Fill in The Blanks With One Word or Phrase From The List

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Fill in the blanks with one word or phrase from the list :

Politicians around the world are meeting to discuss ways in which to safeguard our environment. The message
is clear. Leaders in industry must find alternative ways to create energy, other than by the traditional burning
of such as coal. The laws governing the disposal of must be
rigorously enforced. Governments must support projects to reduce our dependency on oil,
and..must decrease our rainforests must be protected, not destroyed. Many farming
methods are also detrimental to our environment. Firstly, there is the ..of pesticides on
local.. If insects are killed to boost crop production, other creatures in the food chain risk
elimination too. Secondly, these chemicals pollute the produce and the soil that crops grow in. If more farmers
could be persuaded to use less intensive methods, .farming methods for example, and
consumers be persuaded to pay higher prices to support this move, agricultural dependency on poisonous
chemicals would decrease. As individuals, we can all help in a very practical way by
..materials such as glass, cans and paper. Collection bins such as
.and waste paper containers are becoming a more common sight, making it easier and
more convenient to sort recyclable household waste for reprocessing. Reducing our dependency on natural
resources, and on oil in particular, is vital. The increasing volume of traffic on our roads is one of the main
contributors to the .which is causing our planet to get warmer. We must all take
responsibility for the alarming .. that this has on the environment we live in.
Since the industrial revolution man has burned ever larger quantities of .., such as coal and then
oil, with the result that the composition of the atmosphere has started to change. Burning these
produces ..... such as carbon dioxide, which act in the atmosphere like glass in a
greenhouse and .. the heat of the sun this is known as the
. The overall global temperature has already begun to
.. Global is expected to lead to extreme ., with more frequent floods,
droughts and heat waves. No person, animal, bug or bird will be unaffected. In addition to . gases,
industrial processes produce . substances which can be virtually impossible to dispose of
safely. If these are buried in underground storage ., there is the danger that
they may leach into lakes and rivers, with serious ....-term effects on living organisms.
from industrial plants, such as sulphur, can also enter the atmosphere, where they can
cause the.of the ozone .. They may also fall back to earth as .
and destroy plants and trees and even buildings. Through .- the large scale cutting
down of trees- the ecosystems that allow species to survive are changed and the amount of land available for
. decreases. Some species are so reduced in number that they are in danger of . At
this stage they are known as species or species extinction or species on the
orof extinction. We are beginning to manipulate nature in new ways, without thought
for possible consequences. Technology now allows us to create strains of plants which are
to diseases and which can survive extremes of temperature or salinity. Experience
has shown that this process of .., in spite of the apparent advantages, can
be really dangerous. Many farming methods are also detrimental to our environment. If, by using pesticides,
insects are killed to .crop production, other creatures in the food risk elimination

Complete the following sentences :

Irrational use of natural resources leads to fuel
Air pollution can be reduced by reducing traffic, organizing car . and using public ..
To prevent plant and animal species from becoming extinct, it is necessary to found
The rainforests are called the green .of the planet.
Deforestationthe greenhouse effect because ...oxygen is produced.
Global warming leads to ..changes.
Deforestation heavily affects the structure of the .and it also causes soil
A smaller amount of .gases would pollute the air if .. were installed on factory
furnaces / stacks and ..pipes.
Education could help a lot in developing environmental .. in children.
We can slow down the greenhouse effect by burning fossils fuels, .more
trees to ..the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Fill in the gaps of the following table with the terms that are defined or explained :
All the plants and animals in a particular area and the way they are related to each
other and to the environment
The gradual warming of the air surrounding the Earth as a result of heat being trapped
due to air pollution
Gases, especially carbon dioxide and methane, that are thought to trap heat above the
Massive cutting down or burning down of trees
A forest in a tropical area where it rains a lot
A general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere
Animals and plants growing in natural conditions independent of people
The natural home of a plant or animal
A tall structure with blades that are blown round by the wind and produce power to
make electricity
Serious changes in weather
Rain which contains large amounts of toxic chemicals as a result of burning substances
such as coal and oil
A layer of air high above the Earth, which contains a lot of ozone, and which prevents
ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth
Steady decline in the total volume of ozone in the Earth's stratosphere
Planting trees on an area of land which has become bare or spoiled
Knowledge or understanding of environmental problems
Kind to the environment
Substances which were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of
years ago and are used to produce energy
Population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct
Industrial residues that pollute the environment
Something that is used by human labor or industry as the basis to create some product
or structure.
Huge increase in population
The process of turning used products into raw materials that can be used to make new

The situation when the energy sources are running out

Illegal hunting or fishing
Things that exist in nature and can be used by people
A large container into which people put empty bottles and other glass objects so that
the glass can be used again
A form of agriculture excluding or strictly limiting the use of manufactured fertilizers
and pesticides
An agricultural production system characterized by the heavy usage of pesticides and
chemical fertilizers
The contamination of water (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater) occurring
when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without
adequate treatment
Emissions of polluting gases from cars through exhaust pipes
A building where energy is produced
A piece of equipment that collects and uses the Suns energy to heat water or produce

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

If too many species.. out, it will upset the ecosystem.
A go B die C pass D get
If one company starts to show concern for the environment, then others will surely follow
A on B through C suit D up
The Giant Panda has been on the of extinction for many years.
A verge B border C margin D rim
It is hoped that more diseases may be.. through programmes of vaccination.
A cleared B eradicated C destroyed D removed
The problem needs to be urgently, otherwise it will be too late.
A checked B addressed C monitored D focused
Factory ..used to be one of the main causes of pollution.
A remissions B admissions C emissions D submissions
In remote communities it is important to.. food stocks before the winter sets in.
A refill B replenish C redo D return
In order to.stocks of fish to their previous levels, some governments have imposed fishing quotas.
A save B restore C regain D preserve
Green peace is an international group working for environmental causes.
A power B persuasion C patronage D pressure
Complete each sentence using an appropriate word formed from the word given in capitals.
I There are many. issues that have not yet been dealt with. (ENVIRONMENT)
2 If the problem of pollution is not solved, few people will remain. (AFFECT)
3 It is , the loss of so many trees, that worries me the most (FOREST)
4 The register of. species is under constant review. (DANGER)
5 Thousands of species still remain.. even today. (IDENTIFY)
6 Animals usually react when they are threatened by predators. (INSTINCT)
7 Many people are concerned about the of nature by scientists. (MANIPULATE)
9 As an optimist, I find it.. that life will cease to exist on this planet (CONCEIVE)
10 There is a great. of life forms in the depths of the ocean. (DIVERSE)
11 I think the of people actually listening to environmentalists is remote. (LIKE)
12 Those chemicals can affect the .systems of some organisms. (REPRODUCE)
13 Although there was a big appeal in the national press, most people remained
and ignored it. (RESPOND)
14 The question of whether they can actually do anything about pollution levels is

Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.
There are now many more wildlife protection organisations than there were in the past. significant
There has wildlife protection organizations.
If we do not get money from the government, we will be unable to continue with the research. funding
Without with the research.
The tiger would be extinct by now if governments had not forbidden people to hunt it.
Had .tiger-hunting, the tiger would be extinct by now.
Fill in the blanks with one word that fits in all three sentences :
A)This is a chemical whose .is not yet known or understood.
The new environmental regulations will come into..from May.
Turners paintings give an..of light.
B)There are very few pandas living in the ..nowadays.
Be creative ! Let your imagination run..
In this area nobody plants anything. Plants simply grow .
C)He had a lot of cash at his .
It is essential that they monitor the safe of nuclear waste.
Theres no car at my this week.
D) Parking restrictions came into ..last month.
The constitution remained in .for over 300 years before it was rewritten.
Although the law banning smoking from public places was brought into ..years ago, not many
people seem to observe it.
E) New regulations against poaching will .effect in a few days.
Responsible people should .action not wait for others to act on their behalf.
The government should .urgent measures against illegal deforestation.
People living in this city cannot ...the unhealthy living conditions
anymore. The issue of city pollution the last city council meeting and
the representatives of the environmental organizations tried to the mayor
.adopting some regulations that would force great polluting companies to install water and air
filters. The environmentalists reminded the mayor that if he was going to the citizens
again and do nothing about the cleanliness of the city and its surroundings, the citizens
would not..his indifference and incompetence and would definitely not vote for him
again. The mayor had already disappointed the citizens in the issue of house building. Doing something for the
preservation of the environment would be a way to ..the citizens
failing to keep the promises he had made during his election campaign. Furthermore, the representatives of all
political parties should ..their dissensions, find a way to ..and
work together for the benefit of the people.

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