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Click to ch01.. ch02..ch03.. ch04..

ch05.. ch06..ch07 ch8..ch9..ch10.. ch11.. ch12..ch13..

ch14..ch15..ch16.. ch17.. ch18..ch19.. ch20..ch021..ch22..
ch023.. ch24..ch25.. ch26..ch27..ch28.. ch29.. ch30..ch31..
ch32..ch33..ch34.. ch35.. ch36..ch37.. ch38..ch39..ch40..
ch41.. ch42..ch43.. ch44..ch45..ch46.. ch47.. ch48..ch49.
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. ( ) .

"" .

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. --


O! Goddess in your company only

He accomplishes His Three jobs certainly
How can a sinner a man of bad ways
Sing You who the three gods praise (1)

" !
,, .

? ?
? .
(completely eligible) .
(duty allocation) .
? ,

. ? ?
. (Potentially Capable) .
. .


<br> O! Goddess with the dust of your feet

He creates the fourteen neat,
Which the great snake lifts on his head,
As holy ash has it Siva the Dancer with the dead (2)

<br>! ,
. "
. ?

41 .
59 .
(A thing of beauty is joy for ever)
100 . . ?
, .
( )


. ?

Over the isle of Your dust rises tthe sun of wisdom;
For a dunce it is nectar of wisdom;
The indigent sees it as a wishing stone rare;
To cross the ocean of birth it's Varahar's tooth.--(3)
. .


? ?


. .
" ;
. "

--- ---
( ) ,

The dwellers of heaven show saving palm,
Without such gestures you seem calm,
For Your feet of Truth drive away fear,
Of anyone fulfill his wishes here.--(4)


(approved and promoted) .
. ?

" ?'
. . .
(unique) .
. .
. .
, ;
; , ;



; ;
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; ;



() "" .

( )

. .

"!, .
. , "

As one bows he gets riches at once ,
You changed Hari as a beauty to lure Siva once,
And God of love got His fair mien,
To seduce even sages seen. (5)
,:-- ,
,, ,, , ,
, .
, ,
. ?
. .


(permanently comple) .

. .
. !

' .
? .

Blossoms as bow and five arrows, beatles as string,
Zephyr as the chariot and as minister the spring
Has God of Love, yet they are of no use
He wins the worlds only as Mother graciously views. (6)


(,,, )
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. ? !.
, ,

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. . ?

.. .
,". !"


. .
? ,
. .


With gingling waist jewel, elephants head like breast;

A little bent hip, face the moon in its best;

Bow,arrow,deadly rope and lance in Her four hands,
Before a devotee She graciously stands. (7)


. . , , ,
. ()
"" .

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.. .

. , . .
( )
. ?
. .

. (8)

In the nectar-ocean, in the isle of gems and wishing tree rare,

In the palace of fragrant trees and magical stones there;
On the angular cot with Shiva bed sits Mother gaily,
Only a few holy souls medidate Her daily. (8)
, ?
, .




. .

. . ,

(solace & confidence) . .
. . .
. (Her Majesty).
. . .



. .

. .

. (9)

Land,water,fire, air, sky and mind-philosophies found,

In Moolam, Pooragam,Swathishtam,Anahatham round,
Also piercing through Visuthi,Agna wheels above we find,

On the thousand layered lotus , with Shiva , Mother kind. (9)

. , ,
, , ,

. .
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() () ()
, (),
() .

(Gateway to Divinity)
. ...
. .


. ((10)

Nectar from Your feet wets pulses within,

Leaves lunar region to Your wheel origin,
Spiralling Yourself there remains meditating,
On the perforated lotus-base calmly sitting.(10)





. ?
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. ?


. .

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,, , , , .

( 6)

. ,

. .

. (11)

Four and five wheels of Shiva and Sakthi around,

Enclose nine elements and angles abound,
Eight and sixteen layers in Your Chakra surround,
Sets of three circles and rings;thus forty four
(philosophies sound(11)

, ,
, ,
, , ,
- .
. "
" .
- -


(), ( ),
( ), ( ),
( ), (
), ( ),
( ) ( )
. . ", , , ,

. ,
( ),,

, ,
, .
( )


. (12)

Impossible is for the Creator to extol Your beauty,

To see You , Fair Mother, the angels pretty,
Fast to become one with Shiva, Your consort,
To feel Your complete self of supreme sort.(12)

! ,
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. ?
. ?.

. . ,
. () .
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( 7)


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, .


. ..

. (13)

Deformed ,aged or weak the persons be,

O! Mother, if You graciously see,
Blessed they become, for damsels still mind,
To shamelessly but willingly follow behind. (13)

. .
, ,
. .


, ()
() . (

. ....

. (14)
On the thousand layered lotus Your feet shine,
Over fiftysix and fifty two rays of Moolam and swathishtam fine,
Also sixty two, nine sixes, nine times eight,
And eight square rays in the other wheels right. (14)
! .
? .
, ,
, ,

. .
. , .

360 .
360 .

? .?
? .
(to recharge)
. ,
, ,
. . .
(spotless, shadowless
light). .


( 8)


. .
. , , .
. ? ,

. ?
. .


Mothers white and on Her top is the crescent moon,

Book and crystal in two hands; others protect and bestow boon;
Words sweeter than honey, milk or fruit get thee,
So kind and compassionate supreme is She. (15)

. ,
. , ,

. ,
, , .
. .
. .

. .
. .


(Turning Point) .

. ,

. (16)
Bards lotus-heart blossoms by You, the morn red sun,
One who sings You get words to thrill and stun,
Any learned audience;so blessed are they,
To write verses , by Vani, delicately loving and gay. (16)

! .







( 9)

. .
( ) .
. ..

. (17)
As the wonderful light scattered by lunar stone;
You seem bright with eight Sakthis known,
You bless your devotees and epics they make,
With lofty but sweet words for our weal sake. (17)



, , , , , ,



. .
-- .
"" .

/ ?
. ? .


O! Mother, early day suns colour is Your complexion,

So the two worlds have the shade by reflection,
Those who have felt Your greatness high,
Will lure even doe eyed angels of the sky. (18)

! .


; ;

? .
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. ?
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. .


. .

( 10)

. . .
. .
( ,
. .

-- --
. ? .

With one who thinks of Your merciful face,
Big breasts and narrow waist above thighs a brace,
Super girls from the three worlds all,
With moon and sun as their busts , in love fall. (19)



. .

. .
. .
? .

. . ,
.. , ,
(later portions).

. .

. (20)

O! Mother, rays of nectar , from Your body scatter,

Youre a statue of lunar stone a magnetic matter,
Your thinker, like an eagle that threatens a snake,
Will not suffer from fever tending to overtake,(20)



? ?

? ,

? ?. , ,
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. . .

. .

( 11)
. .
. . .



Over six lotuses and on another layered, thousand grand;

Like fire, the moon,the sun or lightning You stand;
Controller of senses, great remain praying ,
And so , on waves of pleasure swinging.(21)



, ,
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,, , .
, ,

. (22)
Those who seek Your mercy humbly,
Before they finish their prayer fully,
You offer them Your feet readily,
Near where lie the crowns of the three untidily.(22)

"! ....."


. ,
. . ,
/ , ,
. "
... .
-- ?

(stoic great) .
., ,



( 12)

. .



? (23)

Your bodys bent due to heavy breasts,

On Your top O! three-eyed, the crescent rests,
You seized one half of Shiva, its past,
Youve taken the other half also fast. (23)


. .

. .

. ?

. .
. ,


. (24)

Them who creates ,protects and destroys all,

In Himself shuts and disappears is Eswar we call,
If You permit and make of Your eye a small movement,
The worlds will be recreated within a moment. (24)


? ?

( ) .
. .


(child's play). ?
. .
(skilled Director, operator)?

? (status) ?

(Goddess over God of Gods).
(rank) ,

, ,


( 13)

, , ,

. . .
. .





Born out of the three traits three gods they say,

Stand near Your feet and obediently pray,
Bowing down, hence, before Your feet holy,
Is revering those three also truly.(25

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. (26)
In the deluge disappear,Death-God,the Creator ,
The Lord of riches , Fourteen Indras and the protector,
Sans end is Sadhasivam God superior,
That is by You Mother, care taker of the inferior, (26)

( )
. . , ,
. .
(deluge) . ,
. .

, , , ()
. .
. 5000
. 4,32,000. 8,64,000 ,
12,96,000 , 17,28,000 .
. .

. ,


( 14)

. . - -
! ,


. (27)

My words are praise ,Your signs my movements,

Eating is offering into the fire, walks encirclements,

Lying to sleep, O! Mother,is prostration,

Every deed here is for thy glorification (27)

; ;
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? .
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----, , ,
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, , , ,,

. .

. .

. (28)

In the ultimate flood, all get wiped out,

God of four faces and celestials no doubt,
Lives for ever is Your Consort, the Poison Eater, fearless,
That is only by Your ear jewel, peerless. (28)
. ,

. ?

. , ,
,, .
. ()
. ?


(highly charged) .






. (29)

Come to You daily, the three gods to bow low,

Near Your feet, are their crowns below,

Its nice to see You stand up, though the maids warn,
For your Consort who is coming on. (29)

, ,
. .
. .
? .
. ,

. (confirm) .
? . (privilege).

. ?
1:365 ? .

. (30)

The eight riches which came from your feet are near,
Those who respect You as their souls dear,
Hence neglect the jewels and gold,
Them at the end , even fire extols, its told. (30)
! ,


360 .

. .

. .

. .

. .


, ,
. .

, .
. .

(authorised officer)
(illustratively) .

. (31)

Codes of conduct, eight eights, for our welfare,

Shiva made ; but left them to our care,
O! rident faced, as You insisted,he did again,
A new praying method Panchadasee, for our gain.(31)

. .
(weight) .


. , .
, ,. , ,
. 64

(1) (2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(Fetakare) (8)- (9) (10) (11)- (12)
(13) (14) - (15) (16) (17)
(18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
(23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
(29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34)
(35) (36) (37) (38) (39)
(40) (41) (42) (43) (44)
(45) (46) (47) (48) (49)
(50) (51) (52) (53) (54)
(55) (56) (57) (58) (59)
(60) (61) (62) (63) (64)

. .

. (32)

Siva, Sakthi, Kama, Kshithi, Ravi, Seethala

Kiranan,Smara, hamsa,Chakra, paraa, Maraa good far,
Also three other haraya muhreems sacred by far,
The fifteen letters of Sundari Manthra which has no par.(32)


, , , , , , , , ,
9 , 3 ,
15 /

:- ()




() () () (--) ()

() () ()

9 + 3 +

. . ()
. , ,
. .

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. , (scope)
, .





. .

. .

. (33)

Adding to one said before, kleem, hreem, heem the letters three,
With lotus beads ,the stoic great, offer ghee,
And chant, before fire, Sowbagya panchadasee,
From the trapping illusions the souls to free. (33)

! .


, ,
. .
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, .

. (34)

O! Goddess, as Your body is Bairava blissful,

Seems likeYou , Siva, it is wonderful,
One as body and the other its soul,You present,
It is oneness philosophy very pleasant. (34)


. 23 .
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? ,
, "

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- --




. (35)

Land,water, fire, air, sky and mind-Youre the six,

You become one with the world as they all mix,
To exhibit Yourself as the earth happy Bairava form,
You became His partner as an agreeable norm. (35)

, , , ,


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? .

. (36)

With a crore solar and lunar shine ,at left and right,

Are two Sakthis- Quality and non-quality, a rare sight,

One who obeys Him- the Agna dweller without desire,
Gets a place brighter than suns ,moons and fire. (36)



: (1-43-5)

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. , , .

(wisdom). .

. .



In Visuthi, He is a clear gem and firmament,

To obey You with Your consort goes benightment,
O! the originator of lightrays, You wipe out blackness,
So the world becomes Sakoram, that rejoices after darkness.(37)
-- --


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. () ,



. .

. (38)

From wisdom-lotus the honey sucker;

By making sound,of eighteen arts; the maker,
The liver in holy hearts; one that separates,
Defects and good, O! Sivasakthi swan, before You a devotee prostrates. (38)



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" "


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. ,

( 20)

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. " .
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. "

. (39)

The flame of Swathishtanam. Your Mate ,

The continuous glower,the burner of worlds great
Stands near You and Your cool graceful eye,
Puts out the fire spit out by His forehead eye.(39)

. .

. , .
. ,

:- , ,
. , ,


O! Blue cloud, with lightining and colourful bow,

The Dweller in the Chakra Manipooragam ,I know
The rain water from You is cool and hence,
Extinquishes His fire that burnt the cities once. (40)


. ?
. .
. ..

"Mercy seasons justice"
. .


. .
( ) .

. (41)

In the central Chakra, expressing feelings nine,

O! Dancer with samaya, Bairavi benign,
For the new creation that is going to come,
After the deluge , the first Parents Youll become. (41)



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. ?

; ; .
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? .

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( -2 )
( 21)

. .
" "
. .
. ()
. " "

, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
(glimpse) .
" .

. .

. (42)

Set with twelve suns as gems clear,

A bard who sings Your Matchless head gear,
Will think Your coloured lunar phase,
As a rainbow, above Your face. (42)



. .
. . , , ,
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. ?




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. .

. (43)

Like the Neydhal flower thick is Your hair,

It removes nescience that will impair,
Even the heavens sweet smelling flower rare,
Seeks Your hair to come and rest there(43)
. () .

. .
, .


. .

. .

. .
( -2 )
( 22)
. , .
. .

/ ,
, , ,



. (44)
Through the dividing line of Your hair, beauty flows,
It being, of the two parts, a prisoner close,
Like the rising sun, is the red powder dot,
Itll bring us prosperity and wealth a lot, (44)

. .


. .

. ?

. .
(body guards).
. .
? .

. (45)

Your lotus face is in smile all,

Pollens are teeth, curly hair , bees small,
His eyes ,fixed on You, are bigger of the same,
The real lotus goes down in shame. (45)

. .

? .

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? .


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. ?


. . .
( )
( -2 )
( 23)


. .

. "
response) .

. (46)

O! Your forehead is the crescent downward bent,

And on Your crown is the upward crescent,
As one joins them above and below,
He gets the full moon a good show.(46)
! .

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,,(), ,, ,,,, ,
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-- . ..

. (47)

Your eyebrow is for the bow, its arc,

As chord is Your eye long and dark,
Cupid holds it , His left hand conceals,
With His wrist and digits , its center ,one feels.(47)
! .
. .
. .


. .

? ?

. .

. ,

( )
( -2 )
( 24)

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, , .



. ,
. .

. (48)

Your right-eye the sun creates day light,

The left one , the moon,makes dark night ,
The third , golden and lotus like,
Makes those dawn and dust, pleasant alike.(48)
. . .
" "
. .

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. , , .
, .
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. ?
, . ?
. ? ,
. .



Broad, auspicious, matchless, graceful and fine,

Are Your long eyes that protect and shine,
Like the cities Visala, Kalyani, Ayodhya great,
Dhara,Avanti, Madura of the first rate,.(49)
! ,
, ( ),
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? .
. .

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. ?
, , ,
, ( ),
. , .
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? , ,
, ,
( )
( -2 )
( 25)
" "

", "

. ?



. (50)
Your ears wait for the nectar of poem-flowers nice,

Eager to enjoy the feelings nine are Your beatle -eyes ,

Of these two Your forehead eye become envious,
So its colour changes into red serious. (50)

. .

. .

, ,


Love, hatred,anger, fear, bravery, surprise,

Humour and mercy express Your lotus eyes,
Seeing Him, a sinner, Ganga,His snake and the eye third,
A friend and a devotee in order, its heard. (51)
! .
, ,
, ,


cremator) ,
, , ,
, ,

. ? .


. .
( )
( -2 )
( 26)

, .

. ?
.(diver's suit).
. .

. .


. (52)

Stretched upto ears, Your eyes like fish,

Are as arrows of Cupid helping to our wish,
As feathers , the hairs near Your ear,
Break Siva s silence and brings Him near.(52)
, .
. .
. ,
, .
" ; " .


. (53)

In the great flood disappear the gods three,

You require the three traits to bring back them free,
Those traits as white, black and red,
Seem to stay in Your salved eyes ,it s said. (53)
! .
, , .
, , ,
. , , ,



. (deluge)
. . ,
, .
. .

. .
, , .

. .

" . .

. .

. .

" ,

. ,
. .
( )
( -2 )
( 27)



. , ,
, , .
, ,

? .



The lines of Your eyes black, red and white,

Are the rivers which run east to west right,
The Ganges, the Yamuna and the Sona holy,
Ever to our weal and prosperity actively. (54)
! , ,
. ,
, .

, , .
, .
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. .

. ,

. (55)

Destroys all the worlds, Your one wink,

So sans lids are Your eyes I think,
To protect the created worlds wide.
O! great are they , I say with much pride. (55)

! .
. ?
. ;
, ,
, , ,
. , ,

( )
( -2 )
( 28)

, , ,

, ,

. .


That Your long eye sneaks into the ears,

The fish sans eyelids soon disappears,
Opening these petals of Kuvalai , the shine of your sight,
Sets out in the morn to return at night. (56)

! .
. .


. .


. !
. "


? ? .

. ?
. (57)

Let Your Kuvalai ajar eyes kind and long,

Purify and bless me who to the poor belong,
I, too, will gain, for the moon shines well,
Over, I Know, palace and woods as well. (57)

. .
. .



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, , , ,

, , , , ,
, , ,, ,,
, .

. .
, .
( )
( -2 )
( 29)

. .
(agreement) .
. .
, . .



. (58)

Between Your eye and ear, the cheek smooth,

Is Cupids bow that lures lives, a truth,

Crossing the ear there shines Your grace much,

It s like he, shooting his arrows to bewitch. (58)

, , , ,
, , ,


, , ,
. .

. ,
, ,
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(proportionate) ,
. ,
. ,

? (59)

The bright ear wares and on the cheek their reflection,

As car wheels Cupid wages a war of destruction,
Against the three eyed God in whose car,
As wheels, the moon and the sun are.(59)

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() .

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? , . .
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. ?
? ?
, .
. ,
? .



, .
( )
( -2 )
( 30)
, ,
, .

. ,
(layer) .

? , ?



. (60)
Sweeter are Your words than the honey best,
Goddess of wisdom drinks them with zest,
Then she nods Her head in merriment,
Her ear pendants seem to sound in agreement.(60)



, .
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, .



. ?


. (61)

Soft as bamboo, is Your smooth nose;

With pearls on it You graciously pose;
Via the left lunar pulse, out they come,
Well let it bless us to become.(61)

. .


. ,
, ( ) .
. .
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( )
. .
. .

(turning point).
( )
( -2 )
( 31)
, ,

, , ,
, ,


?) .

. (62)
Teeths are white and lips can be said,
To be like, if there be, coral fruit red,
Of its own , the fruit is not as such
All is by Your lip s favour very much.(62)
! .
. .

. .
. .
(glance) .
, .


. ,
, , , .
. .
( ) ,
. .
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. , ,
. .

. (63)

As moon ,Your smile, Sakoram will think,

Lot of light from the smile , itll drink,
So,from indigestion to get a cure,
It drinks , at night, the moon s light pure.(63)

! .

. .
. .

. .

. .
. ,,

. .
. sweet
. 37

. .
. .
" "
. ?.
. .

, ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, .
( )
( -2 )
( 32)

. .
() .
. .

. .
, , ,
() .
. .
. . .
. (synchronise)

. .
. .
. . .
? .
. .

. (64)
Red is Your tongue, like the flower,
Chant Your Consorts stories for ever.
Red becomes Vanis body,as she stays,
At its tip that emits red rays. (64)

! .


(contrast) .

, .
. .

. .

. , .
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. .



. (65)
Back from war,Guha, Indra and Hari stand,
Before You, each with His helmet, in hand,
Even as Sandesas boss is near, its true,
They get and taste the petal and nuts You chew.(65)

! , , ,

. ,
. .



. ,
. ?

( ) (objection)
. ?
, ,

( )
( -2 )
( 33)

. Migration of birds .
. . ,

. .



. (66)
As Vani on Her Veena will pleasantly play,
O! Queen of Mountain , what You praisingly say,
In sweeter voice stuns , makes Her wind up
And putting it in its cover pack up.(66)
! .

. .
. .
1.5 ()
. 24

. .


, ,, , , , ,

. (67)
Touched by Your fond father the king of mountain,
Raised by Your dear Consort, mercy fountain,
Is the handle of Your face-mirror the chin,
Proud to speak the wiper of our sin. (67)
( ) .
scanning .

. ?
. ,

. .
. .



. .
12 .

( )
( -2 )
( 34)
. .
. .


. , ,, ,, ,

. (69)

As Your Consort thrillingly embrace,

Your neck becomes the stem of Your lotus face,
The garland of pearls white and clear,

Seems a lotus reeper, dirt and sandal to smear.(68)


. ? .
. .
. ?
. .
. .
. .

, , .


. .
. .
. .



In Gathi, Geetha and Gama of music You are found,

Your three neck wrinkles remind Your holy strings around,
Also they stand for the three scales basic,

Which are the known frontiers of music.(69)

! , ,
. .
. , ,
. .

(--17, -12-6). ,
. .

/ .

, , .
: 6
. ()
- ) :

. ,

. ,
( )
( -2 )

( 35)


. (delicate)
. .
, ,
(charge hand over) .

, .

. (70)

Of the Creators five heads ,Siva pinched off one once,

To save the remaining of them hence,
O! Your hands like lotus stems He began to adore,
Your greatness by the rest of His mouths four.(70)
. .
. ,

. .
. . ,
, ,



, , ,

. , , ,
. .
. . .

. (71))

The lotus flower , red and white compound,

By the feet of Richess Goddess shines as one to astound,
More beautiful are Your brighter nails,
O! Your four hands one ever hails. (71)


. .

. .

. .
. ?

. .

. .
. .
. . .
, ., .

. :
Love came to Flora asking for a flower
That would of flowers be undisputed queen,
And Flora gave the lotus, 'rose-red' dyed,
And 'lily-white' - the queenliest flower that blows.
. ()


. , ,

( )
( -2 )
( 36)

. .
. .

" (40)
. .
. "

? ?
,, ,,


. .



. (72)

As your breast where Guha and Ganesh fed,

The latter rubs and feels His big head,
At this scene You laugh in great pleasure,
Let them bless us with wealth in great measure. (72)

, .

. .

, ?


. .

. . !
? !
? .



. (73)

Like ruby bowls, brimming with nectar,

With full of milk , Your breasts glitter,
Milk from them Muruga and Ganapathi still suck,
They remain as gods to bless us with luck.(73)

! .

. .
. ,

. (dispose)
( )
. .

, ,


. , , , ,
, , ,

( )
( -2 )
( 37)
' :


. ?

(formuala) .
. (
. .

. (74)

The necklace of pearls around Your neck,

Made out of Gajamugas skull with all reck,
By Your red lip becomes coloured the same,
As His, who burnt the three forts .fame.(74)

. ,, , ,
, ,


, ,

. .

(refraction) , .


, (75)

Your breast milk ,O Mother! is of that ilk,

As the flood of wisdom or the ocean of milk,
I, a little child of the south, drank,
To become a scholar of the highest rank. (75)

! .
. .



. ?




( )
( -2 )
( 38)
. ?

. , .
, .
? ?

. .

. , .
, ,, ,
, , , , , , ,
, , ,

. (76)

Love-Lord burnt by His forehead eye,

Jumped into Your navel-tank to reduce the heat high,
There rose up smoke as He began to sink,
That , as the hair around, great poets think. (76)

. .

:- .


. .

. .


( ) .



. (77)

Fearing that Your breasts will crush,

The dark, space in between, will rush
Down towards the beautiful navel-cave,
To stay as hair at Your hip,like the Yamuna wave.(77)

! .

" , "

. ?

. .
. ?


. .


. .

( )
( -2 )
( 39)


(network) .
(out of head quarters)
(field work)
. .
(Master Calculation)



. (78)

O! Your navel is the bed for the stem to lift,

The breasts, like lotus buds, swirl of the Ganges swift,
Cupids light-pit, his Rathis playing center,
The cave-front of Siva's longing look, to enter.(78)

. .
(bed) .
, ,
. .

? .
-- -- .

. .
. ,
-- --
. .



. (79)

Your waist, naturally, is a thin thread,

By Your heavy breasts itll break, its said,
Its a tree on the bank of a flooded river furious,
Let it bless us into a life glorious.(79)
! .
. .


. .
. .
. .

? .

. , ,
( )
( -2 )
( 40)

. .

. ? .
. .

. . ? .
? . ,
. . .

. .


. (80)

Thinking high of Your Consort,Your breasts like balls of gold,

Expand in excitement, and Love-Lord , it is told,
To protect Your waist from giving way, will bind,
By a strong climber of special kind.(80)
! .
( . )



, , ,

. .
. ,
. .
. ?


. .



You got Your loin the wide and healthy part,

Your father as a gift to impart
The big earth , that lower back, will conceal.

And makes it simple but keeps all in good weal.(81)

() . .

. .



. .



. .


. .
. .
. . .
. .


. .

( )
( -2 )
( 41)

, ,



(Lanes) .


. (82)

Fair are tuskers trunk and golden like plantain stem,

O! Your thighs will simply surpass them,
Down before Him You often kneel,
So, to cleave the white tusker s head, its like steel. (82)

. .
. .
? . .
. .



. ,

---- .
. .

. (83)

Your Consort as strong weapons to win,

You have leg as a case, the digits as arrows within,
Hard nail as the tip of an arrow;
On the crowns of Devas sharpened narrow.(83)

---. ? .
, .
. .

() .
-- ---- .
() ( )
, .

? .

. .
, ,
( )
( -2 )
( 42)
. .
. . . .
. , .
? ?
? ?
. .
. ?


(4) .
. .
. .

. (84)
Holy scriptures have on them your foot;
On me , the simpletons top, the latter You put,
Your coloured feet wet by the Ganges of His top;
By the gem on Haris crown , will shine non stop.(84)

! .


. .
() ,
. . .
'--' .

. , ' ', '
' ,
. - -- - . 108. .
( ); ( );( );
(); ( ); (); (
); ( ) .

. ? .
. .

. (85)

Cheer us O! Mother Your reddened feet,a pair,

Help us Here and There, furthering our welfare,
Their light contact blossoms the Karpaga tree rare,
Making even Your Mate to have an envious air.(85)

. , .


. .


. .


. ? .
. .
? . .
. .


. ,
( )
( -2 )
( 43)
" ,

-- -


. ..
. .
. .
. .
---- ?
- .
. . .
? .


. (86)

To have a contact of Your feet of great fame,

Inducingly He will call You by a wrong name;
Angered at this You kick His forehead eye,
Cupid has taken revenge the anklet will cry. (86)


. .
. .
, , ,

( .




nickname .
. ,
, ,
, .
(), ( ), , , ,

Your lotus feet wont shrink though its cold,

Bless one with unabated riches many fold,
The lotus on which Lakshmi stands will contract,
And lose its petals defeatedly in fact. (87)

! .

. .
, , , , ,

. ?
. .
, , ,

. ? .
. .
. .



( )
( -2 )
( 44)
. , ,

, ,

. .
, ,
. ,




? (88)

Mitigates pains and adds fame, the tip of Your foot;

On the granite grinder at Your wedding, put;

Softly and gently, by Him, a meaningful rite;
To compare it to the turtle shell, ist right?(88)



. , , , ,
, , ,, ,
, , , , , ,
, ,

. ,



, , , , , ,

. .


. ..
(7) .



From Your hands, like Karpaga leaves, fall mercy shower,

Let Your golden feet pour riches for the poor,
Your lunar feet-nails shrink the angels hands like flower,
The glow of them is hence superior for ever.(89)


, ,
(prestigious assets).
. , ,
. ,
. .

---- ..
, ,

. .


. .

. . , .

, , , , , , .
, , , , , , . , ,
, ?
? , ,
, , , .
. , , ,
, , , , , , ,
( )
( -2 )
( 45)
. .
. .
. -
. ()
-- --

? (90)

For the poor, the rich supplier are Your feet;

A bunch of karpaga flowers and a spring of nectar sweet;
Five senses and mind, as legs,two times three,
Let me drink honey in the form of a bee. (90)
.. .; .

, , , , , , , ,
. , , , ,,,,
. .


. , , .
, , ,
, ? .
. .


. , , , ,

. !

. (91)

O! Speckless Pure,Your beautiful gait,

To learn, the celestial swans wait,
Set with gems the anklets of Your feet are jingling,
They seem to teach them which are waiting. (91)


, , ,
. .
, , .
, .



. . .
. .
. . ?

. ,, .
. .
( )
( -2 )
( 46)
. ,
. .


. ,

. ,
. (92)

Brahma, Hari, Rudra and Eswara as servants four,

As the legs of Your cot stand and adore,
Your red colour, Sivas white dress to reflect,
Amorously and attractively, He seems all to respect.(92)

! , , ,

. . ,
. ,
. .
. , .
. . ,

. .
, ,
, , ,

. , , ,

. ?




, ,

. (93)

With rident face, curly hair,a gems twinkle,

Soft mind like the flower,fat lower back sans wrinkle,
Broad breasts and thin waist is Your mien,
As Sivas mercy, beyond mind and word, Youre I ween.(93)

! , , ,
, ,
, .


. .
. .
, , ,
, , , ,
. .
. .



. . ;.
. .



. .

. .
. .
. ,
( )
( -2 )
( 47)

. . .
, .

. .
. .

. . .


. (94)

In the moon light, like the clear water of an emerald tank,

With its speck as civet You the Frank;
In the camphor like rays, daily swim,
After Your bath, Brahma refills it to the brim. (94)
. .

. .
. , ,
. ?

. ,,


, , ,
. ?
. .


. (95)

You, Mate of Muppuran, to approach;

Impossible even for a winner of the senses which encroach;

Boldly the celestials were able to near,

Only the door, kept by Anima and sithi ,sans fear. (95)



. .
. .
. .

. .
. .

. ?
. .
. .

(deep devotion
sake) . , , ,
( )
( -2 )
( 48)

. ,
. .
(Split personility)'
. .
. .
. .
. .


. ?


. (96)

Praising Vani, a bard becomes Her kin;

Earning riches Lakshmis favour the genuine will win;
Barring Your Consort,You, to embrace;
Even to the tree, it s impossible in any case.(96)

" "

. . , , ,
, , ,



, ,

. (34)

, . ?
. -
. . ...
. ,


. (97)

Youre above the best,the gist of scriptures;

Also You are vani, Lakshmi and Sakthi, the three features,
You seem, also, as the fourth beyond word and mind,
O! Illusion and celestial Wonder of special kind.(97)
! . ,,
, ,
' , , , , ,
, ,
. . .
. .
, () .
. () .

. . .

. ,,
, .
. ,


. . climax
. ", , (vini,vidi,vici)
, ,
. .
( )
( -2 )
( 49)
, , ~ .
; ;
. ?
. ?
? ? , ?
? .
. ,

" "



. ? .

. ,
. ?
. .
; , ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
. . .

? ,
? (98)

The holy water of wisdom , when Ill drink?;

That which washes Your feet coloured pink;
The taste of petal and nuts chewed by Vani,when will it acquire?
That a dumb,to speak and sing will require. ((98)

. ..




? .

> (99)

The three gods , Your devotees excel with ease;

Three goddesses,by their piety, they please;
They disturb Cupids consort with a better beauty;
On this earth, in wisdom,they live with gaiety. (99)

! , ,
. .
, , ,

(production), ,

. .
. .


. (100

As the flame of burning camphor to the sun, the sky flame;

Like offering lunar stone water to the moon same;
As pleasing the big ocean with its own water;
To praise You, Your own words cater. (100)


. 27 .

. (27)

" ,
, .
! .
. , , ,
. .
. ?
. ,
, .
. .
, . ,


. .
. .

? .


. .


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