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Sensor Technology for Protecting Endangered Animal Species

Abhijit Mohanty
6th SEM, B. tech (CSE), Sec-B, Gr-2
Dept. of CSE, TAT, Bhubaneswar, India
Under the guidance of

Dr.Rahul Ranjan
Dept. of CSE, TAT, Bhubaneswar, India
26th March 2016

Synopsis of the Seminar Topic

Sensor Technology for Protecting Endangered Animal Species: A lot of applications for
wireless sensor networks have been proposed in the last years. Only a few of them have led to
real, non-academic deployments, partially due to the differences between end user needs and
academic assumptions. In this paper we discuss a real world problem arising from an ecological
question (protection of an endangered species) and the theoretical solution as well as the
deployed solution that actually works.
Tracking migrations is an important tool to better understand and protect species. For
example, Florida manatees are an endangered species, and therefore they need protection. Radio
tracking showed that Florida manatees may travel as far as Rhode Island when they migrate. This
information suggests that the manatees may need protection along much of the Atlantic Coast of
the United States. Previously, protection efforts focused mainly in the Florida area.

1. Wikipedia


Abhijit Mohanty

26th March 2016

Redg No.-1301289501

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