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Business name: Willowell Foundation

Client contact:

Contact number: (802) 453-6195
Due date for completion: May 16th
Review date/s: May 5th & 9th
Budget: With an overall budget of >$500 each group gets around $170 to start. Note, this
is not set in stone. If one group needs less and another needs more, the money is allowed
to flow through the different products.
Required Materials For Products:
Outdoor Kitchen:

1-2 pallets
Rain barrel (have)
6 tiers minimum (have)
Hose of different lengths
Cheese cloth
5 minimum panels of wood. (sink panel at willowerll)
4 round posts
4 square posts
4 wheels
3-5 hooks
1 Stackable plastic bin

Picnic Table:
Around $180 for everything.

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Pizza Oven:
The Layers in order (from bottom to top)

Wine bottles
Cover the wine bottles with Wet sand so it makes a insulation layer
Bricks (what kind?)
Build a dome with wet sand.
Cover the dome of sand with damp n
Then add the cob

Materials and tools we will need

Wheelbarrows (have)
Shovels (Have)
Cob which includes
Water (have)
Dirt (have)
Large stones for the base (have)
Newspaper (have)
Empty wine bottles (have)
7 x 7 shelter for oven

Product/service/brand name: Willowell Outdoor Kitchen

Key objectives: To allow Willowell to prepare meals for their programs.
Marketing objectives and target audience:
Willowell has a mix of pre-schoolers to teenagers, and a given number of 20 kids on the
build site at once, with over 500 children yearly. This project also needs to cater to
Willowell staff who are on site regularly. It will be key to make things reachable for the
younger kids on site, and also make sure adults and teens enjoy everything as well. This
document will be how we deliver our ideas to Willowell for approval and feedback, this is
how we market our ideas and plans. All designs should fit with the style of the site, and
have a rustic and outdoor natural feel and look.

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Regulatory issues: (note any regulations which will impact the design e.g. product
labelling laws.)
Height of shelter

A lower shelter height (ceiling to floor) is required for colder climates to

minimise the internal volume that requires heating. In warmer climates an extended
shelter can be established for food prep, cooking and sleeping.
Hole for pizza oven

Adequate protection shall be provided to protect employees - installation of

protective barricades
- Excavation of land that is greater than 4 feet must be registered and the
employer must have a permit.
- There is no permit necessary for excavation on private property, outside the

To lower your risk of getting sick, consider using rainwater only for uses such

as watering plants that you dont eat, washing items that are not used for cooking or
eating. If possible, avoid using rainwater for drinking, cooking, brushing your teeth,
or rinsing or watering plants that you intend to eat.
- The rain water may be boiled to remove the impurities but it is still not
guaranteed to remove all germs and diseases.

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Scope: (detailed list of everything this project is expected to deliver.)

3 picnic tables:
Tables and seating will be restored and some additions added. We will be creating two
tables and restoring one. We will also make 2 detachable benches.
1 cooking station:
1 wood fire pizza oven
10-15 tire chairs
Not in scope: (use this section to specify design elements that are out of scope e.g. if
you're completing a web design project but dont want an email newsletter.)
The kitchen will not have well water or electricity. It will not be designed for four-season
use, due to the lack of walls. While the kitchen will make use of reclaimed rainwater, it will
not be drinkable.
The pizza oven can not be made with bricks as they are out of the price range. Natural
materials like sand, and rocks on site will be used in place of that.
Purpose and function:
Seating Area:
The seating area will come in the form of picnic tables. These tables will
serve as an area for students and instructors to sit and eat. The number of picnic
tables will depend on how our budget will be distributed.
Outdoor Kitchen:
The outdoor kitchen will consist of a sink with running water (not drinkable) and a drain, a
table workspace, and dedicated storage space. The running water will come in the form
of captured rainwater, which can then be transferred to the sink faucet. The drain
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will feature a filter, to collect scraps, and will transport used water to a different
location. The table workspace will be on the same level as the sink, and will have
enough space for food preparation. The table will feature a back board with hooks
to hold various kitchen utilities. Beneath the workspace there will be an area to store
large plastic bins, which can then be used for storage. These bins will may be removed
and then transported elsewhere.
Pizza Oven:
The pizza oven we are constructing will act as an addition to the current pizza oven.
This new design will have the capacity to fit a 16 pizza through the opening, and cook two
16 pizzas concurrently, as opposed to the current oven, which fits one 14 pizza. This
oven will be constructed out of cob material, which can withstand fire.
Pizza Oven Shelter:
The pizza oven will be sheltered by a roof structure that will be added on next to the
existing structure. It will be a duplicate of the existing structure.
Tire Chairs:
The chairs will utilize the piles of tires that are scattered across Willowell- consisting
only of a tire base and a woven rope seat, they will be easy to build, easy to move around
for different seating configurations, and sturdy.

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Design Project plan: (list the project milestones, what is needed to complete them and
who is responsible.)

What do we need to do?

Who is responsible?

When do we X if
need to
complete it? ted

Toni, Shawn, Simon, Emily


Complete food prep area

Halle, Ben, Michelle


All pizza oven supplies


Joe, Kieran, Jim


Stone foundation complete

Joe, Kieran, Jim


Complete pizza oven

Joe, Kieran, Jim


Build shelter to cover pizza

Complete picnic tables and
Purchase supplies for food prep

Attachments: (provide anything you want to use e.g. existing logos, sketches of
prototypes, examples of designs or products (as benchmarks or comparison), or
competitors you need to stand out from. Ask the designer to specify requirements such as
minimum resolutions for samples to be used in the final design.)
Measures of success: To ensure the client is satisfied with the product on 5/5/16 we will
bring them our modeled prototypes, see what they like and what they would want different,
re design, repeat the process on 5/9/16. To conclude,we produce a product that fits within

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the criteria they requested by the date of 5/16/16. If they are happy with what we have
produced, that will make this a successful Service Learning Term.

Specific Criteria For Products:

Outdoor Kitchen:

Running water (via rain water, so not potable for drinking but fine for washing hands

and rinsing veggies)

Food prep workspace
Back board with hooks
Sits nicely on the ground, does not move around when using
Easy to put away, and wheel about.
Fits with the atmosphere of the site.

Picnic Table/Shelter/Seating:

Height appropriate for all users

Can handle all weather
Can have food on it

Pizza Oven:

Bigger than the one they have now. Which means bigger opening to cook the pizza

and longer to be able to cook more than 1 pizza.

Similar structure to the original oven (dome shaped oven made of cob material)
Safe to use, fire is contained.
Does not crack when the weather gets cold or warm
We are following this guide and using consultants from New Village Farm and the
Lake Champlain Waldorf School.

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Measurements for Kitchen Sink

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Full Design for the sink and counter:

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