Ielts Speaking Answer

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Improving your Score

To improve your score in the IELTS speaking section, you should focus on the
following areas:

Understanding how the speaking test is graded


Preparing for and practicing common questions that are asked


Learning ways of structuring an answer


Learning to paraphrase this is important to get a score of over 7


Improving your accent ensuring you can make all sounds correctly
(th, l, r, long vowel sounds) and also getting natural sounding stress,
intonation, and connected speech.


Improving spoken grammar correcting any frequent errors.


Broadening your vocabulary especially building common phrases

that can be used in a variety of responses, such as connectives and
discourse markers.

How the speaking test is graded

Your speaking test is graded and marked from 1-9 in accordance with four key
criteria, as follows:
Fluency and coherence: Fluency is about your ability to speak at a normal speed
without excessive hesitation and restarting. Coherence refers to your speaking
being easy to understand. In order to score highly you need to show willingness to

talk at length and develop your topic, use connectives anddiscourse

markers, avoid pauses and restarts.
Vocabulary: To score highly you must use higher level words, pay attention
to collocation, and also control your word endings (correctly use singular/plural and use
the correct verb ending for the correct tense). In addition you should try to show an ability
to paraphrase and use colloquiallanguage. You will also be rewarded for uses the correct
vocabulary to precisely explain things.
Grammar: To score highly you need to use a variety of sentence types (simple, compound,
complex) and also avoid grammatical errors, such as with articles and prepositions and
sentence order especially when they make your speaking difficult to understand.
Pronunciation: Your grade is influenced by the level to which your accent makes it difficult
to understand what you are saying, and also the degree to which you use language features
of a native speaker such as intonation, stress, and rhythm.

Special Note: In some instances errors can count in two categories; for example, many
grammatical errors also result in a lower score for coherence. On the positive, it is useful to
learn lots of connective devices because they can count for Coherence & Cohesion as well
as vocabulary. Part of your self-study should be aimed at efficiently using your time to
maximize your grade.

IELTS speaking sample questions

for part 1
online speaking service over SKYPE.

Your Work or Your Studies:

Do you work or are you a student?

Your Work
* What kind of work do you do?
* Why did you choose to do this type of job?
* Is your job very interesting?
* Will you do this job for a long time?

Your Studies
* What kind of course do you study?
* Why did you choose to do that course?
* Is your course very interesting?
* What will you do when you finish your studies?

* Do you live in a house, or an apartment?
* How long have you lived there?
* Which is your favorite room?
* Will you live here for a long time?

Where You Live

* Do you live in a city or a town?
* What is the best thing about where you live?
* Do you know many people who live near you?
* How do you think your city/town could be improved?

* Do you like to watch the advertisements on TV?
* Do you see advertisements on the internet?
* Do you like the advertisements that you can see on the street?

* Have you ever bought anything after seeing it in an


* How popular are bicycles in your area?
* How often do you ride a bicycle?
* Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?
* What are the benefits of riding a bicycle ?

* Do you have a car?
* Do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger in a car?
* Do you often go on long car journeys?
* Do you prefer big cars or small cars?

* Do you like shopping for clothes?
* How often do you buy clothes?
* What kinds of clothes do you usually buy?
* Do you prefer comfortable clothes, or formal clothes?

* What are your favourite colors?

* What were your favourite colors when you were a child?

* What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
* What colour car would you choose to buy?

* Do you prefer to study or work in a quiet environment?
* Do you ever find it difficult to concentrate?
* What do you do to help yourself concentrate?
* Do you think children can concentrate better than adults

Days of the Week

* Do you do the same things every day of the week?
* Which is your favorite day of the week?
* What is your busiest day of the week?
* Is there anything you would like to change about your weekly

* Do you have a large or small family?
* How much time do you spend with your family?
* Do you usually eat dinner with your family?
* Are people in your country generally close to their family

* What types of food do you like to eat?
* What did you like to eat when you were a child?
* Would you like to try any new type of food?
* What kind of food is popular in your country?

* How much time do you spend with your friends?
* Where do you meet your friends?
* What do you usually do with your friends?
* Do you think it is better to have many friends or just one or
two close friends?

High school
* What was your favorite subject?
* Did you like any of the teachers?
* What sports or hobbies did you do at school?
* Which were more important to you the teachers or your

Hobbies and interests

* Do you have any hobbies or interests?
* Did you have any hobbies or interests when you were a child?
* What free-time activities are popular in your country?

* Are there any outdoor activities you would like to try in the

* Is there any housework that you particularly dislike doing?
* How do you think housework could be made more fun?
* Did you do any housework when you were a child?
* Do you think children should do some housework?

* How often do you use a map?
* Who taught you how to use a map?
* Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
* Do you prefer to use a map, or to ask people for directions?

* Do you enjoy visiting the ocean?
* Do you like to do any activities at the ocean?
* Would you like to live by the ocean?
* Do many people in your country live by the ocean?

* Do you like going to parks?
* Are there a lot of parks in your area?

* When was the last time you went to a park?

* Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park, or an indoor

* How often do you take photos?
* Do you think it is better to take photos using a camera, or a
mobile phone?
* Do you ever take photos of yourself?
* What do you do with your photos after you have taken them?

Public Holidays
* Do you have many public holidays in your country?
* What did you do on the last public holiday?
* Do you think it is important to have public holidays?
* Do you think there should be more public holidays in your

* How often do you read a book?
* What types of books do you like to read?
* Are there any types of things that you dont like to read?
* What types of books did you like to read when you were a

* Do you find it easy to relax?
* What do you do to relax?
* Do you do any healthy activities to help you relax?
* Do you think going on a holiday is the best way to relax?

* Do you like to go shopping?
* When was the last time you went shopping?
* Where do you go shopping?
* What do you usually buy when you go shopping?

Street Markets
* Do you like visiting street markets?
* Are street markets very common in your country?
* Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or
in shopping malls?
* Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?

* Did you like any of your teachers at school?
* Do you have a favourite teacher?
* Have you stayed in touch with any of your teachers?

* Would you like to be a teacher?

* Do you like watching television?
* What types of programs do you like to watch?
* Do you prefer to watch TV or read a book?
* Did you watch much TV when you were a child?

* How often do you make telephone calls?
* Who do you talk to the most on the telephone?
* Do you prefer to call people or send text messages?
* Do you think sending e-mail is more convenient than calling

* Do you like traveling?
* In which season do you prefer to travel?
* Is your country is a good place for tourists to visit?
* What country would you like to visit next?

Weather & Seasons

* What's the weather like in your country?
* Which season do you like best?

* Does the weather ever affect your mood?

* Do you usually watch weather forecasts on TV?

Speaking Test: part 1 questions

online speaking service over SKYPE.
Note that this section will use the general strategies outlined in Chapter 2.
More than one of the strategies could be used for any particular question.
The purpose of this section is to show you how to actually use these
strategies to answer questions.
The following types of questions are outlined below:
Question Type



divide into 2 or 3 parts

Types of

divide into 2 or 3 parts


general to specific


general to specific





"Wh" questions


when you were a concession

in the future




Description Questions
Strategy: divide your response into two or three parts
Structure: point 1 + point 2 + point 3
Sample Question: "Tell

me something about your hometown?"

Well, I come from Taipei and I have lived here all my life. Id like
to begin by saying that it's the capital of Taiwan and also the
cultural center. On top of that I can also add that It's very
crowded, maybe even one of most congested cities in Asia I
guess. The roads are so jammed that even the locals have
problems finding their way around! Finally, Id also like to
mention that it offers splendid examples of contemporary
architecture. Actually some of the most renowned landmarks are
in the middle of Taipei, such as Taipei 101, the second tallest
building in the world.

Useful language
Starting-of (redundant language)
ok, then; actually; alright; well, you know;

Point 1
Id like to begin by saying
The first thing Id like to mention is
The main thing you need to know is

Point 2

On top of that I can also add that

Another interesting point
Not only that, but _______is also exceedingly ..

Point 3
Finally, Id also like to mention ..
And, I shouldnt forget to mention that
I guess I could also say that (its) sort-of ..

Practice Questions:
1. What sort of work do you do?
2. What does your house look like?
3. What does your neighborhood look like?
4. What does your city/town look like?
5. What sort of clothes do you like to wear?
6. Describe a city you would like to visit?
7. Describe a country you would like to visit?
8. Describe a park you have visited?

Types of Questions

Sample Questions based on the 5 most common

Most of the questions in Part Two of the test are about:





Many of the questions in this part of the test are about people. As well as this
you can often discuss a person when you are answering other types of
questions. For instance, if you are describing a place you might describe the
person you go there with.

Describe someone you had an interesting conversation with.

You should say:

who the person was

where the conversation took place

what you talked about

and explain why you found the conversation interesting.

Describe an intelligent person that you know.
You should say:

who this person is

when and where you meet him/her

what you usually talk about

and explain why you think this person is intelligent.

Describe an artist or entertainer you admire.
You should say:

who they are and what they do

how they became successful

how you found out about them

and explain why you admire them.

Describe someone in your family who you like.
You should say:

how this person is related to you

what this person looks like

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like this person.

Describe your best friend.
You should say:

what your friend is like

why you like this friend

what do you usually do with this friend

and say why this person your best friend.

Describe an old person you admire.
You should say:

who this person is

how long you have known him/her

what qualities he/she has

and explain why you admire them.


Many of the questions are about places. As well is this you can often
discuss a place when you are answering other types of questions. For
instance, if you are describing an activity you might describe the place
you do it.

Describe a historic building you know.

You should say:

where this building is

what you can do in this building

how old this building is

and explain why you went to this building.

Describe an interesting modern building you have seen.
You should say:

What building it is,

Where it is located,

Why it is interesting.

and explain why you went there.

Describe a city that you would like to travel to.

You should say:


where this city is

how you would travel there

who you would go with

and explain why you want to go there.

Describe a school that you went to when you were a
You should say:

what school it was

what you remember about your teachers

what you enjoyed during the school time.

and explain why you went to this school.

Describe a room you spend a lot of time in.
You should say:
* where this room is
* what this room looks like
* what you do in this room
and explain why you spend so much time in this room.
Describe a home that visited and liked.
You should say:
* where this home is

* what this home looks like

* who lives there
and explain why you liked this home.
Describe a restaurant you like.
You should say:
* where it is
* how often you go there
* what food it has
and explain why you like it.

Describe an area of countryside you know and like.

You should say:
* where it is
* what it looks like
* why you went there

and explain why you like it.

Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited

and liked.
You should say:
* where it is
* why you went there

* what you particularly remember about the place.

and explain why you like it.

Many questions ask you to describe an object. As well is this, when you
answer other types of questions it may be useful to describe an object.
For instance, if you are describing a sport you might describe some of
the objects that are required to play this sport.

Describe a photograph or picture that means a lot to you.

You should say:

what the picture or photo shows

where you got it

when you got it and say why it is so important

and explain why it means a lot to you.

Describe a gift that you gave to someone.
You should say:
* what the gift was
* who you gave it to
* why you chose this gift

and explain why it was a good gift.

Describe something special that you saved money to buy.
You should say:

what it was

how long it took you to save enough money to buy it

why you wanted to buy this thing

and explain how you felt when you bought it.

Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:

what type of website it is

how you found out about it

what it allows you to do

and explain why you find it useful.

Describe a song that you heard recently and liked.
You should say:

who the singer was

what the song was about

where and when you heard the song

and explain why you liked the song.

Describe a film that you really liked.

You should say:


what it was about

when you went to see it with

who you went with

and say why you really liked that film.

Describe a plant in or outside your home.
You should say:
* what the plant looks like
* where the plant is growing
* how long it has been there
and explain how you feel about this plant.

Describe a handmade object you particularly like.

You should say:

what it is and what it looks like

what it is made of

what it is for

and explain why it is special for you.


I recommend students to focus on people, places, and objects first.

This is because these aspects can also be used when you discuss
Who: get ideas from the previous section on people
Where: get ideas from the previous section on places
What you need: get ideas from the previous section on objects

Describe an outdoor activity you would like to do for the

first time.
You should say:
* what the activity would be
* where you would do it
* what preparation and equipment you would need
and explain why you would like to do this activity.
Describe an activity that you do to stay healthy.
You should say:
* what you do
* when you started doing this
* how much time you spend doing this
and explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.
Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors.
You should say:
* where you had this meal

* who was with you

* what you ate and drank
and explain why you ate outdoors.
Describe a live performance or show you have attended
You should say:
* where you saw it
* the reason why you attended
* what the performance or show was about
and explain why you liked or disliked it.

Describe something you would like to learn to do.

You should say:
* what you would like to learn to do
* where you would learn it
* how you would learn it
and explain why you would to learn to do this.

Describe a typical festival or celebration in your country.

You should say:

* what is the celebration about

* what people do during this celebration

* what you usually do at this time

and describe what this celebration means to you.

Describe a foreign language you would like to learn

(besides English).
You should say:
* what language you would like to learn
* how you would learn it
* what difficulties you think you might (or would) have when
learning this language.
and explain why you would like to learn this language.

Describe a job you have done in the past.

You should say:
* how you got the job
* what the job involved
* how long the job lasted
and describe how well you did the job.

Describe a sporting event you enjoyed watching or

You should say:

* what event it was

* what happened at this event

* who you watched or played it with
and explain why you enjoyed it.

Experiences often occur with other people, in particular places, and
involve objects such as equipment. Therefore, there are lots of ideas
and language from the three previous sections on people, places, and
objects that can be used here:
Who: get ideas from the previous section on people
Where: get ideas from the previous section on places
What you need: get ideas from the previous section on objects

Discuss a time you did something to help someone.

You should say:
* what you did
* who you helped
* how it helped them

and explain why you did this.

Describe a time when you heard some good news.

You should say:

* what the news was about
* when you heard the news
* who else heard this news
and explain why it had a strong effect on you.
Describe a meal that you enjoyed.
You should say:
* when and where it took place
* who ate with you
* what did you eat
and explain why you enjoyed the meal.
Describe a presentation or speech that you heard
You should say:
* who gave the talk
* where you heard the talk
* what the talk was about
and explain how you felt about the talk.
Describe a time when you were late for something
You should say:

* what you were late for

* why you were late
* what was the result of being late
and explain how you felt about being late.

Describe a course you took at high school.

You should say:
* what the course was
* why you took this course
* whether you were good at this course

and explain why you liked or disliked this course.

Describe an important decision you had to make in your life.

You should say:

* when you had to make this decision
* why you had to make this decision
* whether you made a good choice
and explain how you felt when you were making this choice.

Describe an enjoyable event that you experienced at

You should say:

* what the event was

* when it happened
* what happened at the event
and explain what was particularly enjoyable about this event.

Speaking Test Part Two:

Questions about people
Many of the questions in this part of the test are about people. As well as this
you can often discuss a person when you are answering other types of
questions. For instance, if you are describing a place you might describe the
person you go there with.


If the question asks you to describe someone you know now. e.g. Describe a
person who is interesting, you should describe the person using the present
tense. If you are asked to describe someone you know from the past you
should still describe the person using the present tense, unless the person is
now dead. In this case you will use the past tense. Illustrative examples:
My neighbor Brian is a senior citizen. [present tense is used because he is
still alive]
Audrey Hepburn was a petite woman. [past tense is used because she is

For all types of people, describe any actions they have already done using
the past tense. For example,"He learnt how to fly a plane last year."

Use relative pronouns [who, whose]

Use who to add information about the subject.
My neighbor, who is really old, seldom goes outside.

Use whose as a possessive relative pronoun.

He is a rich man whose house is very large.

To make your answer more interesting use lots of descriptive vocabulary, e.g.
extrovert, slender, and so on. You could talk about the following aspects:

relationship to you
their lifestyle

1. appearance:
Height: petite [short], lofty [tall]
Build: slender [thin], overweight [fat], well-built [muscular]
Age: toddler [young child], adolescent [young adult], senior citizen
Facial features: clean shaven, full beard, goatee beard, moustache
Hair: short cropped hair, long thick hair, ponytail, bald
You can talk about positive and negative features of a person's personality.

Positive: warm, fun loving, intelligent, charming, kind-hearted, extrovert

Emma is quite an extrovert. She is always the life of the party because of her
warm-hearted and fun loving nature.

Negative: mean, selfish, cruel, arrogant, introverted, a pain in the neck

Stevenis rather introverted, he usually sits quietly in the corner at parties. He
is also a pain in the neck because he always bothers me when he needs help
with his computer.

3. RELATIONSHIP: pal, soul-mate, classmate, colleague, family member,

I have been pals with Peter since high school. I guess you can say that now
he is my soul-mate. As well as this his father has always been somewhat of a
mentor to me, as he is my soccer coach.

4. lifestyle: hobbies, interests, work

My sister is a college student and a part-time assistant in an office, so she
has little time to socialize at the weekend or play badminton.

Some advice about vocabulary:

1. Have short lists; you only need 2 or 3 words for each category
2. Focus on high-level language = language to impress the examiner and
increase your score
3. The truth doesn't matter, use language to describe a person even if that is
not true. For instance you might say your uncle is an extrovert even though
he isn't! This is to increase your score for vocabulary.

Model answer
Describe a famous celebrity from your country who
you admire
You should say:
who the person is
what kind of celebrity this person is
describe why this person has become successful
and explain why you admire this person.

Alright then, Im going to talk about Faye Wang, whos the

most famous female singer in China.
Id like to begin by highlighting that Faye is considered as the
all-time diva among the young generation. She was born in
Beijing, but became famous in Hong Kong as a pop singer. Her
fame is due to her career as a highly successful and influential
singer, songwriter and actress; and shes also known as an icon of
fashion due to her amazing and impressive makeup and clothing
Now lets move on to the point of why I hold Faye in high
regards. What I have to mention here is the admiration I have for
her dedication to help others. Her daughter was born with a cleft
lip, and she took her to California for surgery. Once she realized
how much money is required for cleft lip surgeries, she decided to
establish a foundation to help people receive proper treatment.
Apart from this, what Id like to mention is that Faye is a
highly family-oriented person. She is a traditional Chinese woman
and in the mid-1990s she left Hong Kong at the peak of her career
and moved to Beijing to live with her husband, who was a

successful rock star. Although her marriage failed, everyone took

pity on her and respected the career sacrifice she made for her

Practice questions

Describe one of your neighbors.

You should say:
what sort of person your neighbor is
do you like this neighbor
when do you usually meet this neighbor
and explain if this person is a good neighbor.

Describe an old person you admire.

You should say:
who this person is
how long you have known him/her
what qualities they have
and explain why you admire him/her.

Describe someone you know who is a good

You should say:
who this person is
how you know him/her
what kinds of subjects they teach
and explain why this person is good at teaching.

Describe an interesting person who you know.

You should say:
what sort of person this is
where you first met him/her
why you met him/her
and explain why you think this person is interesting.

IELTS speaking test Part Three:

Types of questions
Its difficult to predict exactly what questions you will get asked in the third
part of the exam, but usually they will have a close connection to the topic
that was discussed in Part Two of the exam. The questions are based on the
following functions, which will be discussed further in this section:

Diferent kinds of
Comparing (time/objects/concepts)

7. Solutions
8. Opinion (why)

1. Different kinds of

This is a very common first question in this part of the test. It is a question
What are some of the different kinds of shops in your country?
Note carefully:
Avoid just repeating the information or language that you used in Part Two.
This is because it will not show the examiner anything new and not give
them any new rateable language. In addition, another common mistake that
people make is to just give one kind of shop, but the question clearly asks for
more than one kind of shop. I suggest the following approach:


What are some of the different kinds of shops in your country?

Well, there are a wide range of placesto go shopping.

One of the most popular types isdepartment stores. I
think this is becausethey stock high-quality products and
always offer a money back warrantee if you are unsatisfied
with your purchase.
Another,trendy place that people in my country enjoy
shopping at is night markets. I guess this might be
because it's a lot of fun and the prices are usually cheaper
than in the stores.

Steps to answer the question:

1. Paraphrase the question:
Well, there are a wide range of places to go shopping.

2. Introduce the first type and perhaps a reason:

One of the most popular types is.[type of shop]. I think this is because

3. Introduce the second type and perhaps a reason:

Another, popular place that people in my country enjoyshopping at is [type of
shop]. I guess this might be because [reason].


Well, there are a wide range of
Actually, there is quite an array of
There are many options to choose from.
First type
One of the most popular types is
Probably the most common is

Second type

Another, trendy option is

Many people are also keen on
Giving reasons
I think this is because
I guess this might be because

IELTS Test Part 3: Speaking

Buy time to think
One of the biggest problems in this part of the test is that the questions can
be quite challenging. You may struggle to think of what you want to say, let
alone how you are going to say it. There are some strategies you can use to
deal with this situation.

Start with a memorized set phrase

Use some memorized set phrases to buy time to think about what you are
going to say:
1. Off the top of my head I would say
2. Well, it's difficult to say, but ...
3. That's an interesting question and I think I would have to say that
4. Mmm ... I'm not really sure, but
5. Actually, that's not something I've really thought about, but
6. I don't really know much about that, but...
[Lots of set phrases for different types of questions are explained in the next

Ask for the question to be rephrased

Another way to buy time is to pretend you didn't understand the question
and ask the examiner to rephrase it. While the examiner is doing this you
can think about what you want to say. This won't lower your grade, unless
you do it repeatedly in which case it's going to start to lower your score for
vocabulary. You could say something like:
"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, could you please rephrase it"

IELTS speaking test grammar

Grammar is a huge area with tons of books dedicated to it. If you are taking
an IELTS exam in the near future you may not have a lot of time to work on
grammar. The best ways to improve your grammar score are to reduce the
number of errors you make and also use a variety of sentence types. Looking
below at the grading criteria for grammar makes this clear.

Criteria for grammar

flexibly uses a range of

complex structures

uses a wide range of structures

frequently produces error-free


most sentences are error-free

with only very occasional
inappropriacies that are not

This section focuses on some ways to use complex sentence structures and
then on explaining a few of the types of grammatical errors that commonly
occur when people speak.

Develop ways of using complex sentences

Complex sentences are sentences that include an independent and
dependent clause. Two excellent ways to form these are to use conditionals
[phrases] and relative clauses [who, which, that, where]. To read about the
rules and do some quizzes go here:

Conditional sentences
A conditional sentence is a complex sentence structure used to talk about
something that occurs only if something else happens. The condition may be
something real or imagined, and the result could be a definite result, or just a
possible result. Conditionals are a useful way of forming complex sentences,
which can boost your grammar score. Another reason why I teach candidates
to use them is because they can be easily noticed by an examiner, due to
the word if. If sends a signal to the examiner that a conditional is being used.

There are two clauses to a conditional sentence:

One part is the if clause. This is the event that needs to occur. It is a
dependent clause because it is not a complete sentence and is dependent on
the other part of the sentence.
The second part is the result or main clause, or what happens when the
event in theif clause occurs. The result clause is an independent clause
because it can stand on its own as a sentence. The dependent and
independent clauses can be spoken in any order, as shown below:
If I have holidays, I go to Australia. [A comma as needed when the dependent
clause comes first]
I go to Australia if I have holidays. [No comma]

Summary of conditions
0 facts and opinions
1 likely outcomes

If I have holidays,

I go to the UK.

present tense,

If I have enough days off,

present tense

I will go to the UK.

present tense

future tense

If I won the lottery,

2 unlikely outcomes UK.
past tense
or imagined

I would go to the

If I had had enough time,

3 past situations that the UK.
past perfect tense
didn't occur

I would have gone


would have

IELTS TEST Speaking Strategies

The following are speaking strategies that you can use in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3,
of the IELTS speaking exam.

Question: What kind of food do you like?

1. Divide into three parts:
Well, there are three kinds of food that Im really keen on.
The one I like best is Italian food because.
I also really like to eat Korean food as its very.
Im also kind of partial to Mexican food for the reason that it
2. General to specific (Give an example)

Well, Id have to say that Im a big fan of seafood. In particular,

I really like to eat Japanese seafood because its always so fresh.
For instance, sashimi is delicious because the raw fish is so
3. Depends
I think it depends really.
If Im working I prefer to get something like fast food such as
McDonalds because
But , if Im out with friends I would rather have something
more exotic such as Thai food or Indian food.
4. Concession
Well, recently Id have to say that I been enjoying eating steak
and each time I feel like a steak I go to Outback Steak House,
because thesteaks there are huge. However, I think that it may
not be all that healthy to eat so much red meat, as Ive heard it
can lead to high levels of cholesterol.

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