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1. Role of decomposers in the ecosystem?

- Decomposers are organisms (bacteria/fungi) that break down organic matter into
simple nutrients. If we didnt have decomposers, the world would run out of nutrients and
the dead carcasses of plants and animals would be found everywhere. Decomposers
are the worlds natural recyclers.
2. Examples of Decomposers

Bacteria, Fungi, Snails, worms, and some insects.

3. How can decomposers help with school waste and making P-Tech greener?
- Decomposers can help decompose the school's waste and make it into nutrients
for the world around us. If the school compiled its waste instead of throwing it into a
landfill, the food would decompose quicker than just sitting in the landfill for hundreds of
years. The compost would then be used to help grow the schools garden, making it
4. School Composing Program
- The school should have an on-site bin system. The school could get all the
leftover, compostable food items they have and separate it into compost bins along with
carbon sources so we could have mulch for our garden to flourish.
5. What can be decomposed in trash now?
- Paper products and leftover food. Plastic, Aluminum foil, and the such cannot be
decomposed, but can be recycled instead.

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