Script-: G-Ghania M-Mikhaili Y-Youssef J-Jamal

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G-Hello everyone, Im Ghania
Y-Im Youssef
J-Im Jamal
M-and Im Mikhaili
J- We are Eco Jeans, a new and improved jeans company trying to make the jeans
industry a better place. Before we explain the changes we intend to make. We want
you to have a general idea about how the jeans youre wearing are made.
G- Cotton is a thirsty crop that uses a lot of water. 1,500 liters of water is used to
make one pair of jeans. In a world where water is already a scarce resource makes
you wonder is cotton really that important to us to let people die of thirst. Many
droughts appear due to the constant use of water in the plotting of cotton.
J-The Aral Sea in Central Asia that was once lush forest surrounded by fishing
communities and wetlands is now only a strip of water. The reason for this is
because of the Soviet Union using the river for agriculture. The banks occasionally
gets dust storms that contain toxic residue of industrial and agricultural.
Y-But how is cotton picked and made into jeans? The answer is child and forced
labour. Child labour is the use of children in the industry and business that keeps
them from attending school.
M-Were going to be following Mohammad. Mohammad is a fifteen year old boy in
India. Who should be getting ready for school. But instead he wakes up each and
every single day since he was 10 to grow, pick and harvest crops.

Y- Why does Mohammad choose to pick cotton? While its not really a chose. His
parents were offered money for Mohammeds service to the big corporation. This
means Mohammad has to work 11 to 15 hours a day, seven days a week no matter
what. But he has no choice, his parents have to raise his four younger siblings who
also like Mohammad work on the farm.
G- Mohammad is not the only one. He works alongside many other children as
young as five years old. China, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Brazil all use child labour to
harvest cotton. Not only has that been happening but in Uzbekistan the government
forces 1.5 to 2 million students each year to work during the cotton harvesting
season. Schools are closed for three months and staff are tasked to ensure that the
students do their work properly
J- Kids our age are forced to work in filthy, uninsulated fields exposed to hazardous
pesticides. The long hours without food or water and the terrible conditions causes
exhaustion, heart stroke, nausea, paralysis and sometimes even death. Majority of
the workers go through daily physical or sexual assault. After all the hard work hand
picking the cotton they get less than a $1 a day.
M- That is just the start of the chain. The cotton is send to other countries to get
processed into thread and then woven and stitched into jeans by women sewing the
jeans by hand. Finally its send to get dyed blue. China, Xintang, the Jeans Capital of
the World makes about 260 million pair of jeans a year. Xintang makes 60% of
Chinas total jeans production that is sold in the states. The fabric painting and
dying is done by harmful chemicals such as Cadmium, Lead, and Mercure.
Chemicals that you would never want near your bare skin.
Y- What happens to the dirty water contaminated with chemicals? Well it goes back
to the rivers and streams in Xintang. There were five metals(Cadmium, Lead,
Mercury, Copper and Chromium) found in 17 out of 21 water and sediment samples
of the rivers and lakes in Xintang. In one sample Cadmium exceeded Chinas
national limit by 128 times. This not only effects the people but the animals and

G- After all that the jeans are shipped to the stores and are sold for cheap prices.
The gas used for transportation pumps CO2 in our atmosphere causing more
problems than we already have. Have you ever wonder why the things in the store
are so cheap when you know for a fact that so many people work just to make that
one item. The answer is cheap labour from those people picking cotton to dyeing
the pants.
M- Now that you know about production of normal jeans. Heres our proposal .Were
going to be a Vancouver based company that makes our jeans in Vancouver and
only sell in Canada to reduce CO2 emission. This is because Vancouver is one of the
top city in the world to use sustainable renewable resources to make energy.
J-Instead of using cotton that uses a lot of pesticides and water to grow. We are
going to make the jeans with Hemp. Cotton requires twice as much land as hemp
does and four times more water.
M- To color the jeans were going to use fruits and vegetables instead of chemicals.
We are mainly going to be using red cabbages because red cabbage juice changes
to a blue colour when boiled. If your worried about a mass production of red
cabbages theres no need to worry because we have more ways to make natural
blue dye with raspberries, grapes, red cedar, mulberries and blueberries.
G-- Since were going to grow all our own resources we need workers. We have
decided to use machines to harvest and plant the plants. To maintain the machines
we are hiring highly trained employees. Since we are in Vancouver, majority of their
electricity comes from hydro or biomass power plants. Vancouver also commits to
run on 100% renewable energy from electricity, to transportation.
M- Lastly the actual production of our jeans. We are only hiring eligible workers who
have freedom to take days off and vacations when needed. We promise to pay
everyone equally with no hidden cost. Because we are going to pay everyone
equally the actual price of the jeans I going to be higher than the ones youre
paying for now. Some of you wouldnt want to pay that much.

J- But could you live with the fact that the clothes your wearing now is made by a
ten year old whos dream is to become a doctor but cant because hes forced to
work all day. Can you live with the fact that kids your age and your younger siblings
age are forced to work by the government to collect the resources to make your
Y- Majority of you are first born Canadian or came to Canada when you were kids
but you got lucky. You could have been those kids in those filthy factories or the
harmful farms working 15 hours a day.
G- Majority of you might be from those countries that use forced child labour. If you
werent lucky to be born in a middle class family and were born in the lower class
you wouldnt be here today.
Y- For a second close your eyes and imagine you in their shoes and think can you
live with wearing clothes that are made in dangerous environment by kids younger
than you.


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