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Human Rights

All found in the novel One day in the life of Ivan

Poor work conditions.

Article 23 ensures everybody has favorable work conditions, in the
novel the men work outdoors in the winter with only a thin coat and
boots. The conditions they work in are minimal seeing as there is no
safety precautions in place and they rarely have a break in the grueling
labour. Most days the men work from dawn till dusk doing hard physical
labour like building walls, cutting lumber, and setting foundation. All this
is done by hand with little to no tools. After they finish working the men
must wait in line for the guards to count every one of them. Even before
they are let out for work in the morning the men could need to strip out
of their clothes, in the middle of the winter standing outside while they
are searched.

Unfair Punishment.
Almost all the men in the book are POW(Prisoners of War) That were
sent to the gulags because they supposedly violated article 58. Article
58 in russian law is basically the law that states you will not spy or
report any information to the enemy. The men in the book almost
always were captured by germans and then managed to escape. Even
so the punishment of 10 years of hard labour is a bit excessive. Seeing
as the men rarely stood a fair trial and little to no evidence was ever
brought against them.

The Moscow center for prison reform

This is a non governmental organization that focuses its efforts to
promote a fair, effective and humane system of criminal justice and
punishment. It was founded in 1988 by former political prisoners. This
organization would have really got word out about the terrible working
conditions and possibly prevented so many innocent soldiers being sent
to gulags without a fair trial. This organization would be responsible for
helping prisoners already inside the gulag by possibly sending them
care packages in order to ensure they were well fed and had the
clothing they need to survive.

Amnesty international
This is a group with over 7 million members worldwide and focus human
rights. This group was founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson. This group
has launched several successful campaigns to change public opinion.
This group would most likely launch a campaign on the terrible work
conditions and food conditions inside the russian gulags if they were
still around today.

The russian research center of human

Located in Moscow, this organization hosts ten different human rights
organizations. The center was founded in 1992 by a number of human
rights activists that struggled to gain freedom in the soviet union. This
center along with the organizations it hosts try to establish good public
recognition of human rights and where their being violated in russia.
This group would bring the public's attention to the terrible conditions of
the gulags.

Human Rights watch

This is a organization that is non-governmental and non-profit. They are
always watching for Human rights infractions and attempting to help
the people they are affecting. They way they do this is to start
fundraisers in order to help get procedes and provide care packages to
the people in need. This organization along with bringing money to the
prisoners in gulags would also bring media coverage to the terrible
conditions they are

International Labour organization (ILO)

This organization accepts interns who are then assigned either to a field
office or one of the main offices. These interns will either deal with how
funds raised are used or if they are in the field offices they will use more
hands on techniques such as building wells for poor villages. This
company could help by offer proceeds to help the men in the gulags but
also they would have people in russia available to help the men in more
practical ways by delivering food and warm clothing. Also helping the
men once they are released

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