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Chemistry Catastrophe

Student #1- Dara Riddick

Student #2- Vani Sharma
(Two plain chairs sit in an office. Two students enter the screen and sit down
in the chairs)
Secretary: Wait here and the vice Principal will call you in soon (voice over)
(They sit in silence. The first student is visibly agitated and keeps glancing
towards the other angrily. The second student is bored and playing on a
cellphone. The first student keeps glancing towards the other like she wants
to say something. Finally the first student speaks.)
Student # 1: (angrily) I cannot believe you did that!
Student #2: (relaxed) Will you just relax? (Lean back in chair)
Student #1: (frustrated and gradually growing angrier) No, I will not relax.
You said a small fire. That was not a small fire!
Student #2: Well it depends on your definition of small.
Student #1: (takes a deep breath as if trying to control their anger) A Bunsen
burner flame is small! That fire that Ms. Butler put out with the extinguisher
is not small.
Student #2: Well compared to a house fire, Id say it was tiny (Calmly)
Student #1: Youve got to be kidding me. (Places head in hands)
Student #2: Hey calm down. As long as we dont say anything they cant
prove it was us. Innocent until proven guilty.
Student #1: (Glares at Student #2) an entire class of witnesses saw us!
Student #2: Yes but its possible that they were all hallucinating due to
inhalation of smoke.
Student#1: Smoke! From a fire! That you set! This is all wrong. I didnt want
to work with you anyway. All I wanted was to just finish the lab. Oh my god,
you dont think theyll call the police. They cant call the police! If they call
the police, Ill get a criminal record and never go to University and never get
a job and Ill end up homeless and starving and it will be all because I got an
idiot as a lab partner. (Hysterical, slowly becoming more and more

Student #2: Wow Will you please just calm down I mean I know its your
fault but. (Interrupted)
Student #1: (interrupting other student) MY fault? How is this my fault?
(Hysterical and angry)
Student #2: I mean you did tell me to go ahead and do whatever I wanted.
(Shrugs shoulders)
Student #1: Within reason!! I didnt think you were idiotic enough to start a
fire!! I thought there was a couple brain cells in your head, my bad.
Student#2: Rude (in an offended tone)
Student #1: Well Im sorry if being nice is not exactly high on my list of
priorities right now!
Student #2: Well you know whats not high on my list right now? Listen to
you complain like a 3 year old.
Student #1: I am not complaining!
Student #2: Are too
Student #1: Am not
Student #2: Are too
Student #1: Am not
Student #2: You totally are
Student #1: Am not
(As they argue, the students are getting louder and louder.)
Vice principal: (Interrupting the two students) If you two are done, Dara,
youre up first. (Voiceover)
(Students stop talking, turn their heads and glare in opposite directions.
They turn back and glare at each other before Student #1 gets up and walks
out of view. Student #2 remains seated.)

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