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June 6, 2016

Governor Bruce Rauner

Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Dear Governor Rauner,
Without funding that recognizes the needs of all of our states students, the majority of
school districts in Illinois will not be able to open their doors in the fall, and many others
will not be able to stay open for long. This is a disaster that plagues districts across
Illinois; it is not a Downstate vs. Chicago, or city vs. suburban issue, but rather a
statewide problem. And as superintendents of school districts whose students will suffer
the gravest consequences, it is our shared concern.
Illinois has the most regressive funding system in the country. We are not spending
enough to educate our students, and the way we spend the little money we do have is
inequitable by design - punishing low-income students, instead of supporting them.
The formula is broken. Yet despite collective agreement on this from across the state,
including your own acknowledgement of that fact, you continue to push a proposal that
puts more money into this worst-in-the-nation K-12 funding system in the same way.
We are profoundly disappointed in the decision to play politics with the state education
budget and pit school districts against each other in an unnecessary competition for
insufficient resources. We expect the Governor of the entire state to rise above political
games to put all of our childrens futures before politics. However, instead of suggesting
reforms that reflect the economic diversity of Illinois, your proposal continues to put a
greater burden on the districts supporting our most vulnerable students. In the face of the
many recent proposals to improve our states inequitable approach to education funding,
you put forward one that maintains the failed status quo of Illinois outdated funding

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As the leaders of school districts across the state, we are united in our efforts to ensure
public education in Illinois remains the great equalizer. The status quo is unacceptable
when the future of our children is at stake. As superintendents we stand united in saying
that Illinois can never fund its education system in the same way again and we urge you
to work with members of the General Assembly on a solution that fully and equitably
funds all of the districts in your state.
Dr. Carmen I. Ayala
Berwyn North SD 98

Dr. Jennifer Garrison

Sandoval CUSD 501

Dr. Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat

Peoria Public Schools

Dr. Donaldo R. Batiste

Waukegan Public Schools

Mike Gauch
Harrisburg CUSD 3

Dr. David Lett

Pana School District 8

Forrest Claypool
Chief Executive Officer
Chicago Public Schools

Jim Greenwald
Granite City SD 9

Ben Martindale
North Chicago Community

Dr. Jeff Craig

West Aurora SC 129

Mary Havis
Berwyn South SD 100

Dr. Greggory Fuerstenau

Taylorville CUSD3

Kristin Humphries
East Moline SD 37

Dr. Michael Popp

Aurora East USD 131
Rich Well
Vandalia CUSD 203

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