Lesson Cycle 234-1

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Cory Wegner

Lesson Title/Topic: Deviant Behavior. (11th/12th grade, Sociology)

Target Concept: Understand the criminal justice system in the United States and why some
crimes receive harsher punishments than others.
Standards/Rationale: 113.46C. 9C: Analyze the criminal justice system in the United States in
relation to deviant behavior.
Lesson Objectives: The student will create
a wanted poster for a supervillain that lists
the villains violation of folkway, mores,
and laws with 75% accuracy.

Assessment: Wanted poster.

Materials: Computer, smartboard, construction paper, cardstock paper, markers, crayons,

colored pencils, graphic organizer.

The teacher will:

Focus/Mental Set:
Show YouTube video titled, 10 Laws Youve
Probably Broken Without Knowing.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Stop at farting in public. (2 minutes and 30
seconds into video, the third law listed).
Tell the students the last seven on the list.
1. Adultery
2. Cursing in public
3. Using fake name online
4. Sodomy
5. Cant pump your own gas
6. Owning a permanent marker
7. Visible erection in public
Tell the students, These are laws in some cities
and states throughout the country, but not all,
and thankfully not here.
Now ask, Quick show of hands, who has: sung
happy birthday in public, farted in public, used
a fake name online, or owned a sharpie?
Teacher Input:

The student will:

Watch YouTube video.
Answer Questions

Record responses on

Show class a PowerPoint titled Deviant

Behavior. It is on the TCU Human Resources
flash drive in the long drawer of the teachers
Have the students record on one graphic
organizer each: 1) what is a folkway, mores,
and law 2) give an example of a folkway,
mores, and law 3) give an example of breaking
a folkway, mores and law 4) possible
punishment of breaking the example folkway,
mores or law.
After each slide for folkway, mores, and laws,
have the students turn to their partners at the
table and have them give an example of
breaking a folkway, mores, and a law and its
Show YouTube video Breaking Folkways.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
While playing Breaking Folkways, have
students write down on back of graphic
organizers, three acts they see that violate a
folkway, mores or law and its punishment.
After video, have students do a mix-pair-share
on what they believe were the violations of
folkways, mores and laws.

Guided Practice:
Show YouTube video Breaking 15 Laws in 33
seconds. URL:
Ask students to the following questions:
1. What kind of punishment would you
consider giving out for throwing a
Frisbee on a beach without the
lifeguards permission?
2. What kind of punishment would you
give out for littering?
3. What kind of punishment should
loitering receive (or in the students
slang, posting up outside of a business)?
4. Name two laws where violators receive
harsh punishments currently and their
sentences should be lessened.
Within their groups, students answer the

graphic organizer.
Share with partners at
the table their example
of breaking a folkway,
mores, or law.
Write on back of
graphic organizer
during YouTube video,
three acts that violate a
folkway, mores or law
and its punishment.
Share with new partners
in mix-pair-share what
violations they saw.

Answer the questions

with the group:
Present reasoning to

questions and then as a group, explain their

reasoning to the class.
Independent Practice:
Individually, create a wanted poster for one
supervillain that is done on computer or hand
Wanted poster must list what folkway, mores or
law the supervillain violated.
Poster must also include reward amount and the
punishment that the villain will receive
Must bring 2 copies to class. Hang one around
the classroom and another in the hall.

Have students turn to a partner and explain
what a mores, folkway and law are with one
example of each and a possible punishment.



Create a wanted poster

for a supervillain that is
hand drawn or done on
List the folkway, mores
or law that the
supervillain broke.
List reward amount and
punishment that villain
will receive.
Bring two copies of
wanted poster to class
and hang one copy in
the classroom and hang
one in the hall.
Work with partner.

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