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Gabrielle Cruz

Maria Silva
November 24, 2015
Habits of Mind Essay
As a student athlete in the winter and spring, I showed Wellness throughout the entire
school year. I practice everyday of the school week for about 2 hours aside from the time spent
on game days. I work hard to maintain a healthy and fit body in and out of both seasons.
Dedicating so much of my time to sports, I also had to be good with Organization. I needed to
be able to balance my school/homework and sports in order to maintain good grades. Although I
was able to maintain a healthy body physically, I lacked proficiency in maintaining a healthy
mind. I found it hard to get to sleep at a reasonable time each night due to staying up doing
I would oftentimes not do some of my work because I was either tired, worn out, or just
lazy after a long day of school and sports. In History, I had a project that had a set due date and
the day before it was due I decided that I needed an extension because I felt overwhelmed with
everything else I had to complete. I showed Self-Advocacy by admitting to my teacher that it
was late to ask for an extension and that if I was required to receive a lower grade for the
assignment because it was late, I was the only one at fault. She did allow me the extension I
asked for and suggested that the next time I talk to her sooner. This goes back to Wellness and
Organization and how I lacked in these two habits of mind.
Also through sports I was able to show Community Engagement. By simply
participating on the Central Falls Lady Warriors teams, I was reaching out and engaging with the
Central Falls High School community. My softball coach had the entire team participating in

multiple drives such as bringing in peanut butter, canned goods, and school supplies to fill food
pantries or helping children receive the supplies they needed for school. Another event that she
held that allowed my team and I to engage with our community was a tournament in support of
Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of a past coachs wifes passing from cancer.
During the second semester, we gained a student teacher for U.S. History. Many of the
students thought that because she was new that it was okay for them to take advantage. I
exhibited Upstanderness by speaking to one of my friends who had decided to be rude to the
student teacher one day. I expressed to him that I was upset with him because we both knew that
he was better and smarter than that. His behavior and attitude seemed to have changed in a
positive way and without knowing she was listening, the student teacher thanked me for
speaking to him.
In the short time that we had the student teacher there was also a drop in participation
from students. Out of sympathy, I displayed Zest by participating as much as I could and trying
to engage others in the class. In other classes I tended to lack Zest. Im not one who typically
likes to participate when others arent participating because I dont want to seem like I know it
On the field trip to The Blue Hills earlier this year, I showed Creativity. I had to
reconsider ideas and solve problems by taking appropriate risks when we were hiking up the hill
as well as when we were finding our way back down. We almost got lost on our way back down
the hill but other students and I had to find a better pathway to get back to the Blue Hills
Museum. I also exhibited the habit of mind Grit on the field trip. Although it was cold and rocky
and I had a pain in my leg, I still managed to push myself to hike up the hill. I had to focus on the
ground in front of me to prevent myself from falling or getting hurt. Also, I wasnt going to give

up on a great opportunity to bond with my classmates despite the difficulties that may have
I am one who believes that I work better independently as opposed to with others. My
Collaboration skills are lacking because I like to take on tasks or projects on my own and lead
them in the direction that I want. Also, I feel as though I can typically be an impatient person
which doesnt usually allow things to work well in groups. Although I can be impatient, I am
able to be aware and understand the strengths and weaknesses of others. Ive exhibited Humility
and Integrity this year with a close friend of mine. After some time, I became aware of the
weaknesses that he had and was honest about how he could approach them. I stepped up and
offered to help him with any of his work and urged him to meet with his teachers so that he could
bring his grades back up.
Both my freshman year and this school year, I have never failed to be grateful for the
staff and other students at BACS. There is help everywhere I look at school and I always remind
myself and even others of the privilege we have to attend BACS. Although I may not always be
able to show my Gratitude, I always feel it within myself. One thing that I could work on
would, of course, be to show others my appreciation for them as opposed to just saying or feeling

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