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LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Offic ofBasines Etepies Depiction Serie Secon ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY thatthe collections of the Library of Congress contain a publication entitled THE PUBLIC STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from March 1933 to June 1934, and that the attached photocopies from ‘Volume XLVIII ~the title page, the publisher’s page, and pages 484 1 87 on which appears the TREATY WITH MOROCCO, September 16, 1836 — are g that work THIS IS TO CERTIFY FURTHER, that the publisher's p Congress Order Division stamp that bears the date Jan 28 1991 September 4, 2014, oe Gregor F Coo Duplicaifon Services, Section Head Office of Business Enterprises Library of Congress 10 tndpendnce Avene, SE Wathingon, DC 2040-4917 Tel 202707 5680 seta ps: dupcatonseies@loc ov THE STATUTES AT LARGE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MARCH 1933 to JUNE 1934 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS RECENT TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS, EXECUTIVE PROCLAMATIONS AND AGREEMENTS, TWENTY-FIRST AMENDMENT ‘T0 THE CONSTITUTION VOL. XLVIII IN TWO PARTS Pant 1—Public Acts and Resolutions. ‘Panr 2—Private Acts and Resolutions, Concurrent Resolutions ‘Treaties and Conventions, Executive Proclamations and Agreements, Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution, PART 1 oan, a wt HB, pF | Se ZD LERR NH JAN2 81991 ETE tonto every act aad Jolt reslutton peated i hla youme fom page Ito pase 31, Toctusiv, bas the following heal “Severre-utp Covontan oF rie Ustrep Staves o” AMERICAS ‘Taeortt Dewow AND meio at ae cert oF Wastioron om TweRaD4y, THE woNTa DAY oF MARCH, ‘tho orgial of every tet and Jolt reoltion printed tn tla volame from pew 318 to ere 120, Inconre, has the folowing beedig ‘Severre-rmap Conaness oF ree Usman Seart4 oF AME Ar ra Secon Session, ‘bevow Axo naia Ar rmx cry or Wasntnerox ox WeOStsb4¥, THe TaD DAY OF JANUAR, [AU bn aod joint reslntions presented ¢o the President ofthe Coited States bear the signatazen of the Speaker (oF ofthe Speaier po tempore) of the House of Rapresentatives eSrine Vie President aud Prsect of the Seaate (ot ofthe Presldent of the Senate ‘ro tempore); thom sgnataen nccordisly appeer onthe oreinals of all act and Joint reolaloas "rhe nenatre of the Present of the United States appenrs om the orginla of all pproved acta and flat rscltons, The rigoal of every act and flat reslotlon Bas endorsed thereon & cetifeste of ign, sigan an the cae aay be, by the Clerk ofthe House of Representatives oF by the Gocetary of te Seoate and reading “T certify that thls Act (or Jolat Resoition) SRuuatnd ln the Howes of Reprematatives (or Senate)" The orsin of each act Section cotaoed ta thls volupe Us fadiated In the marr at the oginaing of each te thon for exumpies Ht, 11 oe HLJ.ox 75 tadientes origin in the House of Tepeowattiveny and 8, #08 or .5Ren 14 idlcates origin In the Seats, eS) volume is printed on acid free paper by WILLIAM S. HEIN & CO., INC. TREATY WITH MOROCCO.@ 10 of God, tha merciful and clement! athe i Pease "This isthe copy ofthe Testy of Pesce she hoeticans aid writen in ts books a Sea the with te Belp of God, i may rei ‘ira wt Meczane, te iy of Obes on ‘Jumed el latar inthe Jour of the Heya 1252, (Correspon ‘Sept 16. A.D. 1890.) “Ane, 1. Wo delare tht both parton havo agraed that this testy, coling of twenty-five aces, all be inserted inthis bok, and dex ‘of the United States, and now their ed to James Re Lei, agent WSSene sonsl a Tanger, with whose approbation it has been made, fied on ther ar, to tent wilh vs, concerning ‘Ant. Treitber of the partes shall beat war with any nation whate Tho other shall not take 8 commission fom the enemy, nor Sghe "Aa. 3. Uf either of tho'parte shall beat rar with any nation what- “Tpricebalonging to tnt lion, and there shall be found Nett or efces xlongng to either of the paris, the aub- Jesh iy, we Cet cette 4 Belonging tay ta the pertios tall bE wars alt loaded on veel belonging to tho other party, iy eal paseo and unmolested, wilboot aay tempt being msde 0 {ake or doeia hem. "Anz. 4. A sigasl o pes, shall be given to all vemle belonging to boik peter bytuhich they are to. be ngwn when they ‘ ndif the commander of hip of war of cer party all ips, under his convoy, tho declaration of the comma Eetudicient to exempt say of them fom examination. ‘Ant. 5. IF either 6f the Il be at war, and shall meet a je tis agreed, tha aa examination bos with two oF three mea nly: and i oy ge ‘Steading pety shal make good all damages. ‘Anr.. If ang Moor shall bring clizens of dhe United States, of thot efits, o his Mojety, th etzens shall immediately be ae at Iibery, aad the effect restore ie Moog not stout oF ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1896, eee afr ear Sh oe Sige Sala eerily Se gaara ne po ee oe oft nym of te, pe alps ne eh digi mee trey eof Urb any el eh id eee ocr ez he td Se os CRE ie Sues ns naar ey recta heel Sy lb suet as 0 oii del Mate eS oa SE el ee te Seen eee ee ee ak role Seed is li ead oe car re le are ed oe ne ee ah Tay ae of itr of eps hal Hag ot A of ato pre le th ap apa Ce Sor Te Ease ey oe be reel opeeel Eee renee are ciated eae et SLPS seamen re eran en hppa roe fng to the enemy shal fallow, until twenty ‘ater the depere Be tafe of cnr vessels: nd the seine regustons abl be cbuerved towards the’ American vessel suing (fom our pots, bo their enemiee Moore of Sf Sag Ua i eaten pelt By or nn oe el eal mimenyd cerca mes contd snes © Sematary ae te ea Le cera oe patna re cig py aul ln och Seams tp ha See: pes eet icine an ee 4, Te commer ib Ue Se al ot allow for te tie belogy and thelr citizens shall bo reopected and i eget el io at Sirona ay agora te Sse ieee ec cin aa aay a ote ei et si pa Sup thnk propery: aod al persons employed tn Twingo woondng oedasovid by cher labo whore, nl be pad a BY canoer Fits net moro and ot Tess. ‘Ant. 18 Toca of uae between the prt, the pioners are ot shane of to be mace lave: butts be exchanged ono anlber, captain ape puso {Sy cer for ler, aad one priate an fr ected thet 486 TREATY WITH MOROCCO: 1596, shall prove «fen on ihr sie it abl be made vp bythe pay sa rr he is tm cay greed at lpn “hungedia tele tthe fom the'ae oftheir belog taken, and that this exchange may be efected Pn et rf, ubtiaed by cero he pron nf rans hl tb oad yo ln a iTunes thoy al tink proper aod may buy ed oe er eee a ole Gon Anz 18, Al gods shall be weighed and examiaed Bete they ae wiht, arty Sod tg avd teat of rel, no examination SEL pete Cade les esha ft proved th cantar re et tras i wee, he prone wh teak sas nelson turd all be panced scarg tie se cmeet et tho ensty, tnd oo cher pron hatter all Cee a cee a ap arg leat soy penal or Sanage share "Art 19, No venel sal be detain in por on any preance wie apace ied neo ety al ton a en Beene Sal be ar fly gree eight of ny goods he takes on board. ei o vate, Art 20, If any of th cizes of he Usted Sato any persons “int: aoltae proccess have any Spat with bach ober, te 5 . : SEL'SSIP cont shall cide between tho prea? and whenever the coat shall se eeace sous Garren eafcn he Ges “Male Tmdiiy grated toa rea sions, Tliog, 4e. Ant. 21. If citizen of the United States shoald ‘cl or wound « ESB, Moor og, the contrary, ifa Moor sll Kil or wound cin of ho TGetew of bo afte Slats, th law of db country shall take place, and equal justice Wile rendered the consul suiting atthe teal; and if any delinquent ‘Shall make bie eacape, the conscl shal not be antwerable fr him in any -saunee whatever. ‘Anz. 22. If an American citizen sall de in our country, anil no i ‘of his eects and RICE, ileal sppenr, the consl shall ake poses it ike are al be no con tho eects shall be inthe hands of shall reside ‘Anz. 23, The cons of the Uniied States of Ameri Resnc ot castles iq ‘tny seaport of ont dominions thot they shall dink proper: and dey Gee RIN SSEp tad enya te pga me ce ea of Sacer) ther nation enjoy an if any ofthe eaizens of the United Sates + Sontrat tay dob or engagotens, tho consol shall not bein. ay ‘tte sennei tem eh hl ar gen om einen of filling fore witoat which promise in 3 aplcsin toh or oy redex sll be ade cme _ An. 24. TE any éiferencen shal rise by either party iningng on Nar, agp watt ot tm ety, pesca, Sarmegy sal rea oe te rico ton tall be rejected, i bree om between abjecta of oth ‘rth thelr property. Aad SESE Sltnaig, inthe falls en en for at brangerent end vat th eimado to arms, An ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO: 1838, shat or eines i sal ep arene a ea ah St der cgay Siem arn a Reta eked SES aS apts Se aioe pe et Mac ey ope yo or fs mn a ema orb of terchandise but such us are probed to the eter Chr in Allg lb wip wo tind ba hy we ETE a decelerate as Ne ene fad ise hall afterward bo madé, unless it shall at be proved that contraband Aa ta el oad Seyret ak sacl pl ote ae ind laps Metal ty ihe een al Sys wee ee See hae ri No.l lb aed pt eae wha Feb dvi opt ot es Ss cy Sugealeane nn began sans Seebnoartad ia I ry of ine te US on po wok az atom ts Sn nee sma Rie eh ae Seca sel it nna ccna ba isha iieaay pearl rei I clon ef Unido wvl arts se teat ns aera ge At wera Wak SOLS Sus Vos Satnne tema tit ia IC Anon i al eo wr. ra et a Ms Aer a See ae of chet ect there shall cecal te ee apap egies Sete seagate it 2s Stan ses SRC vies We oel te et Sgeraire Gham ene alerts 227 et Na Nir ‘Aur, 23, Tho consal of tho United, Sa in by inp of or nina tat, ander a sepecied end enjoy "onal of any Hi Sher nutlon enjoy: and if thy ofthe eftzeos of the United States shal Contrast any dabia or engagement, the coosl shall ot be in. any ‘Tanner accountable for them, unlen ho sal hae giten promise ia ‘willing the payment ot fling thereof, witheat which promise in ‘wring, no sppcation to him for any redres shall bo rade, ‘Aas. 4, IF any difereacen shall rio by cer party inftnging on any ofthe ales of thi tweety, pace and farmogy shall etn hoe ‘witending, im tho flleat free, uot a fiendy pplication shall be [nde for anttrangement; and oat tha aplostion shall be rected, fo appel sill bo made fo soma. And if evar aall bres ont Between {he pres, nine months shall bs granted to al the subjects of both paren, to igpone of thie act ad rote mith thie opory. And 486 CONVENTION WITH PERU-BOLIVIA. 1636, ar itis frther declared, that whatever indalgence in trade or othernise, Toca at, ie Ge granted fo aay of the Chrintan Powers, tbe citizens of tho ns efit, United ‘tree aball bo equally ented to thea, sooo eS Consulate of the United States of América. “For the Empire of Moroeo. Be it known, Wheress the undersigned, Jumes R, Leib, a citizen of tho Wated States of North Amerie, and now their resident consal SEangier, having been dolysppolated commisioner, by liters patent Undor ie signature of tho President and eal of che Unit State Noth Amerie, bearing date, at the city of Washington, the dth day ct july ADTs, fe onglnng snd conceding (ey of zecse sed Panty nny Und Sof Net Amie tm ‘Empire of Morocea; 1, therefore, James Re, Leib, Comaissionar as epi do conte te oegong ety end every ale end clase {eteia Contaned; reserving the sue, neverthles, the nal ratifae rol ay on of the Presilentof fhe. United States of North America, by and Sent) wth the edles and consent of the Senate. bomeeetl In testimony whereof, Lhave hereunto affzed my signature, and the ‘sal of ta consalse, on the Ist day of Osiober, in the year of So Lord oe tanta pt Pndfed and sj, and he lndepeodence of toa United States th sister. JAMES R. LEIB, (t-8) GENERAL CONVENTION OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, ‘COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, Between the United States of America and the Pere rov.m 136 Bolivian Confederation. “Reais ‘rk bal in tho oer, by meen fea onrenton of pete, Riendsip, commerce, and navign "For this drab President of the United States of Nopsacen Ametien ha'conferred il powers on Sumvel Larned, Charge #4 Aisr'ar to anid Sater, near the Government of Peru; snd the Suiverse Penector ofthe orth aad south Peravan States, President he ep of Ban enhged wih ha dein of ie Ranga {elation othe PerwBatirian Con ies conferred like powers SUNG duel AUB late of Sut’ the Doartoat of Fasace

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