Barakat Letter

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An Open Letter to President Putin and the Russian Military High Command

Dear loved ones!

Each day new convoys of armored vehicles cross into Syria, other convoys, all part of internationally
recognized terrorist organizations, move into battle, sustaining the siege of Aleppo. These armed
terrorist convoys, easy targets for Russian Aerospace forces, move with total freedom, as though
shielded from harm.
Why dont Russian warplanes destroy them? Is Russia afraid of the feelings of Netanyahu (Jubair) (al
Hamad) and those cousins who haunt the corridors of power in the Russian Foreign Ministry in
Russia must learn a sad lesson from America, a nation that knows that part of being a superpower is
supporting friends and allies without judgement and demands. America stands by their friends, Israel,
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, asking no questions, making no demands, succumbing to no pressure, these are
the actions of a superpower in this day and age.
Why are there so many clearly wrong decisions, such as supporting the Syrian High Negotiation
Committees demands in Darya? We all know this is an entirely military cantonment, a breeding ground
for a terrorist army on Damascus flank, a city without a civilian population whatsoever.
My dear friends and brothers of Russia, please to not take the example of some within Syrias corrupt
system, those officers and officials that are but thieves, the children of prostitutes, or you will become
like them and the war in Syria will be lost, as with Afghanistan and Yugoslavia.
Russia will then never be able to find an ally outside her borders. It was the Empress Catherine the
Great, in 1768, who warned the Keys to the Kremlin are found in Damascus and Russia, if it remains a
power of the frozen north, will wither and die.
If Moscow is to heed the warning of Catherine, the Sukhoi storm that had swept through the terrorists
ranks like a scythe would be unleashed again lest the Syrian War, lost to sloth, plotting and inaction,
might find itself at the gates of Moscow, a gift from the Wahhabis.
The spirit that made Russia victorious after the Second World War, the spirt that help the great Russian
people arise to victory will come to naught if the current policy of consulting the Zionists who brought
down the great homeland in 1991 continues. Russia will be erased from the South, forgotten in Libya,
Iraq, Egypt, forgotten in Yugoslavia with Montenegro joining NATO, surrounded, plagued, isolated and
When Russia came to Syria with an air force that shook the world, when Russia plunged into battle,
proving not only weapons but courage and resolve as well, the Arab kingdoms shuddered. With the
shock the attack came not only a moral lesson but something more, the proven capability of Russian
arms and a renewal of Russia as a valued supplier for weapons to offset dependence on America.

Why did you stop? The Battle of Battles, the relief of Aleppo, was within reach.
Why did you stop in Eastern Ghouta, in Deraa, in Latakia or the Homs countryside? Why?
Why did you give the terrorist time to regroup, to gain breath, to arm and reorganize themselves while
the convoys your satellites and surveillance planes track day and night flow from Joran and Turkey?
Why have you chosen not to see the threat and duplicity of the Kurds, allied with America to Balkanize
Syria while Barzani, the stooge of Erdogan, does the same to Iraq?
Why do you sit at the table with your enemies, allowing talk of Federation and the dismemberment of
Syria, something categorically rejected by the Syrian people? These people, the Syrian people, are not
only your brothers in arms, but without them Russia would lose her foothold on the Mediterranean.
As Crimea is Russia, all that stand to prevent the Black Sea from becoming an American lake, so Syria
stands as well, as Catherine the Great reminds us all:
the Keys to the Kremlin are found in Damascus and Russia, if it remains a power of the frozen
north, will wither and die.
Dr Bassam Habib Barakat

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