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Oven-Roasted Picanha

Picanha Assada no Forno

The ideal way of cooking picanha is over an open-flame grill with natural wood charcoal, not only because of the
taste but also because of the whole experience. It is always a special event when you and your friends are outside
carefully tending a fire and roasting meats while drinking a glass of wine or beer, engaging in great conversations, and
telling jokes. The warmth of the fire and the aroma coming from the fat dripping over the glowing embers creates an
environment in which to relax and unwindat least for me. However, oven-roasted picanha is an excellent alternative for those who prefer to cook indoors with much less labor involved. This is an easy way to satisfy your cravings
for picanha until youre ready and ambitious enough to build your own grill.

1 whole picanha (about 212 lb/1 kg)

Freshly ground black pepper
6 tablespoons kosher salt

Preheat the oven to 250F.

Pat the picanha dry with a paper towel. Place the picanha fat side
up on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, carefully trim the fat cap
to about 1 4 inch (6 mm) thick. (While this may seem like too much
fat, it will melt away as the meat cooks.) Turn the picanha over and
remove any silver skin from the bottom of the meat. Season generously with pepper and salt on all sides of the beefyou should be
able to see the salt crystals on the meat.
Place the picanha fat side up in a roasting pan or cast-iron skillet that
is slightly larger than the meat. Bake in the middle of the oven for
about 25 minutes, until the internal temperature is about 110F; by
then, the meat will look grayish and the fat will not show any color.
Remove the picanha from the oven and cover loosely with aluminum
foil to keep warm.
Turn up the oven to the broil setting and wait until the temperature
reaches at least 500Fthe oven needs to be very hot. If necessary,
adjust the rack so that the meat will sit 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25
cm) away from the top of the oven. When the oven reaches optimum temperature, quickly remove the aluminum foil and place the
meat back in the oven. Broil for 7 to 12 minutes, checking the meat
closely and often. The fat should turn a dark golden color, but it
can burn very quickly if you dont pay attention. Let the meat get as
much color as possible; only remove it from the oven when it turns
mahogany brown in color. After removing from the oven, let the meat
rest for 10 minutes or longer. An extended period of resting makes
some cuts of beef more tender, and it stabilizes the natural juices so
that less will run when you carve the meat. After it rests, transfer the
meat to a wooden cutting board and serve.
Traditional Gaucho Cuisine | 103

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