students to experience culturally diverse campuses, develop cross-cultural knowledge and understanding to better apprecate global business and practices ‘Studying along with people of another culture in their culture gives rise to new ideas and ways of thinking. Participating in a student exchange program can open a student's career to new horizons. ‘OUR CURRENT PARTNER INSTITUTES ‘Country Partner Country Partner ‘Australia Deakin University Indonesia Dipenegoro University UNDIP ‘Australia University of Newcastle ireland Waterford Institute of ‘Austia Macquarie University Technology Austria University of Applied Sciences, ‘tae! Ruppin Academic Center Kufstein taly University of Mlano-Bicocea Belgium —_ICHEC Brussels Management Kazakhstan Kazatstan institute of School Management, Economics & Brazil COPPEAD Graduate School of Strategy Research Business Liechenstein University of Lietchenstein Ecuador IDE Business School Mexico Universidad de Monterrey France EMStasbourg Business School Philippines St. Marys University France ESCRennes School of Business Poland Unversity of Warsaw France Grenoble Ecole de Portugal _ISCTE- University Insitute of Management Lisbon France Toulouse Business School South Africa University of Stellenbosch France Group ESC Djon Bourgogne Business School Burgandy School of Business South Korea Chonnam National University France Ecole de Management de Spain Universidad de Sevila Normandie Thailand —_Kasetsart University Germany Hochschule Offenburg UAE IMT Dubai Greece ALBA Graduate Business School, x University of Essex Athens UK University of Northampton IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, 1 6 Past Recruiters 3i Infotech Ltd ACC Ite ‘Adani Group Aditya Birla Retail ‘Adventity Allahabad Bank ‘Apeejay Surrendra Group ‘Aranca ‘Aryaka Asian Paints ‘Aviva Life Insurance Ltd ‘Axis Bank Bajaj Allianz General Bajaj Allianz Life Bajaj Auto Finance Bank of America Bank of Baroda Barista Berger Paints Beroe Bharti Airtel Ltd BUT Birla Sun Life Asset Management British Gas Café Coffee day Capgemini India pital 1Q Century Communication Cheers Interactive Citi Financial Ltd Citigroup Global Services CRISIL Deloitte DLF Universal Ltd Done & Badstreet EClerx Eicher Motors Essar Group Eveready Exide Batteries Factset Foursoft Ltd Fractal Analytics Future Retail Futures First at Genpact GIC Housing Finance Godrej & Boyce Ltd Grail Research Greenlam Laminates Greenply GREedge Group M GVK Biosciences Havells HCL Infosystems HCL Technologies itd HDFC Bank HDFC Ergo HDFC Ltd HDFC Standard Life Henkel india Ltd Hindustan Composites HINGIL HSBC Technologies Icicl Bank ICICI Lombard General Insurance Ltd ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Itd ICICI Prudential Life insurance ‘Company Ltd Idea Cellular Ltd IFBIL&FS Investment Securities Ltd IMRB International Infosys BPO InG-Vysya Bank Ltd Ipsos ITC Foods ITC Hotels TW India Ltd Jindal Steel & Power khimji Ramdas Kotak Mahindra bank Kotak Securities kerr KPMG L&q Hydrocarbon L&T infotech UC HFL, Magma Fincorp Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd Mahindra Finance Maruti Neilson Orient Cements Polaris Software Labs Punj Lloyd Ltd Ramco Systems RMS Regrow Reckitt Benckiser Samsung SBI Life Smart Cube South Indian Bank Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of Hyderabad State Bank of India Tata AIG Tata International Tata Motors Tes TCS E- Serve ‘Thomson Reuters Timken Engineering & Research Ltd Torrent Pharma Trident TVS Motors UCO Bank Usha International Ltd USIPL Verity Knowledge Solutions Vodafone Essar Wipro Yes Bank Zee Learn Name Designation Prot Ravindra Gadgl Profesor Pol Ags Hattangdl Asst Profesor Dr Veens Pata Professor Frof. Sayan Baneyee Asst Profesor De Shyam s Asst Profesor Dr v ops Professor Prof DIN. Panigrah’ Asso Profesor Asst Profesor Dr Kube Sinah Dr SSN junior IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Specialisation PG Degree Marketing Economies Economies Economie Finance Finance Finance Finance other A (Mtg), Uns of Louisiana sc Mech (C5), G) Uns Haryana FGDCM (equ 10 MBA) PRO Mh no fcanomis) MA (Economic) CWA, ACS (CS) (Phys), MBA Fin) Foo in Management Fellow in Management (MX) en MBA France), Mp acne ICA, OFS, CAS (8 nO, CFA(CFA inst USA) 2 a 2 30 0 6 2 Exp(1) Expt) Expt) Total mel@U LN Se Name Designation Specialisation PG Degree ome Exp(T) Exp(R) Exp() Total rot Hansh Repel Asst Professor Finance MAF, FMS Oe Unie PGD TaxLaws(UCen. FRM 3 — 9D Prof lasirSngh Mathars Asst Profesor Finance Mom, MBA nance & investment) no o- 5 16 Dr Vipul Kumar Singh Asst Profesor Finance MSc, MBA PRO fFnancl Mathematics) «9 — 9 Pot ananaye fast ofear fence Com, MAEcramic) CA ACMA es - 2 6 Dr Rajkumar Pratate Ast Profesor Gener Mant MBA, Sha Uniersty AET(EDI,Cenfiedenre- = 8 «= 2028 prenerhip, NTE New York fot hieNathSnoa—— Aas Pfesar General Mam ML ‘ACS CSO, CA ina, 4s - 8 Dipin Core Governance acs) De Rendon Patnie Asso Prfesar Gane Mont MBA Svateg PRO Gusness Management, 11 — 9 Sant Fes ‘Asst Profesor General Mgmt MA(App Fych& Paycho- PhO. woo 8 Togal Servees roti Kumar ‘Asst Profesor IMrech{. iT Focrkee PGDipomainEconmene 15 — Ot Dr Peshth Barve) Ass Profesor Martetng MBA Whig & Comp. Sj) PHD (Maragement) noo oon rot jess Xamble Asso Prafezor Maréstng —_PGOW tg) IN Banglore 5 - wm Frot Mind Facravs Asi Profesor Martetng —-MCom, Nagpur Uni MBA (Mkt. 1% - 7 2 BA, Dp. Fam Mot AER. Method, boa! Frol radep Mazur Asso Palesor Marectng PGDW (Mktg) IM Banglore 6 BH frot Subosn ogee Asso Prlesor Mavéstng —PGDIM IMT New Delhi ey Dr Kapicraties’ —AsstPofesor Maieing — MEA,APSUniversty PHD, APS Uiesty 0 - — 1 rot TK Chaves Asso Profesor Marketing MBA (Mktg) 6 - BD rot S.AnantRam Aso Pafesor Mtetng MBA kta) no 3 om «ined Kumar ‘Asst Profesor Mavetng MBA (Marketing) PRO (Maen) 1 = 25 35 De Vikramastye Ekkiala Asi Profesor 08 &HRM MBA CHEM) POOR & PM wo Lon oH De Saeena Kran AsoProfesor OBA HRM MA, FGDC, PHO Poetology Counseling) 8 = — 8 NCE Poona De Jagsrnath Mohanty Asst Profesor OB BHRM. MBA, ADMS PRD (Maragament) moa 1B Dr VSR. Viayakumar St Pofeszor 08 BHAM MA, MPR Psycology)_ PD (sehen) ee) De vn Sngh Chauhan Asst Profesor OB RHEM —MA\Psyehoiog) PRO Maagement) “wo - 4 Dr smtaDabhakar Ass Pofesor 08 RHM MA nds cology) PHO nos on De SenthiKumars Asso Mofessor OS AHIMA HRM) Ph (Management) es — 0 9 1: Nikanan Profesor Operations Mat MS(Mathematcs) PRO Management tudes) 22 931 D5. Mahewaran Asso Profesor Operations Mt MSc tt) Pro Gia 2» 2 Dr Hendra Sharma ——-roessor_-— Operations Mat MBA Operation), PD Mech, Eg) wo 3 tree Mec «Saab Sah Asso Mofessor Operations Mat MS Maths, PHO (owentory Management) 9 = — 9 Su Meni, SI NER Performing in Synchronicity Alumni Speak “Lowe my gratitude to IMT Nagpur for launching me into the corporate world and helping me discover and develop my talents:The MBA experience provided educational experiences and demanded commitment to new and changing deadlines and circumstances. The focus on team collaboration and resolution to business problems prepared me well for the varied challenges of the business world. The faculty and individuals from diverse backgrounds are the core strength of this esteemed institute and I convey my thanks to one and all.” HAN KANTH, Territory Sales Manager (Rural farketing), Tata Motors Lid “itis with great fondness and respect that I recall IMT Nagput. Personally it helped me put my life in clear perspective against the real demands of work lfe. It taught me to squeeze the last ounce of time from the 24 hours of a day. It covered a whole gamut of scenarios with its case-study pedagogy, and also helped us discover new situations with simulations such as Capstone. As a student, | experienced an overall development of mind, body and business acumen and for this, | shall remain grateful to IMT Nagpur” “IMERWIN JAMES, Deputy Manager - HR & IR, Tata Steel P&D Ltd “IMT is a place of opportunities and learning for each individual. The advantage in being away from the city is that every student builds a network with individuals coming from different parts of India and from various backgrounds. Learning is not, restricted to classrooms and being part of a student venture (FNF) gave me immense learning and first hand exposure of running a business with partners.” MITEN PANJUANI, Trident Limited “Within IMT Nagpur resides a conducive environment that not only hones one’s personality but also allows it to bloom and flourish in its own way. Away from civilisation yet a civilisation in its own right, the campus provides its students with a plethora of avenues to pursue and sharpen their varied interests and talents. Be it constituting committees and forums or running independent business ventures within the campus, the management and faculty are constantly motivating students. Instead of focussing just on academics and classroom learning, a sense of independent thinking and rational approach towards life are inculcated here. The two years that I spent at IMT Nagpur were unforgettable for more reasons than one. In addition to my post graduate diploma, | surely walked out with precious life lessons, not to mention the elevated self-confidence, ready to plunge into the conporate arena head-on.” MEGHNA SINHA, Area Sales Executive, Asian Paints (IMT-Nagpur 2011-13) IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015, Profile: Class of 2015 Specialization MARKETING: 282 FINANCE: 137 ‘OPERATIONS: 8¢ FRESHERS; 63% vaneeRn 6 Work Experience 24 YRS: 13% OTHER: 256 se , 1-2. YRS: 164% ARTS: 5% Age Sciences, 19.22 YRS: 38% COMMERCE: 27% Academic Background devs 22-24 ¥RS: 36% Class of 2015 iA Ta Abirbira Samal 987 Finance-+Operations 8 3 Tech (Electrical) Akanksha Agarwal anise Finance +Marketing Emst and Young Finance+Marketing Bech Electr & Telecom) | Crade Ose Developer Amee Rajesh Thaker sro | Finance+Marketing Reliance Infrastructure BB Fnance+ Marketing Bi Com(Hons) B Rupeeseed i ) Akshay Singh Thakur ee Finance+ Operations Qusly Asszance & Quay Control re Amit Gupta Siti Finance+Marketing — BBA Performing in Synchronicity. DCB Bank 18 Bonk i /23 mons + Senice Executive Anindita Auddy 2973/1990 Finance+Marketing Bech (Elec & Telecom) Ankit Shah 251989 Finance-+Marketing BCom (Hons) HDFC Ergo Se Ankur Mathur 221771990 Finance B.Com. DBI Bank Ltd IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Sa Anil Kumar Reddy M 38 Finance+Marketing Bech (IN) oa ancy Services /21 months ere for ak Amen et Ankit Parashar avianiget Finance+Marketing BE (Elec & Telecom) Finance+Marketing BSc Electronics co) Book My Packet Anshul Mittal aanngsa Finance+Marketing B Tech (Comp Science) Royal Sundaram Taine (Tecra Dest 24 Class of 2015 FINANCE SERED BEER pnshul Rajora I raises jFinance-+Marketing Bech (Elec & Telecom) Ashajyoti Parida Eure Finance+Marketing orzx ane Airtel i Arab Kumar Roy = Bech (Elec & Telecom) om Computo Vision Bia it Timted 35 ments Serr rete Engineer 2yartge1 ~ Finance-+Marketing B.Tech (Comp Science) Anuradha Kapoor 2arnaiss) Finance+Marketing 1) Business Eco BD Arpt Bishnoi i screen Finance +Marketing : Bech “(Civil Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 FINANCE eee 2¢ul Pranay enor Finance+ Operations ‘ Bitech (Mechanical) Senor Associate & Systems Engineer BW Awantika Singh y sovniiges | Bhavya Khamesra 21880 Finance-+Marketing BE Central Bank of India Chandni Gupta seen Finance-+Marketing BA ipeeseed Hi) Avinash Shukla Sse Finance+Marketing Bitech "(Mechanical) Creative Yolk Studios Vastra Enghees ited? months Tease geet Bhatt Dhawani Yashwant 15/1980 Finance+Marketing B.E(Computer Science) Punjab National Bank Bhawana Raj ‘snrsst ThinkSource Debdeep Konar Senn Finance+Marketing 8 Tech (lec & Telecom) Agfa oct Limited months Asstant Engineer IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 26 Dhawal Vijay Mankar avez Finance-+Marketing BBA | Computovision Dushyant Singh sige Finance-+Marketing B. E(Electica) EEE Ganesh Kamath [ om Finance-+Marketing E Bech Biotech) Rupeeseed SP Tedreagest¢ months egret SS Hardik Gupta 2riori988 ie Fore Bs Com Maruti Suzuki India Ltd PHC yeas and 3 mont Serie Anas Divya Vinay Shah 2215/1990 Finance-+Marketing BE IDBi Bank i rosmon 5 G39 0n Agarwal Bs/i988 Finance+ Operations BA (Hons) TeS24 mone Programmer Finance-+Marketing B.Com Hina Aggarwal 2avers30 Finance +Marketing BE 3E ec: -& Telecom) Tedinocom Marketing / 38 months N Marketing Exocutv, Mert Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 Lalas Finance-+IT 8 | (E80) Softare ingneer Honey Kwatra 163/988 years Operations BBA BJ Hitesh Girotra ‘ass z Finance-+Marketing Be Tech (Elec & Telecom) Reliance Communications se 2380 r Finance+Marketing Blech (Mechanical) Tata Communications Ti Kopal Gurjar Spee Finance-+Marketing |B Tach (Electrica) Planmyads | Kulwinder Singh Dhingra aes Frances Maketing IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 28 Class of 2015 FINANCE M Prannoy John Bose io. Finance +Marketing Ss Blech (Elec & Telecom) Rupeeseed Meet Sabarwal 9/5/1992 Finance+Marketing 4B.Com Mrigang Dwivedi wfowe Foss ted 46 months Se Navya Mukhi sae Finance +Marketing BCom Mankind Pharma 1 Manisha Ghosh wees Finance-+Marketing MSc | ‘Thinksource Pvt Ltd SSS Meitaba Ajaz Ansari ae __ Bae , Finance+Marketing Batons) Business Eco = VA Tech Finance Performing in Synchronicity Neeraj Ramadoss anaes Finance+Marketing BE (Mechanical) ING 3 Wysya Bank Ltd Propet Engineer Finance-+Marketing BBA Frafes Marketing Blech ec & Electronics) Boyallas. Pankaj Ruplani amanses Finance-+Maarketing B Tech (cae) Bonanza Portfolio Ltd IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Nimisha Agarwal nse Frrance+Marketing Kotak Mahincra Bank Noopur Mandhyan renga Finance+Marketing Pakala Kalyani 14/9/1990, Finance-+Marketing BTech Birla SunLife MF Pareena Neema snni9e2 Finance+Marketing BE (Comp Science) Kotak Securities 30 j Parita Mandhana zonirises Finance-+Marketing BBA NECO Group ssnianises Suvidha Consultants Limitedi¢2 months Accours Breative (ned Taxaton) te Francet Marketing B Tech ('T) IFB Priyadarshi Tandon rrtroe Finance +Marketing B Tech (Comp Science) idea-Cellular Limited Parth Dharmesh Mehta winga’ Share Khan PSVPS Gowri Kartheeki area Finance +Marketing B Tech (Mechanical) IDBI Federal Priya Jain visas. Finance+Marketing B Tech (Chemical) Runtime Solutions Canin Sry ser ors Frogammer Anat Tainee Priyanka Doshi I Fence Maketing BC ‘Com, Tecso | Projects Ltd. Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 Lalas i Raghav Bhatter Bf Lohia Sec & Inv Banking rings \ce+ Operations | Finance-+Marketing BBA Goodyear India Ltd. | Rohit Gupta Frances Matketing BE (Electonics & Instr) Royal ‘Sundaram ee Rahul S Talegaonkar ages Finance-+Marketing Axis Engg & Technology Ravi Pulkesin 1aangat Finance+Economics BA BB riya Srivastava va Finance+Marketing iy ws Headstart Manpower + Rohit Suneja IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Class of 2015 FINANCE Roopanshi Singhal sr2ng92 Finance +Marketing Bech (Elec & Telecom) Bambino Agro Industries Karma Metal Pvt. Ltd. Sargam Sharma poses: Finance +Marketing { Ruchika Bansal Okaya Power (Microtek) Bharat Pe Petroleum on Sameer Jain Bs 20e Finance+Marketing Sathish Mohan 51471980 Finance +Marketing ce j Recre ees ie d2¢ mors Sefone Engineer Performing in Synchronicity Shalini Gupta res eon Finance-+ Operations Bsc (Bus Mgt & Fin) Edelweiss Tie 8 Opeaton eas Spy Shefali Dixit aumingat Finance+Marketing BE (Biotech) ‘ap3ni982 Finance-+Marketing BE (Comp Science) joa Smriti Singh syense2 Finance+Marketing BCom (Hons) A A Bank of Baroda IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Shashank Gupta BE (Elec & Telecom) LPDJ Jewel Marager Shilpa Mittal austen Finance+Marketing Sirsa Majumder Jsr90 Sneha Malhotra Tense Finance+IT B.Com (Hons) KPMG 34 ij Somya Sachan vse Finance-+Marketing JM Financial Surbhi Sharma Finance-+Marketing BCom ED oor na: HY sweeny Gupta snnss2 Finance+Marketing Be BSc (Comp Science) Mott MacDonald Tapas Shivpur Finance +Marketing Bech (Mechanica ) iFB industries Soumitra Kansabanik e988 Finance+ Operations Bech (Electrical) Book\ViyPacket fer inascte 22 mons Enc! Design & Tecnalog Engineer Swati Bhatt ariarises Finance +HR & OB Blech (IT) Right Axis IT Solutions B faa Conautanc Sevces 29 months App Suppor SME Ast Sytem Enger TT srinikhil vas) Finance+Marketing Bech Elec & Telecom) SBI Life Vaibhav Sachdeva asi99 Finance +Marketing B.Tech (Comp Science) Roverside ya Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 Lalas 9 Varnika Goel aera geoceoy . Finance-+Marketing F Nikhil R. Agrawal aio Finance-+Marketing pe a ‘Com ssxayaynasns mr Topsel Toyota Class of 2015 HR & OB Akash Kumar Panigrahi ieee) Kumbhat Sees HR & OB +Finance FE BCom L&T ie months Soles & Rectan Tent IMTEN | PLACEMENT 2015 36 ! BR & OB+Marketing BCom (Hons) Class of 2015 HR & OB Nihal Moidu sae DY HR & OB B.Com. Titan Industries Limited Nar & Assocates!¢9 months SES Moh. ed Abdul Rafe : lohamm lul Rafe 5/5/1989 AR &OB+Marketing Bs Com B Right Axis IT Solutions Rohit Barve anangs0 HR & OBHT. BE (Comp. Science) Shalini Sinha 2iange9 OB BA SB rng et 2 ms Summer Assocate- Marketing fi Devashish Acharya ronan SS HRe ‘OB+Marketing MTech (Biotech) Techno Air Systems Eee sent nents SES swati Mithal nage HRS ‘O8+Natketing Performing in Synchronicity Abhilaush K C 161771988 I iarketing+ Operations BE rs. Rupeeseed Mayet Pacha) Abhishek Garg Riareéting +Operaions BE (Telecommunication) Rupeeseed 5 wees Communication 20 months Projet Coordinator Abizer Husain Badshah 1411990 Marketing-+Operations 1 BE (Mechanical) = Sky High Adventure Aditi Singh ni2ii962 BA (Hons) IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Abhinav D. Kohale sve Marketing Finance BE (Electr & Telecom) BSc (Biotech) VOMS Put Ltd Abul Fida 19/10/1985 Marketing+Operations Limted/S6 months Procurement, Opraton & Maintenance l Akanksha Anand Baiwar Hindustan Unilever 38 B Akshay Joglekar Marketing+Finance BBA Youth Connect Magazine Ba entenarmars()L/42 months Animation Akshita Sharma aieig92 (Aneesh Aswal peony Marketing +Finance Blech (1) Book My Packet Angad Singh BB Arg24 Sing = Markeling+ Operations J ech (Comp Science) Book My Packet BB Akshita Garg ue, Pi Marketing iT B.Tech (IT) {ata Corsutarey Senies29 months ‘Sjters Engineer Anant Goyal ‘ar 1989 Marketing+ Operations B.Tech (Electrical) Modi Pharm, Narayana H Fe Prarmaceuicas24 Astin Sls Manager Aneesh Porwal aynses Marketing+Finance |B Tech (Mechanical) Rupeeseed Animesh Bajpai Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING Wiking B.Com(Hons) Marketing +Finance rial BSc (Computer Science) Cars rag Anshita Arora 28171989 1 rketing . Blech Electr & Telecom) AIM Consultancy SH Ankita Chandresh Bari — M Jy Anshul Karn F | Anubhav Malik — BS innse0 92 = Marketing +Operations - Marketing +Operations - B Tech (Mechanical) BBA Sesa Sterite make my trip Coyraant edrcogy Sion/10 months [SEE Anurag Maheshwari svenee? = Marketing-+Operations B Tech (Electrical Planmyad “as Uli Poets Pe 23 months ~ Assistant Proje Engineer IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 | 0 Class of 2015 MARKETING | Arafat Khan Arindam Banerjee ‘esse0 s/s | Marketing GB Tech | Road Less Travelled | Rupeeseed AN Erterpse/22 mons “ideocn Teecormmuricaton Lid months | Ranisrave Personnel Frente fngheer Arun R [a AShish Dakhane a 14 H Marketing+ Operations Blech B sngee Marketing+Operations recon Marketing+ Operations Bech (Chemical) [nnn ici 4yush Jain Honan, Bis Marketing+ Operations RE atech ‘Elec & Electr) Asian Paints Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING -— @ Bharat Mehra Bharti Ashok Wadhwani us me: ms Marketing+Operations Marketing +HR & OB BE (Computer Science) BSc Chetan Guleria wergee Marketing +Operations ‘eating m B.Tech (Electr & Telecom) BA Hindalco | Industries Ltd ; Teracom utd Se asic ndstie30 months Aslan Manager I Chinmay Atre vie Marketing B.Tech (Electr & Telecom) Mott Macdonald RunTime Solutions Gerpact Tescr37 months J Darshit Shah fl Devika Khare Seeaeat Sines Marketing+ Operations Marketing +HR & OB B.Tech (Mechanical) B.Tech (Electr & Telecom) IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 | 2 O) Ohruv Pahwa E Dhruv Verma aisen 2180 Marketing Marketing Blech (Electr & Telecom) BBA Supertech Ltd Maruti Suzuki India Ltd reson AP rosmon Be Eisha Sawhney ninon > Marketing Finance Marketing HR & OB = B.Com Bech (Electr &Telecom) a eB siential Fruitbowl Digital on Hew months Financ Processor Garima Tandon wens Marketing +Finance BE (lectical) Amul india Ltd. Finer Prancal Constarts/@ months Asitant Manager Gagan Khurana Bniieso Marketing+ Operations Bech Giotech) IFB EnghtVontessr Schoo! months Manager Gaurav Kumar Sinha Ghantasala L D Sarma woes nae? Marketing+Operations Marketing+Operations BCom (Advig & Sales) BE (Computer Science) ‘fata Motors Bosch Th Sie Pubations/36 months fine Techni Content tr Performing in 43 Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING §B) Gulshan Kumar Prasad series Marketing+ Finance Bech (Comp Science) Goats} Cons Prod Ltd f= BE (Computer Science) Rupeeseed 2 ® Harnam Kaur 2os/i9e1 Marketing BBA Panasonic India Ltd. Marketing + Operations Bech (Elec & Electr) Teracom Ltd Bi ishaan Jindal Steel & Power New ge Hates And esos 21 rants | Assccate Manager rari901 Marketing B.Com ath Connect, Logic Aei2t ments VP Cop Afar, Mktg Asso, Mag Marager IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 44 Class of 2015 MARKETING | Henna Vanzara er7/1989 Marketing +HR & OB 4181950 Chevrolet Sales (\) Pvt Ltd Jai Parekh sriiga9 i {9 Himanshu Agarwal Ratan Marketing ea (Business Economics) cal aah Jasleen Kaur. 4 1171380 Performing in Synchronicity Jubin Pandya piviver Marketing +R &OB Biech Bajaj Auto Ltd pr Technologies!S months Fre Engineer yj Peiea nad Karika Chandra 2311988 Marketing HT BG Marceting oe Adfactor IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Karishma Tyagi saree Marketing + Operations Brech & Giotech) ic! Prudential AMC USTGlobal/12 months Software Engineer Kartik Jain BE 1431290 Marketing+Operations Kavya Anand ee Marketing +Operations Bech lecticah Kushaal Verma BSc (Chemistry) 46 Class of 2015 MARKETING Ti ae L2ishay Sahdev mr99, J Marketing +H &OB divioro India Ltd Sy Mahua Dutta Brenssr | Marketing+ Operations BEE (Mechanica) Marat Suzuki india Ltd eli Mandeep Mohandas SF sass0 Marketing BSc BE (Mechanica) Rupe es d oe we a ta/12 months Narn Mager Lalit Kumar Pati sins Marketing + Operations Blech (Electr & Telecom) ‘[Triveni- Naka Semens Nets Pt L239 months (88 Engineer Manan Rindani Wark +Operations Bred Ji) Maniyot Kaur | wear {Warketing+ HR & O8 Eccentric Engine The Nate Company/23 ments Research Anat Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING Mehta Bhavesh M. arse Marketing +Finance BE (Electr & Telecom) Teracom Ltd sl Milanpreet Kaur Chawla sr8/1991 Marketing BSc (Computer Science) Bri ania Industries Ltd. Placement fcr & Persona Dev Taner Mohit Chaudhary 31/7992 (EESES rugank Deshpande 29/1/1986 BE (Industrial) GioQuest Trident Group : Ree ee Marketing+Operations 4 Marketing K Blech BHM CoaCola Workforce Networks we Kee Networks Pt 6 mnths ‘Assocate Marager IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 | Q Navdeep Singh Momi 2e/0886 Marketing+ Operations Blech (Electr & Telecom) Voltas ‘Apo atte Tednology33 months Navneet § Tejbahadur si6/1990 Waiting + Operations Headstart India esol ecclgesté mons Lecturer Project Engineer JB Neha Gupta = Nikita Agarwal sree var Marketing +HR & OB = Marketing +Finance Bech (Electr & Telecom) Assotant ister Engneer Nilay Kohaley Nishant Renjith snares rae Marketing Marketing+ Operations BCom | Biech | Eccentric Engine Mozolabs - FipkartComn/15 months (ataogue Asta Bushess Dev xeatve Nitesh Beriwal Nishidh Vilas Lad ange Marketing+Operations Marketing Finance BE (Electr & Electronics) BCom: Godre} & Boyce Pvt Ltd icicl | Prudential AMC Betotem Pate Ina Lined months Grate Eaginee Fares (GEN Performing in A9 Synchronicity J Nitesh Singh Patel snses Marketing+HR & OB BE (Electr & Telecom) Sadr Manoower fr saton/32 months Satin Re sec: Cent Rel xeaive Omkar Suresh Gujar rrise? ICic Prudential AMC Stra ‘Organization/53 months “anes rec SM; Asst Manager Sales Pallavi izoara sorer Marketing +HR & OB ween Yamaha India Sales P Ltd — Shyam Jagdish rae iaFetoo}Oneratons BCom Vinayak Distilleries IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Nitin Kumar Shukla ges Marketing+Operations BTech GE Electricals Fado Frequency Engineer (EE Palak Jain Marketing +Finance B.Com (Comp Science) idea Cellular Limited eae = Pallavi Gupta en a [Marketing HR & OB = (Computer Science) YouthConnect Panwala Abhishek Y. 4 Marketing+Operations BEI (&O) Camplace 50 Class of 2015 MARKETING parthajit Sar Payal Singh amore es Marketing Marketing Bech (Elec & Electronics) BE (I) Runtime Solutions Rupeeseed a Poorva Saboo sae ainvise Kissing Operations Hiking Operations Blech ( BE (Electr & Telecom) Future Group Pad rea Sarkar = Prachee Kasera Marketing+Operations Marketing = BeTech (Comp Science) BSc (Hons) Mathematics Roa Medsave Heather (TPA) Ltd/12 months brecutve Operations Pragya Singh Ty goon Prakhar Swami BS siaiee1 2797 3 Marketing+Operations Marketing+Operations Performing in 5 1 Synchronicity I Praloy Kumar Saha | Marketing+Operations Bech (Electrical) Rupeeseed q | Pranshu Agrawal i2egee Marketing+HR & OB B.Tech (Comp Science) Reliance Jio Infocomm Bina A Leds months | Asocale Syste Enger (EEE Priyanka Sudan Marketing BA (Hons) Goquest Media Radhika Agarwall 3/8/1990 Marketing +HR & OB BBA Techno Air Systems Flowerevmonths ‘Administrative Personnel IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 Pranav Sharma Bech (Comp Science) SML Isuzu {Corners Tories Cnr nage SSD Prateek Jain isnt Marketing+Finance Bachelor of Busi Eco Boyallas Marketing Wakeling Operations Bech (Comp Science) Ethinos Digital Marketing Praveen lyer 2514/1980 Marketing +Operations BE (Computer Science) Ultratech Cement 52 Parimal Tewari sonznoe7 Marketing+Operations Blech (Elec & Electronics) Camplace Pvt. Ltd Sasten Neto EoggUid/24 months greet Pulkit Agarwal | serves | Marketing+ Operations B.Tech (Mechanical) Book My Packet Rahil Ghoshal 2613/199 Marketing+ Operations Priyanka Tiwari wae Marketing +1 BE E (Electr & Telecom) Rupeeseed Radhika Sareen B90 Marketing HR & OB Blech (Electr & Instr) Brand Metasis Seas Rahul Verma Indian Oil SEES Rajneesh Patra 650 Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING Rakesh Nandal oan arise: Marketing+Operations Marketing + Operations Bech ‘(Comp Science) BB Ravi Pradhan j zero Keting+Operations BB Tech (C8E) Sony Ini Saftware Cente? Lt/23 moms Software Enger Rishubh Chakraborty ronvigst Marketing +Operations g Marketing +HR & OB fr E (Mechanical) BTech Elec & Electronics) Tungsten GoQuest Media Rohan Raj Ambastha 143/992 Marketing +Operations BE (Industral) Green Elephant Pvt. Ltd. IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 5 | Marketing + Operations = BCom Safechem Industries Sagar Saraf wars . BIB iirkctings Finance BBA a BD caine Yolk Studios Saksham Arora waniangat WaketingsFnance + Marketing+ Operations |B Tech (Mechanical) psi es $1832 months Nendr Development & Sul Chain BE BE omit Ranjan 3/09 BE (Computer Science) ‘Think Source (P) India Ltd Coastal pets Lite 12 months Graduate Engineer Trainee Sahil Bharatkumar Modh Marketing a BE Vimal Oil & Food Ltd. SSS 53) Sharma Hy es Marketing+Operations Bech (Mechanical) Metal Crast Sangeeta Bhattacharya Duis BE Giotech) Dexter Consultancy P Ltd Tne Preston Revew/24 months rogiam Coordinator Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING we I Sarbani Ghosh Be 272981, Fa Marketing+Operations 4 8c (Hons) a Topsel Toyota Ss Sturabh Nandy jaranses Marketing+Operations BE Topsel Toyota I Sheetal Shrivastava Bisnaae = Marketing HT ae = Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. Soantadh Tedinocgis Pu Lil/26 months Project Engineer SUN) Shikhar Tayal Bytvisas Marketing +Finance J 85c (Chemisty) Sky High Adventure Club ee Saumita Das iaeraee Marketing +HR & OB BE (Computer Science) Greeniam Laminates Sirs i Sayan Mukherjee 31/ario8e WH) Marketing + Operations Blech (C&E) Shehzan S Sizes 1 Marketing +R & 08 Sky High, Adventure Club Broneant Tednoogesi2} mths Shivam Kumar 1si2/992 Travel Clinic IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 56 Class of 2015 MARKETING Saurav Tewati Th la Sharath KR sianige7 Marketing B.Com Few Packard’! ments Ir Develaner Sshikhar Agarwal SRE BEES Shridhar Kayan BS Kisictings Finance B.Com (Hons) IFB Industries 5 Marketing B.Com (Hons) ——_ Siddharth Kathuria Ly eo Marketing B Tech (C&E) Sidhartha Dipankar ve Marketing+Operations > B.Tech (Electr & Telecom) EEE scham Bagchi Saeatire Marketing+Economics BSc(H) Navigene Genetic Science Seton Tonspr ance Co 226 months -Assbtont Produc Manager Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING > may Souvik Saha SS Subodh Goyal jennie: Blech (Electr & Telecom) ICICI Prudential AMC Suhail Mahajan vee Marketing sor B.Tech (Comp Science) B.Tech (Comp Science) Connasys Sete Sourtons/17 months Cadbury india Infosys Lt20 rronths Business Devoprnent Manager Taner Sytem Engraet Tanmay Tulankar Tanya Shrivastava Soares earn Marketng Marketing BE (Computer Science) BE (Computer Science) Tc Hotels ‘Wanganga Coleg of Engi MgV/12 months wes Greenlam Laminates Tejas Satej Mangaonker heer 5 Marketing+Operations BE ectr & Telecom) SUN Tikendra Pratap Singh 16/2"988 Marketing Blech (IT) IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 5 Q Class of 2015 MARKETING j Tonse Supreet Kini i emma Tosha Dubey ia hee By en Marketing Marketing ew Bitech (Mechanical) BE (Electr & Telecom) Mozolabs Roads Less Travelled Bolas Intel Solutions Pvt. Ltd/21 months emanaieees Tushar Roy 130380 Marketing+ Operations Blech (Electrical) Youth Connect magazine Udit Mehrotra Byron ¢ Marketing+ Operations J. Com (Hons) Urvashi Anand 1611995 Marketing +HR & 08 Sys Bj Markeling+ Operations BE (Electr & Telecom) ‘Techno Air Systems (EOS Utsav Dubey Vaibhav Miskeen irises 11988 a Marketing +Finance = 1 E (Gear & Telecom) Marketing+ Operations : Kotak Mahindra Bank Godfrey Phillips India Vin Ses 22 months wet in ‘months 4 Predicion Monogr Test Solutions & Davie Varants Cation Performing in 5 9 Synchronicity Class of 2015 MARKETING Vartika Saxena ‘errs Marketing + Operations 8 Tech Biotech) ino Marketing+ Operations ‘Faining & Consult Joba? months F Sofware Engineer = WB Varun Chawla EE Vasudha Tingal ss, eee 2, recting WMatkting ss b= B.Tech (Comp Science) BA (Hons) a Coca Cola - Airtel Accertre Sones Pt Lt/24 months “ene Sofvare Enger oer WH Vidit Arora SEES Vijaya Srivastava Vineet Agarwal asmn99) Marketing +Finance [pMarstingsFinance B.Tech (Comp Science) sm BE (Biotech) Ultratech Cements ier nda Pate Lnied!21 maths “Technical Supervisor IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 60 Class of 2015 MARKETING Yash Choudhary soar Marketing +Finance BE (Electronics & Comm) IFB atonal Stel Company® ments Acronis Parson ising Operations B.Tech (Comp Science) Jokers Design Accom Consuting Pit Ltd months J) Gaurav Dipak Patnaik so | — § Marketing+Operations mai E E lect & Comm) Yash Parekh a BE (Computer Science) il a pian a jasmine Sahni g Marketing +HR & 08 BCom. Oailvy & Mather ng months Associ Autor, Sales Beatie Ruchika Motwani Performing in Synchronicity Class of 2015 OPERATIONS Sly BNW. Karthik SSS a nidhi sors BM ars Operations Finance Operations+HR & OB j Bech (Mechanica) } [Assitart Warager Nitin Boratwar Raghav Kabra reais Operations-+Marketing Blech ‘(Comp. Science) Jindal Saw Abhinav Srivastava J rwsii987 Operations-+Marketing §) Tech Electrical The Tinplate Co. (Tata) GS Cece unted/34 months Sie Engineer IMEN | PLACEMENT 2015 62 Placements at IMT Nagpur forthe academic year 2014-15 wil tart fom the frst week of October, 2014, Companies shall be general dasstied according tothe folowing arte: Job profile, Package offered, Growth prospects for the candidate, and Past relationship with the Insure chi erson Placements Prof TK Chatterjee € tkchatteee @iminagacin It 0712-2805116 1m 9823529168 Corporate Relations PR Venkat Sai evsai@imtagacin | m 9849503169 Valiappan J jealiappan @iminagacin | m 9920212389 Usa Damle @ udamie @ minag.acin | m 9370288686 Romaa Mageswari e rmageswari@imtnagacin | m 9810191881 PLACEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Noes 9990851768 sh Sea 37399 Surant Kratbanda 882" Performing in Synchronicity Convocation at IMT IMTN | PLACEMENT 2015 6 |

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