Speakout Vocabulary Extra Advanced Unit 06

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6.1 Predictions

Complete the conversation with the phrases

in the box.
a thing of the past distant memory
is likely may well the days of
the signs are will be over
A: My grandmother used to farm the land
around here, but all thats a
for her now.
Its sad, really.
B: Yes, I guess that kind of life is
for most rural
families these days.
A: In fact, the growth of towns and cities
to mean the end of
village life altogether. Dont you think?
B: Hmm. The demand for new housing
result in fewer green
areas in future, but Im not sure itll end
village life completely. In fact
that more people are
moving to villages to escape city life.
A: Perhaps, but they still commute to and
from the city each day. They dont work the
land. I think 6
traditional village life 7
very soon.

6.2 Language

Prepositional phrases

Underline the correct alternatives.

1 Running the tap each time we brush our
teeth wastes by/on/in/out of average eight
litres of water.
2 If we dont make air pollution laws tougher,
we will continue to put our health
at/on/in/out of risk.
3 The number of polar bears has been
by/on/in/out of decline for a number of
4 We have to stop spending. Our household
finances are at/on/in/out of control.
5 The new taxation laws mean that
at/on/in/out of effect many people will
actually be poorer.
6 By/On/In/Out of law, large companies have
to publish their annual accounts.
7 I know you dont like my cooking, but you
can at/on/in/out of least pretend!
8 If we keep these terrible sales figures
by/on/in/out of sight of the boss, well be OK.

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 Im so happy that I got a promotion. Im under the moon!
2 Our opponents will be tough to beat so play well, but
under all have fun.
3 Youll never hit a good serve if youre on balance.
4 Dennis wont win the race now. Hes already over the pace.
5 That action film was ridiculous. The stunts were really in
the top.
6 Nothing illegal happens in this business. Its all over board.
7 Im sorry I cant come to your party. Im a little above the
weather today.
8 I booked the cruise because I was on the impression you
liked ships.

Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete

the sentences.
1 I wish I had the same
dnammoc of English
grammar as you do.
2 These documents are full of difficult,
calfiofi language.
sevenoffi language in
3 Theres no place for
the classroom, thank you!
4 Native English speakers should count themselves lucky
allbog language.
they speak a
rarerib between
5 There was a real language
me and locals when I was on holiday.
dayrevye language I
6 I tend to use the
speak with my friends with people in authority too.
7 You should
dnim oruy gualnage in the interview. You dont want to
make a bad impression.
8 Experts say over half the languages we speak now will be
deda before the end of the century.
Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 We didnt understand each other at all. We were talking
at diagonal purposes.
2 I wish Gemma would stop talking. I cant get a word in
3 She misunderstood. She got hold of the right end of
the stick.
4 Sorry. Could you repeat that? I didnt throw what you said.
5 This office party is so boring. Everyones just talking work.
6 That lecture was difficult to understand. I couldnt make
top or tail of it.
7 Im not sure I understood your point. Jump it by me one
more time.
8 Xi has le his room very untidy. He needs a great talking to.
9 To say that sports car is a little expensive is an
overstatement to say the least!
10 That presentation went on for hours. I thought she
would never get to the top.

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6.3 Trends

Complete the conversation with the correct words.

The first and last letter of each word is given.
A: Our action toys have stopped selling. Theyve
obviously 1l
t their a
to our customers.
B: Yeah, it looks like they were just a
d with the kids.
Popular one minute, not the next.
A: We need a new idea. Something which will
e the i
n of the next
generation of kids.
B: Maybe a retro toy which also 4s
d with parents.
A: We tried that with the puzzle cubes but they
never 5t
B: Well, the number of children with mobile devices
y. Could we
has 6r
do something in that area?
A: Great! We could design an app. If 7w
of m
h is positive the app could
become the 8l

Focus on in

Complete the spidergram with the phrases in the box.

fit in in moderation in a nutshell lock in
in two minds in aid of log into in tune
in danger of in decline settle in
in the public eye kick in give in
Phrasal verbs


Prepositional phrases

Match the phrases from Exercise 7 with their

meanings a)n).
a) be well-known/famous/in the media
b) agree/accept something you first opposed
c) in short
d) be accepted by others in a group
e) begin to feel happy or relaxed in a new situation
f) not too much
g) be uncertain or unable to make a decision
h) sing or play an instrument in the right key
i) reducing in number, amount
j) start to be effective
k) in order to help a charity
l) put your username and password into a web page
or app
m) prevent someone from leaving a room
n) at risk of
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
phrases from Exercise 7.
1 Im
about where to go
tonight. I fancy the cinema but Katys invited me
to her house.
missing the bus if we
2 Were
dont hurry up.
to your new
3 Once youve
job, Id love to meet up and hear all about it.
, like you.
4 I wish I could sing
I sound like a dying bird when I sing!
very well at
5 Ursulas not
university. She doesnt have much in common
with her classmates.
6 A: How was the concert?
, it was incredible!
7 Hopefully these tablets will
soon and get rid of this headache.
8 It must be horrible being
and having strangers come up to you all the time.
9 The opposition party tried to fight against
rising student fees, but in the end they
10 It was so embarrassing. Last night I
a public toilet and
couldnt get out!
11 You should eat chocolate
but I know thats easier said than done.
my email account.
12 I cant
I must have got the wrong password.
13 Runners are running the marathon
the Red Cross this year.
14 The number of white rhinos in the world is


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10 Use the clues to complete the

crossword with words and
phrases from Unit 6.








6 form of spoken communication
no longer in use (4, 8)
10 headed in the wrong direction
(3, 6)
13 have a conversation about one
thing but realise you are both
speaking about different things
(4, 2, 5, 8)
15 because it is important (3, 2, 9)
17 spread comments informally
through conversation rather
than official reports (4, 2, 5)
18 too old (4, 3, 4)
19 something you remember from
a long time ago (7, 6)

1 be cautious about the words you use so you dont cause offence (4, 4, 8)
2 a fashion that comes and goes in a short time period (7, 5)
3 definitely not guilty of doing anything wrong (5, 9)
4 become popular (4, 3)
5 something which is no longer present today (1, 5, 2, 3, 4)
7 form of spoken communication used all over the world (6, 8)
8 something that stops people of different languages from
communicating (8, 7)
9 when a person behaves according to his/her basic character (2, 6)
11 legally obliged to tell the truth because you swore on a religious
book (5, 4)
12 testing a product or process (2,5)
13 speak about work (4, 4)
14 not less than a particular number or level (2, 5)
. (8)
16 When Sophie speaks, I cant get a word in
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