Workshop Nine Uid

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Workshop Nine Evaluation and Testing

1 Activity Evaluation and Testing Planning
This website was developed by a group of Industry Project students in 2013. It has
been revised since, based on the requirements of the committee that runs the
kindergarten. Thinking about a site for a kindergarten, develop a high level evaluation
and testing plan:
1. What are your testing goals and objectives?
Our testing goals and objectives would be to provide a diverse and unique
kindergarten experience for each child. We aim to encourage excellence in academic
knowledge and skills, and to nurture and nourish the wellbeing of each and every
child. This experience will provide a supportive, encouraging and creative
environment for the growth of the little individuals. Make this website relative
2. What are your research questions?
Research questions will help in finding the right target market for the kindergarten.
Unambiguous questions will be asked to help focus and pinpoint in the developing
Research questions will help in identifying limitations and
a. Does the functionality of the website transition smoothly between a
desktop and mobile device?
b. How do participants/users feel about the navigation between the
c. Is the website intuitive?
d. What needs improvement?
3. What are your participant characteristics?
Desired number of Participants
Total Number of Participants
Single (male)

Single (female)

Couple (married or partners)



4. What method will you use?

The method of approach which will be used will be somewhat of a cognitive
walkthrough method. Individuals will be welcomed and seated at computers where
they will be provided with a list of operations and tasks to achieve. In the course of
these tasks, the users will be unguided to ensure they are not influenced by external
This in turn will allow us to attain a greater level of understanding and as to
whether the site is intuitive or not. There actions (clicks, scrolls, etc...) will be noted,
along with the time of completion of the pre-meditated tasks. Participants will be
given the same list of framework to help give us a stable indication on the
functionality of the website.

5. What is your task list?

The prioritised list of tasks to complete include;
To find information about the Management Centre. The
Kindergarten centre is managed by a devoted team of from

The website will be open up to the home screen page. The page
will open up to a full screen page.

Successful Completion:
Finding the information
Benchmark: Find information by using a single click and within a minute time
frame. Ensure preventable or unnecessary errors are deviated
from. This can be achieved by developing an intuitive and
navigable site.

6. What is your test environment?

The test environment will consist of a room whereby a single computer will be
present. The participant will be seated and required to complete the task of enrolling
a mock-up child into the Kindergarten system. The participant will be supervised by a

moderator to evaluate the progress and gather feedback. The collection of this data
will give us a rough interpretation of the functionality and affability of the website.
The same test environment will be used when testing the use of mobile devices. The
test environment above (desktop environment) will be replicated, however multiple
mobile devices with different operating systems will be presented. The participant will
in turn be noted for what device they choose to use.
7. What role will your moderator have?
The moderators role will be to examine the site and assess if it meets the
requirements. The moderator has a very diverse spectrum of duties which ranges
from greeting the participants, formulating a background questionnaire, This is
followed by the test session whereby the moderator and finally debrief and then
close the session up. The moderator will introduce the website and give a rundown
on the path the participant is required to go through. The moderator will time the
user, record any ambiguities in the participants actions and answer any questions.

What data will you collect and what measures will you use to evaluate it?
Steps taken to complete the task
Tasks completed successfully
Number of clicks required to achieve what was intended
Time taken to achieve what was intended
Record number of times of user failure (incorrect path was taken etc)
Checklist which includes the completion criteria

9. How will you report your results?

Annotate the steps taken by user
Use a checklist

2 Activity
Evaluation and Testing
Now that you have a plan, put it into action. Within your team, decide who is your
Participant, moderator, and observers. Conduct a usability test of the kindy website.

3 Homework
Look at evaluation and testing. What approach will you need for your Design?
Brief? What can you do? What would be difficult?
Start developing your evaluation and testing plan for your Design Brief.

Continue development of your ePortfolio

Find an example of Communicating Interface Design in action.

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