Su 16 Hernandez Syllabus

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Consumer Education

Course Code: YEHSC-0001-431

June 7th -June 28th, 2016 from 7:30am-12:50pm
Wabonsie High School
Mrs. Monica Hernandez
Course Description:
This one-semester course studies financial principals and consumer practices which promote
individual and family welfare. Topics include: career planning, budgeting, taxes, insurance,
housing, investments, buying techniques, product evaluation, and consumer resources. This
course fulfills the consumer education graduation requirement in most schools.
Attendance Policy:
A. No more than two days absence is acceptable. Students will not receive credit and no
refund will be given if more absences occur. Students may remain in the class and receive
an audit grade, but no grades for credit will be awarded.
B. Two tardies equals one absence. A student is considered tardy if he or she enters the
classroom after instruction has begun.
C. A tardy becomes an absence at 15 minutes. If a student arrives in class 20 minutes late,
he/she may remain in class but will be counted as an absent for the day.
D. Students who do not return to class after a break are counted as absent for the day.
E. Required textbooks must be purchased by the 2 nd day of class. Students without textbooks
on the second day of class will be marked tardy.
F. The High School Attendance Policy and Student Code of Conduct must be returned the 2 nd
day of class. Students who do not return these forms by the 2 nd day will be marked tardy.
G. Students under the age of 18 found possessing; using, and or distributing tobacco will be
sent home with an absence.
H. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Vacations, illnesses, sports competitions,
community service, church camps, etc. may be considered excused during the academic
school year but are not acceptable during an abbreviated summer school program.
I. If a student is enrolled in a class that requires a final, the final is given on the last day of
class only. If a student is absent for the final, COD cannot/will not provide an opportunity
to make up the final, nor will COD proctor the final at a later time. The grade recorded for
the final will be a zero (0) factored into the cumulative grade for the class.
Grading and Grade Report Policy:
1. Letter grades A through F are given for work accomplished in this class.
2. Grading scale: 90-100% =A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, 59 and below=F.
3. An audit grade can be requested from an instructor. Tests and quizzes will not be
mandatory. Once this request is made, a grade cannot be awarded.
4. A withdrawal grade is granted for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
5. Course credit may be given by a high school for successful completion of the course.
Students must check first with their guidance counselor to insure credit eligibility.
Grade reports are automatically sent to the high school reported at registration unless:
a. The students calls Registration to withdraw from the class prior to the end of the
class sessions, or
b. The student submits a Cancel Release of Grades form prior to the processing of
grades. This form cancels grades for all high school classes.
Progress Report:
A progress report will be sent home with students following the 5th and 10th day of class.
Student Conduct:

Every student must sign the Student Code of Conduct, which describes behaviors that are
unacceptable, including cheating, plagiarizing, smoking, use of illegal substances, physical
violence, etc., which may result in withdrawal from the course or school as well as the
Attendance Policy. Students using computers must also sign the Appropriate Use of Computer
Consumer Education and Economics, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2008.

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