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MVAC system of DHQC project at Akuregoda

Block 07

Operation procedure of staircase pressurization system

Main components of staircase pressurization system and their locations are shown in Table 1
below. This system is activated by a signal received from the firefighter smoke control panel
(which will be installed by fire detection system contractor). When the system is running,
pressure inside the stairwell need to be controlled so that the pressure does not exceed predefined value. To do that, an air release damper installed on the duct is opened by a signal taken
from the pressure sensor located inside the stairwell.
Table 1: Main components and locations

Main components



All levels and roof top level

Air Diffusers

All levels

Staircase pressurization fans

Roof top

Pressure sensor


Air relief damper

In the duct installed on roof top

Power panel and Manual Control Point

Roof top

Considerations for air relief damper operation

When the smoke management system operate, the pressure difference between the
stairwell and the accommodation area increases. Therefore the force required to open the

door also increases. As per the BS 5588-4 1998, that force should be limited to 100 N.
Pressure difference need to be maintained between stairwell and lobby is 50 Pa
When smoke management system for 6th floor operates, maximum pressure difference
between stairwell and lobby develops

Procedure to set the pressure for air relief damper

A control system incorporated with a pressure sensor is used to operate the air relief damper.
According to the pressure sensed by the pressure sensor, the air relief damper is controlled by the
control system. This will be operated in between two pre-defined pressures (between lower limit
(P1) and upper limit (P2))

AIP - IDAC Joint Venture


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MVAC system of DHQC project at Akuregoda

Block 07

The smoke management system for 6th floor is activated

The accommodation - lobby door is kept opened
The force required to open the stair lobby door is measured
When that force reaches 100 N, the pressure reading (upper limit - P2) of stairwell sensor
is noted
That pressure is taken as the set pressure to open the air relief damper
Note: Now the pressure inside the stairwell decreases, due to lack of air inflow.
When pressure reading inside the stairwell drops by 10 Pa from P2, the air relief damper
again operated to its closed position. This pressure is the lower limit (P1).

AIP - IDAC Joint Venture


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