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Man 633

Weekly Assignment 1a: Jyske Case (Case #6, page: 572-590)

1- Read Chapters 1 and 2 very carefully, make sure that you understand the basic components
(customer gap and five provider gaps) of the GAP Model of Service Quality.
2- Read Jyske Case and try to respond to the following questions:
a. What is Jyske Banks new positioning or competitive differentiation strategy?
b. What changes did the bank make to get to its new position? What effect did these
changes have?
c. Analyze Jyske Banks success using the Service Quality Gaps Model found in Chapter
2. What are Jyske Banks strategies for closing the 5 gaps in the model?
d. In your opinion can Jyske Bank sustain its growth and success? Would you invest in
Jyske Bank?
3- Type your answers and upload your assignment to the Moodle page by the latest at 23:50 on

Monday, June. 06th.

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