History of Computing: From The Past To The Present

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History of computing

From the past to the present

The first steps

Make the life the calculating easier and faster.
The first invetions were very simple things like : rocks, sticks
Abacus, Napier bones, Ropes

Mechanical calculators

The first real steps : Mechanical calculators

Williem Shickard 1623
Pascal, Leibinz, Xavier
Shickards calculator




The programmable machines

Joseph Marie Jacquard
Worked with punch cards
The first automatic machine

Babbage notiched the connection between the programable

loom and the calculators -> first plans
He couldnt build his own machine

The 20th cenutry

The development is accelerated
Electromechanical computers
Conrad Zuse german professor (Z1,Z2)
First programmable, electronic machines
From this point computers

First generation
Started with ENIAC (Neumann Jnos) 1943
Enormous sizes
Very slow
Repair 15 minutes
The programing was really hard -> with mechanical codes

Second generation
Transistors -> smaller
Magnetic storage
The first programing languages not universal (FORTRAN)

Third generation
IC (integrated circuit) -> smaller
A lot new programming language (BASIC)
Much faster calculation speed (1 million operation / sec)
The first operation systems
The first monitors

The fourth generation

Drasticly increased speed
Mass audience
New languages (PASCAL)

The fifth generation

From 1991 - ???
To be continued

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