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WP 1 Reverse Outline


Thesis: Therefore, if students analyze a syllabus and learn how

to utilize the conventions such as font emphasis, layout, and

format, they can see that Dr. Bruices syllabus gives them the
best chance at success.
Paragraph 1

Students have different kinds of concerns, the most important

of which being gettng an A in the course, and professors
realize this and address the main concerns by bolded

Paragraph 2

Dr. Bruices boxed phrases, along with different font strategies,

make her syllabus the most reader friendly which helps the
students understand the exigence.

Paragraph 3

Grading is different in each class, and the detail put into

Bruices syllabus along with the strategies like bolding and
capitalization further make her syllabus the most effective of
the three.

Paragraph 4

Dr. Zhang uses bolding and capitalization in his grading

section, but less effectively

Paragraph 5

Printing a syllabus out gives a lot of advantages, especially if it

is kept to one sheet.

Paragraph 6

An argument against a printed syllabus is presented and I

explain why its wrong.

Paragraph 7

Conclusion! Bruice ends up with the best use of conventions

and if students understand these, they have the best chance to

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