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WOHLEAHRT FOUNDATION STUDIES VIOLA CARL FISCHER» BOOK I WOHLFAHRT FOUNDATION STUDIES FOR THE VIOLA Transcribed and Arranged in Progressive Order by MERLE J. ISAAC and RALPH C. LEWIS BOOK 1 (02659) - Thirty Studies in First Position (from Opus 45, 54, 74) BOOK 11 (02660) - Thirty Studies in Three Positions (from Opus 45, 74) CARL FISCHER» 165 Baecker Street, New York, NY 10012 Copyright © 1938 by Carl Fischor, Ine ‘Copyright Renewed {All Rights Assigned to Carl Fischer, LLC, Intemational Copyright Secured. Aight reserved including performing rights. — ‘nicameeuls x san 0-82s8-0651-5, PREFACE Viola players have been recruited traditionally from the ranks of violinists. This fact, to a large degree, has caused the writers of study materials to base eheir works upon the supposition that the prospective viola seudent has already mastered considerable violin technic. While this is true in the professional field it is not the typical situation found in the public schools. Here the rapid growth of school or- chestras has introduced a new problem: that of starting viola players directly on the viola without any previous violin study. This has created a need for new instructional material for the viola. Elementary instruction books have appeared recently which largely solve the problem of getting the beginner started. Bue chere is still a lack of elementary study material for the purpose of developing those fundamentals which are so necessary if the viola player is to perform creditably the high-grade music now in the repertoire of so many of our school orchestras and string ensembles. ‘The recognized pedagogical value and the wide popularity of the Woblfahrt Foundation Studies for the Violin have prompted the editors to adapt a selection of these studies for the viola. The selection includes studies from several of the Woblfahre works, and the arrangement has been made progressive, in so far as this is feasible. This edition is sub- mitted with the earnest hope that ic will partially fill the gap which now exists between the material for beginners and that for more advanced players. The Edisors Thematic List of Studies BOox I Thirty Studies in First Position Allegro moderato Middle to point § Op.45, Not 1 “ a 2 == ? Moderato F Mito Pe Allegro moderato wa, ‘ of Allegro moderato a 0p.45, No.2 simile ® Pr, é 7 Allegretto Wa. PA, 0p.45,No.4 we ca Allegro wa 0p. 45, No.8 of Allegro moderato yy 0p.74, Not WB Bt WB 7 Moderato La. t Fen ws Pt, 10 s Allegro moderato PAS ay Moderato we. 0p.45, No.16 12 Sf Allegro moderato Op.74, No.2 Li 13 t ‘Allegro non tanto reer gen tant we. rr 0P-45,No.t4 14 Allegro moderato Wamp WB. 15 28088 -26 Allegretto Pen. Boy Op. 54, ve Pe 16 er Allegro moderato 7 0p.45, No.t0 Op.64, No.14 ‘Andante sostenuto wy wae 24 ‘Wf dolee Allegro Moderato Un 5 Atego On40 Noss a ghia motto 07.64, No.2 28 eee Allegretto Ux. aioe Op. 64, No.25, 29 Allegro moderato Op. 74, No.25 30 Foundation Studies For the Viola by FRANZ WOHLFAHRT Book I Thirty Studies in First Position WB.- Whole bow Upper half M. = Middle bow Lower half Pt. = At the point = Down bow Fr. = At the heel (frog) V= Up bow Variants AWB PL WR Mer 2UK WB gw, Fee eee ee eee SS = Allegro moderato p.45, No.t F 4 ‘ ‘i Middle to point eZ +) Dashes after fingering mean that the finger indicated is to he held down for all notes under dash. 02659 Copyright 1088 by Carl Fischer,Ine. Now York 28048 28, International Copyright Secured Copyright renewed mf SO - c ‘WB. for each note —= >> >>> > Pp Variants OK PL UR. Moderato Op. 45, No.8 simile To be played with detached stroke of forearm- from M. to Pt. 8043-26 Allegro moderato Wy i.7>. Spot mf Seatta~ + al Variants 4 UE. 20H 3.UH gue. SSS Allegro moderato Op. 54, No.2 _simile sN044-28, Variants 40H. UX. ce 20H ue La3.0H UE, ouraas: Allegretto Hegretto py a Op. 45, No. mf 28048 -26 Variants 4, Hammered a Op. 45, No. 18 g : eS. —= — —— om et mf = fs$- —————— Note: Keep the fingers down as long as possible throughout this study. When fingera are lifted, raise them high. 6 Variants hee ee ee un Un, ®) vat we Dun Allegro moderato Op.74, Not ia yd 4 : a a 8043-26 Variants 1UH Pt 2, Fr. 3% 4, WB. Moderato Practice both UH. S 8043-26 This study should be played with four beats to a measure. The eighth notes in the second meas- ure get one beat each played with full, sweeping strokes. Moderato FW WR. WB. WB. WB. Op. 54, No.6 28048-26 Variants Allegro moderato UE simile Op. 54, No.1 Lt 7 a 28048-26 0 Moderato WB. Op.45, No.16 I Ae aaa 12 Fy z wf eee 28048-26 uu Variants 4, WB RWB. 3 uu, re 20H 4a Hammered stroke Hammered stroke Allegro moderato Op.74, No.2 UH. 4 : 13 Sf 28048-26 a2 Allegro non tanto wae Op.45, No.4 we. F 14 t + The notes under the brackets(7——)) should be covered at once with the same finger, Allegretto WB. ay. Op.45, No. f 28043-26 43 Allegretto Op.54, No.t2 PL_WB. v n te< 4 16 a 28043-28 4 Variants 1H, Allegro moderato 4 OP-74,No.8 M. 17 rt? + Cover By and B with the first finger throughout as indicated 2043-26 5 Op. 45, No.2% Allegro 4 WB = 4 =o 18 fa SS ey aa or Se SO simile seer ere oa = >= oy 28043-26 16 NOTE: From this number on, the passages that are repeated are marked only once. The student should remember and use the same fingering at each recurrence Variants Between frog and middle bow. Half spiecato ia 1g pt i i 2: Allegro Op.74, No.10 WB 19 3 3 7 nf nos aes > a Aptet steer oe SS : —_ + + ——— <= 28043-26 17 Moderato pepe ett a Op.48, No.t0 28048-26 18 This is an excellent study for the fourth finger. All“A’s” and“E’s” unless marked otherwise, are to be played with the fourth finger. Moderato ‘Op. 54, No.10 nw. 22 28048- 26 be ie # a Op. 54, No.8 ae Pon ae A i 23 Seas: Se SS SS fe att idle aries Pepttrpss ee Ss a a Andante, sostenuto Ws ey o> Op.54, No. 20 24 ESE fete A = tS eS te ‘ Anton @, ‘ < SS, 2 i 28048-26 20 Variants 4, Middle 2.0m =e ESE: ‘spiceato Broad stroke Allegro Use machine-like finger action ‘ we ge? Op. 54, No, 22 25 x © P ERS == FS SSS Bees Fa aed aeeoaey — 28048-25, Voriants pe Moderato Op. 54, No, 28 prt : 28048-26 Vari UH, 4 Op.45, No. 12 == > 28048-26 Allegro molto wa. Op. 54, No. 29 28 Fe ese a eee gee ° Ss ‘ ree yeher es ‘ Srasie ares seis 7 eer err eee 8048-26 24 Op. 54, No. 25 2048-26 25 . Op.74, No. 25 Allegro moderato wa, WEB. WR11 2 2303 28048-26

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