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Topic: Is it possible to stop human trafficking entirely?


Several severe crimes and one of them is human trafficking

The definition of human trafficking
Our stand: human trafficking cannot be stopped entirely but can be prevent or
reduce due to poverty, greed and lack of education

Body paragraph 1:

Happening almost every where
Tend to look for better alternatives to provide a better life
Desperation leads them to becoming easy target of traffickers
Mainly prostitution and forced labour
Include statistics of victims of exploitation

Body paragraph 2:

Money is the root of all evil
Profitable to the traffickers
Opted for human trafficking rather than other illegal crimes
Slaves are cheap and easily bought, high demand of slave
Generating high profit

Body paragraph 3:

Lack of education
Little or no knowledge made them easy target of trafficker
Easily deceived once they gained their trust
Can be exploited in many ways
Countries that have large amount of unschooled children


Human trafficking cannot be entirely stopped due to poverty, greed, and lack
of education
Ongoing issue that needs our immediate attention
The consequences happening to people
How our society is changed

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