Speakout Vocabulary Extra Advanced Unit 08

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8.1 Time expressions

Complete the text with the phrases in the box.

at regular intervals dated back to
for the foreseeable future in years to come
the outset was about to
Howard Carter was the famous archaeologist who,
in 1922, discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.
His own interest in ancient Egypt
1891 when, at the
age of 17, he was hired to sketch the findings of
other archaeologists. The outbreak of World War I
saw Carter leave Egypt and postpone his work
. However, aer the
war he was able to return and continue his
search for hidden tombs. He searched
over the next few
years, but with no success. With funding running
low, his explorations appeared to be in vain. Little
did he know that he 4
make a huge discovery. On November 4th 1922, a
flight of stairs was unearthed leading to a secret
door. From 5
knew that this was something special and that
people would look
back at that moment as one of the most important
ever in archaeology.


Put the words in italics in the correct order to

make proverbs.
1 When Beatrices husband is away on business its
a case of
of out out
mind of sight.
2 I always carry an umbrella.
sorry safe than better.
3 Ricky shouldnt be so critical of other peoples
diets when he eats so much fast food!
preach what you
practise, I say.
4 I love this photo of my grandmother.
a worth thousand a
picture is words.
5 Dont be so impatient.
in a day Rome wasnt built.
6 Its so nice to be back home again.
the is home the where is heart.

Find and correct the mistake in each proverb.

1 The post is here at last. Better now than never.
2 Stay out of trouble and keep your eye clean.
3 Jess laughed at my joke. Maybe I should strike
while the irons heavy and ask her out.
4 Use your words not your fists. Remember, the
pen is mightier than the stick.
5 If I get that promotion, I can buy a new car. But I
shouldnt count on my chickens.
6 I cant go out tonight, I have to finish this
assignment. All rest for the wicked!
7 Can I have some of your sweets? Aer all, return
and share alike.
8 A: Ive only got tea Im afraid, no coffee.
B: Thats OK. Beggars cant be deciders.
9 You can get a lot done in the morning. The eager
bird catches the worm.
10 Remember, start as you mean to go on. Put your
first foot forward.

8.2 Memories

Complete the conversation with the phrases

in the box.
back memories came flooding back
holds a lot of memories
one of my earliest memories
remember it vividly vague memory
A: Do you remember when we used to visit Sennen
Cove as children?
B: Er, no, I dont think so.
. We used to
A: Really? I 1
make these huge sandcastles and eat chocolate
ice cream.
B: Oh, now you mention it I have a
of it. Did we play in
the rock pools?
is of
A: Yes! Actually, 3
you crying because you got pinched by a crab!
Anyway, I went there last week with Sophie. As
soon as I smelled that sea air, the memories
. Its a lovely place.
It 5
for me but I guess
you were too young.
B: Maybe we can go together next time. See if it
for me too.
brings 6

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Match a beginning in A with a word in B and an
ending in C to make sentences.

1 Visiting Niagara Falls

was a once-

back remember.

2 I wish I could remember

his name. Its on the tip


my tongue.

3 That trip to Venice was a real



4 I cant for the life


my memory.

5 I remember my
graduation ceremony like


was yesterday.

6 The day my daughter was

born is etched



7 Im trying to think of a good

film, but nothing springs


a bit!

8 1999? Thats going


me remember
my old address.

1 Visiting Niagara Falls was a once-in-a-lifetime


8.3 Collocations with time

Complete each sentence with one word. The first

letter of each word is given.
1 Now my dads retired he has all the time in the
to do what he wants to do.
2 During the summer holiday you must have a lot of
time on your h
3 Are you always looking aer your family or do you
sometimes have time to y
4 I tend to play this game on my phone to help
the time when Im bored.
5 If we hurry up, well get there just i
time to see the fireworks.
6 Im glad we le early. Well arrive with time to
for time.
7 Im sorry, Im a bit p
Can we talk later?

Focus on have

Match the underlined phrases with their meanings

1 Shall we have the gang round for pizza
tomorrow night?
2 You enjoy your job and you earn a great salary.
You have the best of both worlds!
3 Ill have no hesitation in telling him what I think
of him if he speaks to me like that again.
4 I dont know anything about the barbecue on
Saturday but it has something to do with Laura.
5 Its my turn to choose what we watch. You cant
have your own way all the time.
6 You have an eye for interior design. You should
do it professionally.
7 Tomasz talked to his daughter about her
behaviour, but it had little effect.
8 Marketa has a high opinion of herself for
someone who hasnt been doing the job long.
9 Keep your nose out. It has nothing to do with you.
10 Ive heard of this singer but I dont know
anything about him.
11 When our business closed down, we had no
option but to sell our house.
12 My sister has a good ear for music and plays the
clarinet really well.
13 By the time the third comedian came on, Id
had enough. None of them were funny.
14 Do you have something against me? You dont
seem to like me at all.
a) thinks very well of
b) without pausing to think
c) have no choice
d) want something annoying to stop
e) have a reason to dislike (someone)
f) is none of your business
g) be good at hearing music
h) invite to your home
i) get what you want
j) is related to
k) be good at seeing things
l) to be aware of
m) have only a small amount of impact
n) have the benefits of two different situations

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Word search

Find words in the word

search that match the
meanings 120.



13 bad people dont have time to relax (proverb)

1 have a very clear recollection of a past event

14 come to your mind

2 did not remember at all

15 one chance in your life

3 imprecise, unclear memory

16 time le over

4 comes from a previous time

17 place where forgotten words are

5 spend minutes/hours/days

18 what happens to memories when you

remember them suddenly

6 the beginning

7 a little before the time

19 in the future
8 time to not focus on others

20 have no choice

9 behave yourself

10 going to happen very soon

11 preferable to spend time protecting yourself

from danger, than experiencing it

12 momentary failure of your memory

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